@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ import operator
from subliminal import core
from subliminal_patch import search_external_subtitles
from subzero . language import Language
from bs4 import UnicodeDammit
import six
from binaryornot . check import is_binary
from get_args import args
from database import database
@ -27,6 +25,7 @@ from helper import path_replace, path_replace_movie, path_replace_reverse, \
from queueconfig import notifications
from embedded_subs_reader import embedded_subs_reader
import six
import chardet
gc . enable ( )
@ -367,25 +366,29 @@ def guess_external_subtitles(dest_folder, subtitles):
subtitle_path = os . path . join ( dest_folder , subtitle )
if os . path . exists ( subtitle_path ) and os . path . splitext ( subtitle_path ) [ 1 ] in core . SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS :
logging . debug ( " BAZARR falling back to file content analysis to detect language. " )
if is_binary ( subtitle_path ) :
logging . debug ( " BAZARR subtitles file doesn ' t seems to be text based. Skipping this file: " +
detected_language = None
# to improve performance, skip detection of files larger that 5M
if os . path . getsize ( subtitle_path ) > 5 * 1024 * 1024 :
logging . debug ( " BAZARR subtitles file is too large to be text based. Skipping this file: " +
subtitle_path )
detected_language = None
if six . PY3 :
with open ( subtitle_path , ' r ' , errors = ' ignore ' ) as f :
text = f . read ( )
else :
with open ( subtitle_path , ' r ' ) as f :
with open ( subtitle_path , ' rb ' ) as f :
text = f . read ( )
try :
encoding = UnicodeDammit ( text )
if six . PY2 :
text = text . decode ( encoding . original_encoding )
# to improve performance, use only the first 8K to detect encoding
if len ( text ) > 8192 : guess = chardet . detect ( text [ : 8192 ] )
else : guess = chardet . detect ( text )
if guess [ " confidence " ] < 0.8 :
raise UnicodeError
text = text . decode ( guess [ " encoding " ] )
detected_language = guess_language ( text )
except Exception as e :
except UnicodeError :
logging . exception ( " BAZARR subtitles file doesn ' t seems to be text based. Skipping this file: " +
subtitle_path )
except :
logging . exception ( ' BAZARR Error trying to detect language for this subtitles file: ' +
subtitle_path + ' You should try to delete this subtitles file manually and ask '
' Bazarr to download it again. ' )