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<h3 class="d-none d-sm-block mb-3 text-center">
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
<mat-card class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>What is Ghostfolio?</mat-card-title>
Ghostfolio is a lightweight, open source wealth management application
for individuals to keep track of their net worth. The software
empowers you to make solid, data-driven investment decisions.
<mat-card class="mb-3">
>What assets can I track with Ghostfolio?</mat-card-title
With Ghostfolio, you can keep track of various assets like stocks,
ETFs or cryptocurrencies.
<mat-card class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>What else is included in Ghostfolio?</mat-card-title>
Please find a feature overview to manage your wealth
<a [routerLink]="['/features']">here</a>.
<mat-card class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>How do I start?</mat-card-title>
You can sign up via the “<a [routerLink]="['/register']"
>Get Started</a
>” button at the top of the page. You have multiple options to join
Ghostfolio: Create an account with a security token, using
<a href="../en/blog/2022/07/ghostfolio-meets-internet-identity"
>Internet Identity</a
or <i>Google Sign</i>. We will guide you to set up your portfolio.
<mat-card class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>Can I use Ghostfolio anonymously?</mat-card-title>
Yes, the authentication systems (via security token or
<a href="../en/blog/2022/07/ghostfolio-meets-internet-identity"
>Internet Identity</a
>) enable you to sign in securely and anonymously to Ghostfolio. There
is no need for an e-mail address, phone number, or a username.
<mat-card class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>How can Ghostfolio be free?</mat-card-title>
>This project is driven by the efforts of contributors from around the
world. The
<a href="">source code</a> is
fully available as open source software (OSS). Thanks to our generous
<a [routerLink]="['/pricing']">Ghostfolio Premium</a> users and
<a href="">sponsors</a> we have
the ability to run a free, limited plan for new
<mat-card class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>Is it really free?</mat-card-title>
>Yes, it is! Our
<a [routerLink]="['/pricing']">pricing page</a> details everything you
get for free.</mat-card-content
<mat-card class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>What is Ghostfolio Premium?</mat-card-title>
><a [routerLink]="['/pricing']">Ghostfolio Premium</a> is a fully
managed Ghostfolio cloud offering for ambitious investors. The revenue
is used to cover the hosting infrastructure. It is the Open Source
code base with some extras like the
<a [routerLink]="['/markets']">markets overview</a>.</mat-card-content
<mat-card class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>Can I start with a trial version?</mat-card-title>
>Yes, you can try
<a [routerLink]="['/pricing']">Ghostfolio Premium</a> by signing up
for Ghostfolio and applying for a trial (see “My Ghostfolio”). It is
easy, free and there is no commitment. You can stop using it at any
<mat-card class="mb-3">
>How can I get a student discount for Ghostfolio
>Request your student discount
<a href=" Discount">here</a> with
your university e-mail address.</mat-card-content
<mat-card class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>Which devices are supported?</mat-card-title>
>Ghostfolio works in every modern web browser on smartphones, tablets
and desktop computers. For <i>Android</i> users, there is a dedicated
Ghostfolio app available in the
>Google Play Store</a
<mat-card class="mb-3">
>I cannot find my broker in the list of platforms. What can I
Please send an e-mail with the web address of your broker to
<a href=""></a> and we are happy to
add it.
<mat-card class="mb-3">
>Ghostfolio sounds cool, how can I get involved?</mat-card-title
>Any support for Ghostfolio is welcome. Be it with a
<a [routerLink]="['/pricing']">Ghostfolio Premium</a> subscription to
finance the hosting, a positive rating in the
>Google Play Store</a
>, a star on
<a href="">GitHub</a>,
feedback, bug reports, feature requests and of course contributions!
You can reach us by e-mail at
<a href=""></a> or on Twitter
<a href="">@ghostfolio_</a
<mat-card class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>Got any other questions?</mat-card-title>
>Join the Ghostfolio
>Slack community</a
>, tweet to
<a href="">@ghostfolio_</a> or send an
e-mail to
<a href=""></a>.</mat-card-content