Fix string culture specificity

Fix bug in SsaParser.cs primary color {\1c} formatting that would leave
behind the {\1c} closing token and instead append </font> token
unconditionally to the dialogue text. Add tests.

Change AlphanumComparatorTests.cs complementary test data generation
from an array shuffle to an array reversal. Although it was previously
using a seeded Random, the shuffle itself could result in no
rearrangement of elements if the seed or test data changed over time.
The reversal guarantees reordering of elements and has the added benefit
of simplifying the test code since no special handling is needed for
arrays of 2 elements.

Change DailyTrigger.cs logging of TriggerDate format to
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff zzz" for consistency with configured log
timestamp format and change DueTime format to culture-invariant "c"
obradovichv 4 years ago
parent 841996c642
commit 0282a1ed09

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks
var dueTime = triggerDate - now;
logger.LogInformation("Daily trigger for {Task} set to fire at {TriggerDate:g}, which is {DueTime:g} from now.", taskName, triggerDate, dueTime);
logger.LogInformation("Daily trigger for {Task} set to fire at {TriggerDate:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff zzz}, which is {DueTime:c} from now.", taskName, triggerDate, dueTime);
Timer = new Timer(state => OnTriggered(), null, dueTime, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1));

@ -325,10 +325,18 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Subtitles
text = text.Insert(start, "<font color=\"" + color + "\"" + extraTags + ">");
int indexOfEndTag = text.IndexOf("{\\1c}", start, StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (indexOfEndTag > 0)
text = text.Remove(indexOfEndTag, "{\\1c}".Length).Insert(indexOfEndTag, "</font>");
text += "</font>";
text = text.Replace(@"{\i1}", "<i>", StringComparison.Ordinal);
text = text.Replace(@"{\i0}", "</i>", StringComparison.Ordinal);

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using System;
using System.Linq;
using MediaBrowser.Common.Extensions;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Sorting;
using Xunit;
@ -8,8 +7,6 @@ namespace Jellyfin.Controller.Tests
public class AlphanumComparatorTests
private readonly Random _rng = new Random(42);
// InlineData is pre-sorted
[InlineData(null, "", "1", "9", "10", "a", "z")]
@ -25,18 +22,7 @@ namespace Jellyfin.Controller.Tests
[InlineData("12345678912345678912345678913234567891a", "12345678912345678912345678913234567891b")]
public void AlphanumComparatorTest(params string?[] strings)
var copy = (string?[])strings.Clone();
if (strings.Length == 2)
var tmp = copy[0];
copy[0] = copy[1];
copy[1] = tmp;
var copy = strings.Reverse().ToArray();
Array.Sort(copy, new AlphanumComparator());

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Subtitles;
using MediaBrowser.Model.MediaInfo;
using Xunit;
namespace Jellyfin.MediaEncoding.Tests
public class SsaParserTests
// commonly shared invariant value between tests, assumes default format order
private const string InvariantDialoguePrefix = "[Events]\nDialogue: ,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.01,,,,,,,";
private SsaParser parser = new SsaParser();
[InlineData("[EvEnTs]\nDialogue: ,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.01,,,,,,,text", "text")] // label casing insensitivity
[InlineData("[Events]\n,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.01,,,,,,,labelless dialogue", "labelless dialogue")] // no "Dialogue:" label, it is optional
[InlineData("[Events]\nFormat: Text, Start, End, Layer, Effect, Style\nDialogue: reordered text,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.01", "reordered text")] // reordered formats
[InlineData(InvariantDialoguePrefix + "Cased TEXT", "Cased TEXT")] // preserve text casing
[InlineData(InvariantDialoguePrefix + " text ", " text ")] // do not trim text
[InlineData(InvariantDialoguePrefix + "text, more text", "text, more text")] // append excess dialogue values (> 10) to text
[InlineData(InvariantDialoguePrefix + "start {\\fnFont Name}text{\\fn} end", "start <font face=\"Font Name\">text</font> end")] // font name
[InlineData(InvariantDialoguePrefix + "start {\\fs10}text{\\fs} end", "start <font size=\"10\">text</font> end")] // font size
[InlineData(InvariantDialoguePrefix + "start {\\c&H112233}text{\\c} end", "start <font color=\"#332211\">text</font> end")] // color
[InlineData(InvariantDialoguePrefix + "start {\\1c&H112233}text{\\1c} end", "start <font color=\"#332211\">text</font> end")] // primay color
[InlineData(InvariantDialoguePrefix + "start {\\fnFont Name}text1 {\\fs10}text2{\\fs}{\\fn} {\\1c&H112233}text3{\\1c} end", "start <font face=\"Font Name\">text1 <font size=\"10\">text2</font></font> <font color=\"#332211\">text3</font> end")] // nested formatting
public void Parse(string ssa, string expectedText)
using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ssa)))
SubtitleTrackInfo subtitleTrackInfo = parser.Parse(stream, CancellationToken.None);
SubtitleTrackEvent actual = subtitleTrackInfo.TrackEvents[0];
Assert.Equal(expectedText, actual.Text);
public void Parse_MultipleDialogues(string ssa, IReadOnlyList<SubtitleTrackEvent> expectedSubtitleTrackEvents)
using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ssa)))
SubtitleTrackInfo subtitleTrackInfo = parser.Parse(stream, CancellationToken.None);
Assert.Equal(expectedSubtitleTrackEvents.Count, subtitleTrackInfo.TrackEvents.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < expectedSubtitleTrackEvents.Count; ++i)
SubtitleTrackEvent expected = expectedSubtitleTrackEvents[i];
SubtitleTrackEvent actual = subtitleTrackInfo.TrackEvents[i];
Assert.Equal(expected.StartPositionTicks, actual.StartPositionTicks);
Assert.Equal(expected.EndPositionTicks, actual.EndPositionTicks);
Assert.Equal(expected.Text, actual.Text);
public static IEnumerable<object[]> Parse_MultipleDialogues_TestData()
yield return new object[]
Format: Layer, Start, End, Text
Dialogue: ,0:00:01.18,0:00:01.85,dialogue1
Dialogue: ,0:00:02.18,0:00:02.85,dialogue2
Dialogue: ,0:00:03.18,0:00:03.85,dialogue3
new List<SubtitleTrackEvent>
new SubtitleTrackEvent
StartPositionTicks = 11800000,
EndPositionTicks = 18500000,
Text = "dialogue1"
new SubtitleTrackEvent
StartPositionTicks = 21800000,
EndPositionTicks = 28500000,
Text = "dialogue2"
new SubtitleTrackEvent
StartPositionTicks = 31800000,
EndPositionTicks = 38500000,
Text = "dialogue3"