Todoist Implementation

first implementation of Todoist Widget, only label works
Kevin 2 months ago
parent 679aff4a8d
commit 57e7aa6b2b

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
import classNames from "classnames";
import Event from "./event";
const colorVariants = {
amber: "bg-amber-500",
blue: "bg-blue-500",
cyan: "bg-cyan-500",
emerald: "bg-emerald-500",
fuchsia: "bg-fuchsia-500",
gray: "bg-gray-500",
green: "bg-green-500",
indigo: "bg-indigo-500",
lime: "bg-lime-500",
neutral: "bg-neutral-500",
orange: "bg-orange-500",
pink: "bg-pink-500",
purple: "bg-purple-500",
red: "bg-red-500",
rose: "bg-rose-500",
sky: "bg-sky-500",
slate: "bg-slate-500",
stone: "bg-stone-500",
teal: "bg-teal-500",
violet: "bg-violet-500",
white: "bg-white-500",
yellow: "bg-yellow-500",
zinc: "bg-zinc-500",
export default function Agenda({ tasks }) {
return (
<div className="pl-1 pr-1 pb-1">
<div className={classNames("flex flex-col", !tasks.length && "animate-pulse")}>
{ => (
key={} // Use the unique task ID as the key
task={task} // Pass the task object to the Event component
colorVariants={colorVariants} // Pass color variants to Event component

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { useTranslation } from "next-i18next";
import useWidgetAPI from "../../../utils/proxy/use-widget-api";
import Error from "../../../components/services/widget/error";
import Agenda from "../agenda";
export default function Label({ widget }) {
const { t } = useTranslation();
const { data: tasksData, error: tasksError } = useWidgetAPI(widget, "getTasksWithLabel", {
refreshInterval: widget.refreshInterval || 300000, // 5 minutes, use default if not provided
const [tasks, setEvents] = useState([]); // State to hold events
useEffect(() => {
if (!tasksError && tasksData && tasksData.length > 0) { // Check if tasksData is not empty
// Process label data and set tasks
const tasksToAdd = tasksData.slice(0, widget.maxTasks || tasksData.length).map((task) => ({
title: task.content || t("Untitled Task by Label"),
date: task.due ? new Date( : null,
color: task.color || "blue", // Adjust color based on your preference
description: task.tags ? task.tags.join(", ") : "",
url: task.url,
// Update the events state
}, [tasksData, tasksError, widget, setEvents, t]);
const error = tasksError ?? tasksData?.error;
if (error && !widget.hideErrors) {
return <Error error={{ message: `${widget.type}: ${error.message ?? error}` }} />;
// Render the Agenda component if tasks is not empty
return <Agenda tasks={tasks} />;

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
const groupTasksByProjectId = () => {
const groupedTasks = {};
tasks.forEach((task) => {
if (!groupedTasks[task.project_id]) {
groupedTasks[task.project_id] = [];
return Object.values(groupedTasks);

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import { useMemo } from "react";
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
import Container from "components/services/widget/container";
import Block from "components/services/widget/block"; // Assuming this component renders the category name as a block-level element
export default function Component({ service }) {
const { widget } = service;
// Load categories
const categories = useMemo(
() =>
?.filter((category) => category?.sort)
.map((category) => ({
service: dynamic(() => import(`./categories/${category.sort}`)),
widget: { ...widget, ...category },
categoryName: category.category_name, // Add categoryName property
})) ?? [],
return (
<Container service={service}>
<div className="flex flex-col w-full">
<div className="sticky top-0">
{ => {
const Integration = category.service;
const key = `integration-${category.widget.type}`;
return (
<div key={key}>
<Block value={category.categoryName} />

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
import { useState } from "react";
import { useTranslation } from "next-i18next";
import { DateTime } from "luxon";
import classNames from "classnames";
import { IoMdCheckmarkCircleOutline } from "react-icons/io";
export default function Event({ task, colorVariants }) {
const [hover, setHover] = useState(false);
const { i18n } = useTranslation(); // Ensure you're getting 't' from useTranslation()
const renderEventTitle = () => {
if (task.url) {
return (
<a href={task.url} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" className="flex-grow truncate">
{hover && task.additional ? task.additional : task.title}
return (
<div className="flex-grow truncate">
{hover && task.additional ? task.additional : task.title}
return (
className="flex flex-row text-theme-700 dark:text-theme-200 items-center text-xs relative h-5 w-full rounded-md bg-theme-200/50 dark:bg-theme-900/20 mt-1"
onMouseEnter={() => setHover(true)} // Change to setHover(true) and setHover(false)
onMouseLeave={() => setHover(false)} // Change to setHover(false)
<span className="ml-2 w-10">
{ && (
<span className="ml-2 h-2 w-2">
<span className={classNames("block w-2 h-2 rounded", colorVariants[task.color] ?? "gray")} />
<div className="ml-2 h-5 text-left relative truncate" style={{ width: "70%" }}>
<div className="absolute mt-0.5 text-xs">{renderEventTitle()}</div>
{task.isCompleted && (
<span className="text-xs mr-1 ml-auto z-10">
<IoMdCheckmarkCircleOutline />

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import credentialedProxyHandler from "utils/proxy/handlers/credentialed";
const widget = {
api: "{endpoint}",
proxyHandler: credentialedProxyHandler,
mappings: {
getAllActiveTasks: {
method: "GET",
endpoint: "tasks",
getTasksWithLabel: {
method: "GET",
endpoint: "tasks",
params: ["label"]
export default widget;