@ -26,12 +26,21 @@ fi
docker_network_cidr=$(ipcalc "${docker_ip}" "${docker_mask}" | grep -P -o -m 1 "(?<=Network:)\s+[^\s]+")
docker_network_cidr=$(ipcalc "${docker_ip}" "${docker_mask}" | grep -P -o -m 1 "(?<=Network:)\s+[^\s]+")
echo "[info] Docker network defined as ${docker_network_cidr}"
echo "[info] Docker network defined as ${docker_network_cidr}"
# ip route
# split comma separated string into list from LAN_NETWORK env variable
# split comma separated string into list from LAN_NETWORK env variable
IFS=',' read -ra lan_network_list <<< "${LAN_NETWORK}"
IFS=',' read -ra lan_network_list <<< "${LAN_NETWORK}"
# split comma separated string into array from VPN_REMOTE_PORT env var
IFS=',' read -ra vpn_remote_port_list <<< "${VPN_REMOTE_PORT}"
# split comma separated string into array for tcp and udp protocols (both required)
IFS=',' read -ra vpn_remote_endpoint_protocol_list <<< "tcp,udp"
# split comma separated string into list from ADDITIONAL_PORTS env variable
IFS=',' read -ra additional_port_list <<< "${ADDITIONAL_PORTS}"
# ip route
# process lan networks in the list
# process lan networks in the list
for lan_network_item in "${lan_network_list[@]}"; do
for lan_network_item in "${lan_network_list[@]}"; do
@ -71,9 +80,6 @@ if [[ "${iptable_mangle_exit_code}" == 0 ]]; then
# split comma separated string into array for tcp and udp protocols (both required)
IFS=',' read -ra vpn_remote_endpoint_protocol_list <<< "tcp,udp"
# input iptable rules
# input iptable rules
@ -108,9 +114,6 @@ iptables -A INPUT -i "${docker_interface}" -p tcp --sport "${WEBUI_PORT}" -j ACC
# additional port list for scripts or container linking
# additional port list for scripts or container linking
if [[ ! -z "${ADDITIONAL_PORTS}" ]]; then
if [[ ! -z "${ADDITIONAL_PORTS}" ]]; then
# split comma separated string into list from ADDITIONAL_PORTS env variable
IFS=',' read -ra additional_port_list <<< "${ADDITIONAL_PORTS}"
# process additional ports in the list
# process additional ports in the list
for additional_port_item in "${additional_port_list[@]}"; do
for additional_port_item in "${additional_port_list[@]}"; do
@ -205,9 +208,6 @@ iptables -A OUTPUT -o "${docker_interface}" -p tcp --sport "${WEBUI_PORT}" -j AC
# additional port list for scripts or container linking
# additional port list for scripts or container linking
if [[ ! -z "${ADDITIONAL_PORTS}" ]]; then
if [[ ! -z "${ADDITIONAL_PORTS}" ]]; then
# split comma separated string into list from ADDITIONAL_PORTS env variable
IFS=',' read -ra additional_port_list <<< "${ADDITIONAL_PORTS}"
# process additional ports in the list
# process additional ports in the list
for additional_port_item in "${additional_port_list[@]}"; do
for additional_port_item in "${additional_port_list[@]}"; do