"HeaderSelectChannelDownloadPathHelp":"Browse or enter the path to use for storing channel cache files. The folder must be writeable.",
"HeaderSelectChannelDownloadPathHelp":"Browse or enter the path to use for storing channel cache files. The folder must be writeable.",
"LabelChapterDownloaders":"Chapter downloaders:",
"LabelChapterDownloaders":"Chapter downloaders:",
"LabelChapterDownloadersHelp":"Enable and rank your preferred chapter downloaders in order of priority. Lower priority downloaders will only be used to fill in missing information.",
"LabelChapterDownloadersHelp":"Enable and rank your preferred chapter downloaders in order of priority. Lower priority downloaders will only be used to fill in missing information.",
"HeaderFavoriteAlbums":"Favorite Albums",
"HeaderFavoriteAlbums":"Favorite Albums",
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
"MessageConfirmRestart":"Are you sure you wish to restart Media Browser Server?",
"MessageConfirmRestart":"Are you sure you wish to restart Media Browser Server?",
"MessageConfirmShutdown":"Are you sure you wish to shutdown Media Browser Server?",
"MessageConfirmShutdown":"Are you sure you wish to shutdown Media Browser Server?",
"ButtonUpdateNow":"Update Now",
"ButtonUpdateNow":"A\u017euriraj sad",
"NewVersionOfSomethingAvailable":"A new version of {0} is available!",
"NewVersionOfSomethingAvailable":"A new version of {0} is available!",
"VersionXIsAvailableForDownload":"Version {0} is now available for download.",
"VersionXIsAvailableForDownload":"Version {0} is now available for download.",
"LabelVersionNumber":"Version {0}",
"LabelVersionNumber":"Version {0}",
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
"ButtonInstantMix":"Instant mix",
"ButtonInstantMix":"Instant mix",
"HeaderAudioTracks":"Audio Tracks",
"HeaderAudioTracks":"Audio Tracks",
"HeaderVideoQuality":"Video Quality",
"HeaderVideoQuality":"Video Quality",
@ -211,14 +211,14 @@
"ButtonMetadataManager":"Metadata Manager",
"ButtonMetadataManager":"Metadata Manager",
"HeaderAlbumArtist":"Album Artist",
"HeaderAlbumArtist":"Album Artist",
"LabelAddedOnDate":"Added {0}",
"LabelAddedOnDate":"Added {0}",
"HeaderMediaFolders":"Media Folders",
"HeaderMediaFolders":"Medijska mapa",
"HeaderBlockItemsWithNoRating":"Block items with no rating information:",
"HeaderBlockItemsWithNoRating":"Block items with no rating information:",
"OptionBlockTvShows":"TV Shows",
"OptionBlockTvShows":"TV Shows",
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"HeaderChangeFolderTypeHelp":"To change the folder type, please remove and rebuild the collection with the new type.",
"HeaderChangeFolderTypeHelp":"To change the folder type, please remove and rebuild the collection with the new type.",
"MessagePleaseRestart":"Please restart to finish updating.",
"MessagePleaseRestart":"Please restart to finish updating.",
"ButtonRestart":"Ponovo pokreni",
"MessagePleaseRefreshPage":"Please refresh this page to receive new updates from the server.",
"MessagePleaseRefreshPage":"Please refresh this page to receive new updates from the server.",
"MessageSettingsSaved":"Settings saved.",
"MessageSettingsSaved":"Settings saved.",
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
"HeaderSelectPlayer":"Select Player:",
"HeaderSelectPlayer":"Select Player:",
"MessageInternetExplorerWebm":"For best results with Internet Explorer please install the WebM playback plugin.",
"MessageInternetExplorerWebm":"For best results with Internet Explorer please install the WebM playback plugin.",
"OptionIRecommendThisItem":"Consiglio questo elemento",
"OptionIRecommendThisItem":"Consiglio questo elemento",
"WebClientTourContent":"View your recently added media, next episodes, and more. The green circles indicate how many unplayed items you have.",
"WebClientTourContent":"Visualizza i file multimediali aggiunti di recente, i prossimi episodi, e altro ancora. I cerchi verdi indicano quanti oggetti unplayed avete.",
"WebClientTourMovies":"Play movies, trailers and more from any device with a web browser",
"WebClientTourMovies":"Riprodurre filmati, trailer e altro da qualsiasi dispositivo con un browser web",
"WebClientTourMouseOver":"Hold the mouse over any poster for quick access to important information",
