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Markdown Extension Examples

This page demonstrates some of the built-in markdown extensions provided by VitePress.

Syntax Highlighting

VitePress provides Syntax Highlighting powered by Shikiji, with additional features like line-highlighting:


export default {
  data () {
    return {
      msg: 'Highlighted!'


export default {
  data () {
    return {
      msg: 'Highlighted!'

Custom Containers


::: info
This is an info box.

::: tip
This is a tip.

::: warning
This is a warning.

::: danger
This is a dangerous warning.

::: details
This is a details block.


::: info This is an info box. :::

::: tip This is a tip. :::

::: warning This is a warning. :::

::: danger This is a dangerous warning. :::

::: details This is a details block. :::


Check out the documentation for the full list of markdown extensions.