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Custom API Custom Widget Configuration from the API

This widget can show information from custom self-hosted or third party API.

Fields need to be defined in the mappings section YAML object to correlate with the value in the APIs JSON object. Final field definition needs to be the key with the desired value information.

  type: customapi
  refreshInterval: 10000 # optional - in milliseconds, defaults to 10s
  username: username # auth - optional
  password: password # auth - optional
  method: GET # optional, e.g. POST
  headers: # optional, must be object, see below
  display: # optional, default to block, see below
    - field: key # needs to be YAML string or object
      label: Field 1
      format: text # optional - defaults to text
    - field: # needs to be YAML string or object
          to: key2
      format: number # optional - defaults to text
      label: Field 2
    - field: # needs to be YAML string or object
            another: key3
      label: Field 3
      format: percent # optional - defaults to text
    - field: key # needs to be YAML string or object
      label: Field 4
      format: date # optional - defaults to text
      locale: nl # optional
      dateStyle: long # optional - defaults to "long". Allowed values: `["full", "long", "medium", "short"]`.
      timeStyle: medium # optional - Allowed values: `["full", "long", "medium", "short"]`.
    - field: key # needs to be YAML string or object
      label: Field 5
      format: relativeDate # optional - defaults to text
      locale: nl # optional
      style: short # optional - defaults to "long". Allowed values: `["long", "short", "narrow"]`.
      numeric: auto # optional - defaults to "always". Allowed values `["always", "auto"]`.

Supported formats for the values are text, number, float, percent, bytes, bitrate, date and relativeDate.

The dateStyle and timeStyle options of the date format are passed directly to Intl.DateTimeFormat and the style and numeric options of relativeDate are passed to Intl.RelativeTimeFormat.


For the following JSON object from the API:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Rick Sanchez",
  "status": "Alive",
  "species": "Human",
  "gender": "Male",
  "origin": {
    "name": "Earth (C-137)"
  "locations": [
      "name": "Earth (C-137)"
      "name": "Citadel of Ricks"

Define the mappings section as an array, for example:

  - field: name # Rick Sanchez
    label: Name
  - field: status # Alive
    label: Status
  - field:
      origin: name # Earth (C-137)
    label: Origin
  - field:
        1: name # Citadel of Ricks
    label: Location

Data Transformation

You can manipulate data with the following tools remap, scale and suffix, for example:

- field: key4
  label: Field 4
  format: text
    - value: 0
      to: None
    - value: 1
      to: Connected
    - any: true # will map all other values
      to: Unknown
- field: key5
  label: Power
  format: float
  scale: 0.001 # can be number or string e.g. 1/16
  suffix: kW

List View

You can change the default block view to a list view (similar to the Coin Market Cap widget) by setting the display option to list. The list view extends vertically to the proper height.

The list view utilizes extra space to display an additional field (which is optional) and to apply color to this additional field (also optional).

additionalField: Similar to the field option, but only used for the list view. It displays additional information for the mapping object on the right side of the field.

additionalFieldColor: Also list view only feature, it is used to color the additional field.

Allowed options: ["auto", "theme", "black", "white"].

auto will use the color based on the value of the additionalField. The first number found in additionalField will be used to determine the color (green for positive numbers, red for negative numbers).

Note: Data transformation is still compatible with the list view, but the transformation only applies to the value of the field.

- field: key
  label: Field
  format: text
  additionalField: another key # optional
  additionalFieldColor: auto # optional
    - value: 0
      to: None
    - value: 1
      to: Connected
    - any: true # will map all other values
      to: Unknown

Custom Headers

Pass custom headers using the headers option, for example:

  X-API-Token: token