"WebClientTourMouseOver":"Tenete il mouse su ogni manifesto per un rapido accesso alle informazioni importanti",
"WebClientTourTapHold":"Tap and hold or right click any poster for a context menu",
"WebClientTourTapHold":"Toccare e tenere premuto o fare clic destro qualsiasi manifesto per un menu di scelta rapida",
"WebClientTourMetadataManager":"Click edit to open the metadata manager",
"WebClientTourMetadataManager":"Fare clic su Modifica per aprire la gestione dei metadati",
"WebClientTourPlaylists":"Easily create playlists and instant mixes, and play them on any device",
"WebClientTourPlaylists":"Facile creazione di playlist , e riprodurli su qualsiasi dispositivo",
"WebClientTourCollections":"Create movie collections to group box sets together",
"WebClientTourCollections":"Creare collezioni di film di casella di gruppo imposta insieme",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences1":"User preferences allow you to customize the way your library is presented in all of your Media Browser apps",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences1":"Le preferenze utente consentono di personalizzare il modo in cui la vostra biblioteca si presenta in tutte le applicazioni Media Browser",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences2":"Configure your audio and subtitle language settings once, for every Media Browser app",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences2":"Configurare le impostazioni della lingua dei sottotitoli audio e una volta, per ogni Browser media app",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences3":"Design the web client home page to your liking",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences3":"Progettare la home page del client web a proprio piacimento",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences4":"Configure backdrops, theme songs and external players",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences4":"Configurare fondali, sigle e lettori esterni",
"WebClientTourMobile1":"The web client works great on smartphones and tablets...",
"WebClientTourMobile1":"Il client web funziona alla grande su smartphone e tablet ...",
"WebClientTourMobile2":"and easily controls other devices and Media Browser apps",
"WebClientTourMobile2":"e controlla facilmente altri dispositivi e applicazioni Media Browser",
"MessageEnjoyYourStay":"Enjoy your stay"
"MessageEnjoyYourStay":"Godetevi il vostro soggiorno"
"MessagePleaseSelectTwoItems":"Vennligst velg minst to elementer.",
"MessagePleaseSelectTwoItems":"Vennligst velg minst to elementer.",
"MessageTheFollowingItemsWillBeGrouped":"F\u00f8lgende titler vil bli gruppert til ett element:",
"MessageTheFollowingItemsWillBeGrouped":"F\u00f8lgende titler vil bli gruppert til ett element:",
"MessageConfirmItemGrouping":"Media Browser klienter vil automatisk velge den mest optimale versjonen for avspilling basert p\u00e5 enhet og nettverks ytelse. Er du sikker p\u00e5 at du vil fortsette?",
"MessageConfirmItemGrouping":"Media Browser klienter vil automatisk velge den mest optimale versjonen for avspilling basert p\u00e5 enhet og nettverks ytelse. Er du sikker p\u00e5 at du vil fortsette?",
"HeaderMyViews":"Mitt Syn",
"HeaderMyViews":"Mitt Syn",
"HeaderLibraryFolders":"Media Mapper",
"HeaderLibraryFolders":"Media Mapper",
"HeaderLatestMedia":"Siste Media",
"HeaderLatestMedia":"Siste Media",
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"\u00c5pne i ny fane",
"ButtonOpenInNewTab":"\u00c5pne i ny fane",
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@
"ValueReviewCount":"{0} Anmeldelser",
"ValueReviewCount":"{0} Anmeldelser",
"MessageYouHaveVersionInstalled":"You currently have version {0} installed.",
"MessageYouHaveVersionInstalled":"You currently have version {0} installed.",
"MessageTrialExpired":"Pr\u00f8veperioden for denne funksjonen er utl\u00f8pt",
"MessageTrialExpired":"Pr\u00f8veperioden for denne funksjonen er utl\u00f8pt",
"MessageTrialWillExpireIn":"The trial period for this feature will expire in {0} day(s)",
"MessageTrialWillExpireIn":"Pr\u00f8veperioden for denne funksjonen utl\u00f8per om {0} dag (er)",
