You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

v1.2.0 - 9th May, 2015

New Features

  • Disable nodes, allow a tree node to disabled (not selectable, expandable or checkable)

    • Added node state property disabled to set a node initial state

    • Methods disableAll, disableNode, enableAll, enableNode and toggleNodeDisabled added to control state programmatically

    • Events nodeDisabled and nodeEnabled

  • Checkable nodes, allows a tree node to be checked or unchecked.

    • Added node state property checked to set a node initial state

    • Pass option {showCheckbox: true} to initialize tree view with checkboxes

    • Use options checkedIcon and uncheckedIcon to configure checkbox icons

    • Methods checkAll, checkNode, uncheckAll, uncheckNode and toggleNodeChecked to control state programmatically

    • Events nodeChecked and nodeUnchecked

  • New option + node property selectedIcon to support displaying different icons when a node is selected.

  • New search option { revealResults : true | false } which when set to true will automatically expand the tree view to reveal matching nodes

  • New method revealNode which expands the tree view to reveal a given node

  • New methods to retrieve nodes by state : getSelected, getUnselected, getExpanded, getCollapsed, getChecked, getUnchecked, getDisabled and getEnabled


  • Removed nodeIcon by default, by popular demand. Use {nodeIcon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-stop'} in initial options to add a node icon.

  • Search behaviour, by default search will the expand tree view and reveal results. Alternatively pass {revealResults:false}

  • Method collapseNode accepts new option { ignoreChildren: true | false }. The default is false, passing true will leave child nodes uncollapsed

Bug Fixes

  • Remove unnecessary render in clearSearch when called from search

  • Child nodes should collapse by default on collapseNode

  • Incorrect expand collapse icon displayed when nodes array is empty

v1.1.0 - 29th March, 2015

New Features

  • Added node state properties expanded and selected so a node's intial state can be set

  • New get methods getNode, getParent and getSiblings for retrieving nodes and their immediate relations

  • New select methods selectNode, unselectNode and toggleNodeSelected

  • Adding nodeUnselected event

  • New global option multiSelect which allows multiple nodes to hold the selected state, default is false

  • New expand collapse methods expandAll, collapseAll, expandNode, collapseNode and toggleNodeExpanded

  • Adding events nodeExpanded and nodeCollapsed

  • New methods search and clearSearch which allow you to query the tree view for nodes based on a text value

  • Adding events searchComplete and searchCleared

  • New global options highlightSearchResults, searchResultColor and searchResultBackColor for configuring how search results are displayed

v1.0.2 - 6th February, 2015


  • jQuery dependency version updated in Bower

Bug Fixes

  • Events not unbound when re-initialised

  • CSS selectors too general, affecting other page elements