@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import io
import os
import re
import zipfile
from time import sleep
from requests . exceptions import HTTPError
import rarfile
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ from subliminal.video import Episode, Movie
from subliminal_patch . exceptions import TooManyRequests , IPAddressBlocked
from subliminal_patch . http import RetryingCFSession
from subliminal_patch . providers import Provider
from subliminal_patch . score import get_scores
from subliminal_patch . score import get_scores , framerate_equal
from subliminal_patch . subtitle import Subtitle
from subzero . language import Language
from dogpile . cache . api import NO_VALUE
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ class LegendasdivxSubtitle(Subtitle):
""" Legendasdivx Subtitle. """
provider_name = ' legendasdivx '
def __init__ ( self , language , video , data ):
def __init__ ( self , language , video , data , skip_wrong_fps = True ):
super ( LegendasdivxSubtitle , self ) . __init__ ( language )
self . language = language
self . page_link = data [ ' link ' ]
@ -37,8 +38,11 @@ class LegendasdivxSubtitle(Subtitle):
self . exact_match = data [ ' exact_match ' ]
self . description = data [ ' description ' ]
self . video = video
self . sub_frame_rate = data [ ' frame_rate ' ]
self . video_filename = data [ ' video_filename ' ]
self . uploader = data [ ' uploader ' ]
self . wrong_fps = False
self . skip_wrong_fps = skip_wrong_fps
def id ( self ) :
@ -51,6 +55,23 @@ class LegendasdivxSubtitle(Subtitle):
def get_matches ( self , video ) :
matches = set ( )
# if skip_wrong_fps = True no point to continue if they don't match
subtitle_fps = None
try :
subtitle_fps = float ( self . sub_frame_rate )
except ValueError :
# check fps match and skip based on configuration
if video . fps and subtitle_fps and not framerate_equal ( video . fps , subtitle_fps ) :
self . wrong_fps = True
if self . skip_wrong_fps :
logger . debug ( " Legendasdivx :: Skipping subtitle due to FPS mismatch (expected: %s , got: %s ) " , video . fps , self . sub_frame_rate )
# not a single match :)
return set ( )
logger . debug ( " Legendasdivx :: Frame rate mismatch (expected: %s , got: %s , but continuing...) " , video . fps , self . sub_frame_rate )
description = sanitize ( self . description )
if sanitize ( self . video_filename ) in description :
@ -109,8 +130,6 @@ class LegendasdivxSubtitle(Subtitle):
matches . update ( [ ' video_codec ' ] )
# running guessit on a huge description may break guessit
# matches |= guess_matches(video, guessit(self.description))
return matches
class LegendasdivxProvider ( Provider ) :
@ -122,21 +141,19 @@ class LegendasdivxProvider(Provider):
' User-Agent ' : os . environ . get ( " SZ_USER_AGENT " , " Sub-Zero/2 " ) ,
' Accept ' : ' text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8 ' ,
' Origin ' : ' https://www.legendasdivx.pt ' ,
' Referer ' : ' https://www.legendasdivx.pt ' ,
' Pragma ' : ' no-cache ' ,
' Cache-Control ' : ' no-cache '
' Referer ' : ' https://www.legendasdivx.pt '
loginpage = site + ' /forum/ucp.php?mode=login '
logoutpage = site + ' /sair.php '
searchurl = site + ' /modules.php?name=Downloads&file=jz&d_op=search&op=_jz00&query= {query} '
download_link = site + ' /modules.php {link} '
def __init__ ( self , username , password ):
def __init__ ( self , username , password , skip_wrong_fps = True ):