"MessageInstallPluginFromApp":"Dette programtillegget m\u00e5 installeres direkte i appen du har tenkt \u00e5 bruke den i.",
"MessageInstallPluginFromApp":"Dette programtillegget m\u00e5 installeres direkte i appen du har tenkt \u00e5 bruke den i.",
"ValuePriceUSD":"Pris: {0} (USD)",
"ValuePriceUSD":"Pris: {0} (USD)",
"MessageFeatureIncludedWithSupporter":"Du er registrert for denne funksjonen, og vil kunne fortsette \u00e5 bruke den med et aktiv supporter medlemskap.",
"MessageFeatureIncludedWithSupporter":"Du er registrert for denne funksjonen, og vil kunne fortsette \u00e5 bruke den med et aktiv supporter medlemskap.",
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@
"ButtonImDone":"Jeg er ferdig",
"ButtonImDone":"Jeg er ferdig",
"ExternalPlayerPlaystateOptionsHelp":"Specify how you would like to resume playing this video next time.",
"ExternalPlayerPlaystateOptionsHelp":"Spesifiser hvordan du vil fortsette avspillingen av denne videoen neste gang.",
"LabelMarkAs":"Merk som:",
"LabelMarkAs":"Merk som:",
@ -492,9 +492,9 @@
"ValueAwards":"Awards: {0}",
"ValueAwards":"Priser: {0}",
"ValueBudget":"Budget: {0}",
"ValueBudget":"Budsjett: {0}",
"ValueRevenue":"Revenue: {0}",
"ValueRevenue":"Inntjening: {0}",
"ValuePremiered":"Premiered {0}",
"ValuePremiered":"Premiered {0}",
"ValuePremieres":"Premieres {0}",
"ValuePremieres":"Premieres {0}",
"ValueStudio":"Studio: {0}",
"ValueStudio":"Studio: {0}",
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@
"MediaInfoIsoSpeedRating":"Iso speed rating",
"MediaInfoIsoSpeedRating":"ISO innstilling",
@ -541,8 +541,8 @@
"MediaInfoPixelFormat":"Pixel format",
"MediaInfoBitDepth":"Bit depth",
"MediaInfoSampleRate":"Sample rate",
"MediaInfoSampleRate":"Sample rate",
@ -578,8 +578,8 @@
"WebClientTourMetadataManager":"Klikk rediger for \u00e5 \u00e5pne metadata behandleren",
"WebClientTourMetadataManager":"Klikk rediger for \u00e5 \u00e5pne metadata behandleren",
"WebClientTourPlaylists":"Du kan enkelt lage spillelister og direktemikser, og spille dem p\u00e5 hvilken som helst enhet",
"WebClientTourPlaylists":"Du kan enkelt lage spillelister og direktemikser, og spille dem p\u00e5 hvilken som helst enhet",
"WebClientTourCollections":"Lag dine egne samlebokser",
"WebClientTourCollections":"Lag dine egne samlebokser",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences1":"User preferences allow you to customize the way your library is presented in all of your Media Browser apps",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences1":"Brukerpreferanser lar deg tilpasse m\u00e5ten biblioteket er presentert i alle Media Browser apper",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences2":"Configure your audio and subtitle language settings once, for every Media Browser app",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences2":"Konfigurer spr\u00e5kpreferanse for lyd og undertekst en gang, for hver media nettleser app",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences3":"Utform webklient startsiden slik du \u00f8nsker",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences3":"Utform webklient startsiden slik du \u00f8nsker",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences4":"Konfigurer bakgrunner, tema sanger og eksterne avspillere",
"WebClientTourUserPreferences4":"Konfigurer bakgrunner, tema sanger og eksterne avspillere",
"WebClientTourMobile1":"Webklienten fungerer bra p\u00e5 smarttelefoner og nettbrett ...",
"WebClientTourMobile1":"Webklienten fungerer bra p\u00e5 smarttelefoner og nettbrett ...",
"UserCreatedWithName":"User {0} has been created",
"UserCreatedWithName":"User {0} has been created",
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
"LabelExternalPlayersHelp":"Display buttons to play content in external players. This is only available on devices that support url schemes, generally Android and iOS. With external players there is generally no support for remote control or resuming.",
"LabelExternalPlayersHelp":"Display buttons to play content in external players. This is only available on devices that support url schemes, generally Android and iOS. With external players there is generally no support for remote control or resuming.",
"HeaderSubtitleProfile":"Subtitle Profile",
