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<source>The risk of loss in trading can be substantial. It is not advisable to invest money you may need in the short term.</source>
<target state="translated">Das Ausfallrisiko beim Börsenhandel kann erheblich sein. Es ist nicht ratsam, Geld zu investieren, welches du kurzfristig benötigst.</target>
<source>The risk of loss in trading can be substantial. It is not advisable to invest money you may need in the short term.</source>
<target state="translated">El riesgo de pérdida en trading puede ser importante. No es aconsejable invertir dinero que puedas necesitar a corto plazo.</target>
<target state="new">El riesgo de pérdida en trading puede ser importante. No es aconsejable invertir dinero que puedas necesitar a corto plazo.</target>
<source>The risk of loss in trading can be substantial. It is not advisable to invest money you may need in the short term.</source>
<target state="translated">Le risque de perte en investissant peut être important. Il est déconseillé d'investir de l'argent dont vous pourriez avoir besoin à court terme.</target>
<target state="new">Le risque de perte en investissant peut être important. Il est déconseillé d'investir de l'argent dont vous pourriez avoir besoin à court terme.</target>
<source>The risk of loss in trading can be substantial. It is not advisable to invest money you may need in the short term.</source>
<target state="translated">Il rischio di perdita nel trading può essere notevole. Non è consigliabile investire denaro di cui potresti avere bisogno a breve termine.</target>
<target state="new">Il rischio di perdita nel trading può essere notevole. Non è consigliabile investire denaro di cui potresti avere bisogno a breve termine.</target>
<source>The risk of loss in trading can be substantial. It is not advisable to invest money you may need in the short term.</source>
<target state="translated">Het risico van verlies in de handel kan aanzienlijk zijn. Het is niet raadzaam om geld te beleggen dat u op korte termijn nodig kunt hebben.</target>
<target state="new">Het risico van verlies in de handel kan aanzienlijk zijn. Het is niet raadzaam om geld te beleggen dat u op korte termijn nodig kunt hebben.</target>