# make sure login credentials are configured.
if any ( ( username , password ) ) and not all ( ( username , password ) ) :
raise ConfigurationError ( ' Legendasdivx.pt :: Username and password must be specified ' )
self . username = username
self . password = password
self . skip_wrong_fps = skip_wrong_fps
def initialize ( self ) :
logger . info ( " Legendasdivx.pt :: Creating session for requests " )
@ -201,7 +218,6 @@ class LegendasdivxProvider(Provider):
logger . error ( " LegendasDivx.pt :: Uncaught error: %r " , e )
raise ServiceUnavailable ( " LegendasDivx.pt :: Uncaught error: %r " , e )
def _process_page ( self , video , bsoup , video_filename ) :
subtitles = [ ]
@ -210,17 +226,20 @@ class LegendasdivxProvider(Provider):
for _subbox in _allsubs :
hits = 0
for th in _subbox . findAll ( " th " , { " class " : " color2 " } ):
for th in _subbox . findAll ( " th " ):
if th . text == ' Hits: ' :
hits = int ( th . parent. find( " td " ) . text )
hits = int ( th . find_next ( " td " ) . text )
if th . text == ' Idioma: ' :
lang = th . parent. find( " td " ) . find ( " img " ) . get ( ' src ' )
lang = th . find_next ( " td " ) . find ( " img " ) . get ( ' src ' )
if ' brazil ' in lang . lower ( ) :
lang = Language . fromopensubtitles ( ' pob ' )
elif ' portugal ' in lang . lower ( ) :
lang = Language . fromopensubtitles ( ' por ' )
else :
if th . text == " Frame Rate: " :
frame_rate = th . find_next ( " td " ) . text . strip ( )
# get description for matches
description = _subbox . find ( " td " , { " class " : " td_desc brd_up " } ) . get_text ( )
#get subtitle link
@ -245,11 +264,12 @@ class LegendasdivxProvider(Provider):
' exact_match ' : exact_match ,
' hits ' : hits ,
' uploader ' : uploader ,
' frame_rate ' : frame_rate ,
' video_filename ' : video_filename ,
' description ' : description
subtitles . append (
LegendasdivxSubtitle ( lang , video , data )
LegendasdivxSubtitle ( lang , video , data , skip_wrong_fps = self . skip_wrong_fps )
return subtitles
@ -281,15 +301,23 @@ class LegendasdivxProvider(Provider):
querytext = querytext + lang_filter if lang_filter else querytext
self . headers [ ' Referer ' ] = self . site + ' /index.php '
self . session . headers . update ( self . headers . items ( ) )
res = self . session . get ( _searchurl . format ( query = querytext ) )
try :
# sleep for a 1 second before another request
sleep ( 1 )
self . headers [ ' Referer ' ] = self . site + ' /index.php '
self . session . headers . update ( self . headers )
res = self . session . get ( _searchurl . format ( query = querytext ) , allow_redirects = False )
res . raise_for_status ( )
if ( res and " A legenda não foi encontrada " in res . text ) :
if ( res . status_code == 200 and " A legenda não foi encontrada " in res . text ) :
logger . warning ( ' Legendasdivx.pt :: %s not found ' , querytext )
return [ ]
if res . status_code == 302 : # got redirected to login page.
# Seems that our session cookies are no longer valid... clean them from cache
region . delete ( " legendasdivx_cookies2 " )
logger . debug ( " Legendasdivx.pt :: Logging in again. Cookies have expired! " )
self . login ( ) # login and try again
res = self . session . get ( _searchurl . format ( query = querytext ) )
res . raise_for_status ( )
except HTTPError as e :
if " bloqueado " in res . text . lower ( ) : # ip blocked on server
logger . error ( " LegendasDivx.pt :: Your IP is blocked on this server. " )
@ -322,6 +350,7 @@ class LegendasdivxProvider(Provider):
# more pages?
if num_pages > 1 :
for num_page in range ( 2 , num_pages + 1 ) :
sleep ( 1 ) # another 1 sec before requesting...
_search_next = self . searchurl . format ( query = querytext ) + " &page= {0} " . format ( str ( num_page ) )
logger . debug ( " Legendasdivx.pt :: Moving on to next page: %s " , _search_next )
res = self . session . get ( _search_next )