"HeaderSubtitleProfile":"Subtitle Profile",
"ScheduledTasksHelp":"Click a task to adjust its schedule.",
"ScheduledTasksHelp":"Click a task to adjust its schedule.",
"HeaderSubtitleProfilesHelp":"Subtitle profiles describe the subtitle formats supported by the device.",
"HeaderSubtitleProfilesHelp":"Subtitle profiles describe the subtitle formats supported by the device.",
"TabMyPlugins":"My Plugins",
"TabMyPlugins":"My Plugins",
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
"OptionHasThemeVideo":"Theme Video",
"OptionHasThemeVideo":"Theme Video",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Es werden nur Trailer ausgew\u00e4hlt, die der Altersfreigabe des Inhalts entsprechen der angesehen wird.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Es werden nur Trailer ausgew\u00e4hlt, die der Altersfreigabe des Inhalts entsprechen der angesehen wird.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"Diese Funktion ben\u00f6tigt eine aktive Unterst\u00fctzer Mitgliedschaft.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"Diese Funktion ben\u00f6tigt eine aktive Unterst\u00fctzer Mitgliedschaft und die Installation des Trailer Channel Plugins.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Ben\u00f6tigt die Einrichtung lokaler Trailer.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Ben\u00f6tigt die Einrichtung lokaler Trailer.",
@ -368,10 +368,15 @@
"LabelArtistsHelp":"Trenne mehrere Eintr\u00e4ge durch ;",
"LabelArtistsHelp":"Trenne mehrere Eintr\u00e4ge durch ;",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Los avances s\u00f3lo ser\u00e1n seleccionados con una clasificaci\u00f3n parental igual o menor a la del contenido que se est\u00e1 reproduciendo.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Los avances s\u00f3lo ser\u00e1n seleccionados con una clasificaci\u00f3n parental igual o menor a la del contenido que se est\u00e1 reproduciendo.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"Esta caracter\u00edstica requiere de una membres\u00eda de aficionado activa.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"Estas caractwr\u00edsticas requieren de una membres\u00eda de aficionado activa y de la instalaci\u00f3n del complemento del canal de avances.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Les bandes-annonces ne pourront \u00eatre s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9es qu'avec un niveau d'acc\u00e8s \u00e9gal ou inf\u00e9rieur \u00e0 celui du contenu \u00e0 visionner.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Les bandes-annonces ne pourront \u00eatre s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9es qu'avec un niveau d'acc\u00e8s \u00e9gal ou inf\u00e9rieur \u00e0 celui du contenu \u00e0 visionner.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"Ce plugin requiert un compte supporter actif.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"HeaderSetupLibrary":"Postavi svoju medijsku biblioteku",
"HeaderSetupLibrary":"Postavi svoju medijsku biblioteku",
"HeaderDownloadPeopleMetadataForHelp":"Enabling additional options will provide more on-screen information but will result in slower library scans.",
"HeaderDownloadPeopleMetadataForHelp":"Enabling additional options will provide more on-screen information but will result in slower library scans.",
"ButtonAddMediaFolder":"Dodaj mapu sa medijem",
"ButtonAddMediaFolder":"Dodaj mapu sa medijem",
@ -109,11 +109,11 @@
"OptionAddMissingDataOnly":"Add missing data only",
"OptionAddMissingDataOnly":"Add missing data only",
"OptionLocalRefreshOnly":"Local refresh only",
"OptionLocalRefreshOnly":"Local refresh only",
"HeaderRefreshMetadata":"Refresh Metadata",
"HeaderRefreshMetadata":"Refresh Metadata",
"HeaderPersonInfo":"Person Info",
"HeaderPersonInfo":"Person Info",
"HeaderIdentifyItem":"Identify Item",
"HeaderIdentifyItem":"Identify Item",
"LabelDisplayMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons":"Prika\u017ei epizode koje nedostaju unutar sezone",
"LabelDisplayMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons":"Prika\u017ei epizode koje nedostaju unutar sezone",
"HeaderIdentifyItemHelp":"Enter one or more search criteria. Remove criteria to increase search results.",
