check iptables chain policy is drop

binhex 6 years ago
parent f38d93ff60
commit 6bef741324

@ -153,6 +153,9 @@ if [[ $VPN_ENABLED == "yes" ]]; then
# force removal of mac os resource fork files in ovpn folder
rm -rf /config/openvpn/._*.ovpn
# remove temporary file from previous run, used to confirm all iptables chain policies are set to drop
rm -f /tmp/checkiptables || true
# wildcard search for openvpn config files (match on first result)
export VPN_CONFIG=$(find /config/openvpn -maxdepth 1 -name "*.ovpn" -print -quit)

@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ while true; do
# forcibly set allow anonymous access from localhost to api (used to change incoming port)
sed -i 's~^WebUI\\LocalHostAuth=.*~WebUI\\LocalHostAuth=false~g' "${qbittorrent_config}"
# run script to check iptables chain policy is in place (will block until configured)
source /home/nobody/
# run script to check ip is valid for tunnel device (will block until valid)
source /home/nobody/

@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ iptables -A OUTPUT -o "${VPN_DEVICE_TYPE}" -j ACCEPT
echo "[info] iptables defined as follows..."
echo "--------------------"
iptables -S
iptables -S 2>&1 | tee /tmp/checkiptables
echo "--------------------"
# change iptable 'tcp' to openvpn config compatible 'tcp-client' (this file is sourced)
