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Glances Glances Widget Configuration

Learn more about Glances.


(Find the Glances information widget here)

The Glances widget allows you to monitor the resources (cpu, memory, diskio, sensors & processes) of host or another machine. You can have multiple instances by adding another service block.

  type: glances
  username: user # optional if auth enabled in Glances
  password: pass # optional if auth enabled in Glances
  metric: cpu

Please note, this widget does not need an href, icon or description on its parent service. To achieve the same effect as the examples above, see as an example:

- CPU Usage:
      type: glances
      metric: cpu
- Network Usage:
      type: glances
      metric: network:enp0s25


The metric field in the configuration determines the type of system monitoring data to be displayed. Here are the supported metrics:

info: System information. Shows the system's hostname, OS, kernel version, CPU type, CPU usage, RAM usage and SWAP usage.

cpu: CPU usage. Shows how much of the system's computational resources are currently being used.

memory: Memory usage. Shows how much of the system's RAM is currently being used.

process: Top 5 processes based on CPU usage. Gives an overview of which processes are consuming the most resources.

network:<interface_name>: Network data usage for the specified interface. Replace <interface_name> with the name of your network interface, e.g., network:enp0s25, as specified in glances.

sensor:<sensor_id>: Temperature of the specified sensor, typically used to monitor CPU temperature. Replace <sensor_id> with the name of your sensor, e.g., sensor:Package id 0 as specified in glances.

disk:<disk_id>: Disk I/O data for the specified disk. Replace <disk_id> with the id of your disk, e.g., disk:sdb, as specified in glances.

gpu:<gpu_id>: GPU usage for the specified GPU. Replace <gpu_id> with the id of your GPU, e.g., gpu:0, as specified in glances.

fs:<mnt_point>: Disk usage for the specified mount point. Replace <mnt_point> with the path of your disk, e.g., /mnt/storage, as specified in glances.


All widgets offer an alternative to the full or "graph" view, which is the compact, or "graphless" view.

Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 1 51 48 PM

To switch to the alternative "graphless" view, simply pass chart: false as an option to the widget, like so:

- Network Usage:
      type: glances
      metric: network:enp0s25
      chart: false