"HeaderIdentifyItemHelp":"Enter one or more search criteria. Remove criteria to increase search results.",
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
"XmlDocumentAttributeListHelp":"These attributes are applied to the root element of every xml response.",
"XmlDocumentAttributeListHelp":"These attributes are applied to the root element of every xml response.",
"OptionSaveMetadataAsHidden":"Save metadata and images as hidden files",
"OptionSaveMetadataAsHidden":"Save metadata and images as hidden files",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScan":"Extract chapter images during the library scan",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScan":"Extract chapter images during the library scan",
"OptionTimeline":"Vremenska linija",
"OptionTimeline":"Vremenska linija",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScanHelp":"If enabled, chapter images will be extracted when videos are imported during the library scan. If disabled they will be extracted during the chapter images scheduled task, allowing the regular library scan to complete faster.",
"LabelExtractChaptersDuringLibraryScanHelp":"If enabled, chapter images will be extracted when videos are imported during the library scan. If disabled they will be extracted during the chapter images scheduled task, allowing the regular library scan to complete faster.",
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
"OptionHasThemeVideo":"Video teme",
"OptionHasThemeVideo":"Video teme",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionUpcomingDvdMovies":"Include trailers from new and upcoming movies on Dvd & Blu-ray",
"OptionHasSpecialFeatures":"Specijalne opcije",
"OptionHasSpecialFeatures":"Specijalne opcije",
"OptionUpcomingStreamingMovies":"Include trailers from new and upcoming movies on Netflix",
"OptionImdbRating":"IMDb ocjena",
"OptionImdbRating":"IMDb ocjena",
"LabelDisplayTrailersWithinMovieSuggestions":"Display trailers within movie suggestions",
"OptionParentalRating":"Roditeljska ocjena",
"OptionParentalRating":"Roditeljska ocjena",
"LabelDisplayTrailersWithinMovieSuggestionsHelp":"Requires installation of the Trailer channel.",
"OptionPremiereDate":"Datum premijere",
"OptionPremiereDate":"Datum premijere",
@ -515,212 +520,212 @@
"OptionRecordSeries":"Snimi serije",
"OptionRecordSeries":"Snimi serije",
"TitleLiveTV":"Live TV",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDays":"Number of days of guide data to download:",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDays":"Broj dana TV vodi\u010da za preuzet:",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDaysHelp":"Downloading more days worth of guide data provides the ability to schedule out further in advance and view more listings, but it will also take longer to download. Auto will choose based on the number of channels.",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDaysHelp":"Preuzimanje vi\u0161e dana TV vodi\u010da, omogu\u0107iti \u0107e vam zakazivanje snimanja dalje u budu\u0107nost , ali \u0107e i preuzimanje du\u017ee trajati. Automaski - odabir \u0107e se prilagoditi broju kanala.",
"LabelActiveService":"Active Service:",
"LabelActiveService":"Aktivne usluge:",
"LabelActiveServiceHelp":"Multiple tv plugins can be installed but only one can be active at a time.",
"LabelActiveServiceHelp":"Vi\u0161e TV dodataka mo\u017ee biti instalirano ali samo jedan mo\u017ee biti aktivan u isto vrijeme.",
"LiveTvPluginRequired":"A Live TV service provider plugin is required in order to continue.",
"LiveTvPluginRequired":"TV u\u017eivo usluga je obavezna ako \u017eelite nastaviti.",
"LiveTvPluginRequiredHelp":"Please install one of our available plugins, such as Next Pvr or ServerWmc.",
"LiveTvPluginRequiredHelp":"Molimo instalirajte jedan od dostupnih dodataka, kaoo \u0161to su Next Pvr ili ServerWmc.",
"LabelCustomizeOptionsPerMediaType":"Customize for media type:",
"LabelCustomizeOptionsPerMediaType":"Customize for media type:",
"OptionDownloadBackImage":"Druga str.",
"HeaderFetchImages":"Fetch Images:",
"HeaderFetchImages":"Dohvati slike:",
"HeaderImageSettings":"Image Settings",
"HeaderImageSettings":"Postavke slike",
"LabelMaxBackdropsPerItem":"Maximum number of backdrops per item:",
"LabelMaxBackdropsPerItem":"Maksimalni broj pozadina po stavci:",
"LabelMaxScreenshotsPerItem":"Maximum number of screenshots per item:",
"LabelMaxScreenshotsPerItem":"Maksimalni broj isje\u010daka po stavci:",
"PathSubstitutionHelp":"Path substitutions are used for mapping a path on the server to a path that clients are able to access. By allowing clients direct access to media on the server they may be able to play them directly over the network and avoid using server resources to stream and transcode them.",
"PathSubstitutionHelp":"Zamjenske putanje se koriste za mapiranje putanja na serveru na putanje kojima \u0107e kljenti mo\u0107i pristupiti. Dupu\u0161taju\u0107i kljentima direktan pristup medijima na serveru imaju mogu\u0107nost izvoditi sadr\u017eaj direktno preko mre\u017ee i tako ne iskori\u0161tavati resurse servera za koverziju i reprodukciju istih.",
"LabelFromHelp":"Example: D:\\Movies (on the server)",
"LabelFromHelp":"Primjer: D:\\Filmovi (na serveru)",
"LabelToHelp":"Example: \\\\MyServer\\Movies (a path clients can access)",
"LabelToHelp":"Primjer: \\\\MojServer\\Filmovi (putanja kojoj kljent mo\u017ee pristupiti)",
"OptionEnableDebugTranscodingLogging":"Omogu\u0107i logiranje pogre\u0161aka prilikom konverzije",
"OptionEnableDebugTranscodingLoggingHelp":"This will create very large log files and is only recommended as needed for troubleshooting purposes.",
"OptionEnableDebugTranscodingLoggingHelp":"Ovo \u0107e kreirati iznimno velike log datoteke i jedino se preporu\u010da koristiti u slu\u010daju problema sa konverzijom.",
"OptionUpscaling":"Allow clients to request upscaled video",
"OptionUpscaling":"Dopusti kljentima da zatra\u017ee pobolj\u0161anje video zapisa",
"OptionUpscalingHelp":"In some cases this will result in improved video quality but will increase CPU usage.",
"OptionUpscalingHelp":"U nekim slu\u010dajevima ovo \u0107e rezultirati pobolj\u0161anjem video zapisa ali \u0107e pove\u0107ati optere\u010denje procesora.",
"EditCollectionItemsHelp":"Add or remove any movies, series, albums, books or games you wish to group within this collection.",
"EditCollectionItemsHelp":"Dodaj ili ukloni bilo koje filmove, serije, albume, knjige ili igrice koje \u017eeli\u0161 grupirati u ovu kolekciju.",
"LabelEnableDlnaPlayToHelp":"Media Browser can detect devices within your network and offer the ability to remote control them.",
"LabelEnableDlnaPlayToHelp":"Media Browser mo\u017ee na\u0107i ure\u0111aje na va\u0161oj mre\u017ei i ponuditi vam da ih kontrolirate sa udaljene lokacije.",
"CustomDlnaProfilesHelp":"Create a custom profile to target a new device or override a system profile.",
"CustomDlnaProfilesHelp":"Kreiraj prilago\u0111eni profili za novi ure\u0111aj ili doradi neki od sistemskih profila.",
"SystemDlnaProfilesHelp":"System profiles are read-only. Changes to a system profile will be saved to a new custom profile.",
"SystemDlnaProfilesHelp":"Sistemski profili su samo za \u010ditanje. Bilo kakve izmjene na sistemskom profilu biti \u0107e snimljene kao novi prilago\u0111eni profil.",
"TitleDashboard":"Nadzorna plo\u010da",
"HeaderSystemPaths":"System Paths",
"HeaderSystemPaths":"Sistemska putanja",
"LinkApiDocumentation":"Api Documentation",
"LinkApiDocumentation":"Api dokumentacija",
"LabelFriendlyServerName":"Friendly server name:",
"LabelFriendlyServerName":"Prijateljsko ime servera:",
"LabelFriendlyServerNameHelp":"This name will be used to identify this server. If left blank, the computer name will be used.",
"LabelFriendlyServerNameHelp":"Ovo ime \u0107e se koristiti za identifikaciju servera. Ako ostavite prazno, ime ra\u010dunala \u0107e se koristi kao identifikator.",
"LabelPreferredDisplayLanguage":"\u017deljeni jezik prikaza",
"LabelPreferredDisplayLanguageHelp":"Translating Media Browser is an ongoing project and is not yet complete.",
"LabelPreferredDisplayLanguageHelp":"Prevo\u0111enje Media Browsera je projekt u tjeku i nije jo\u0161 zavr\u0161en.",
"LabelReadHowYouCanContribute":"Read about how you can contribute.",
"LabelReadHowYouCanContribute":"Pro\u010ditajte kako mo\u017eete doprinjeti.",
"HeaderNewCollection":"New Collection",
"HeaderNewCollection":"Nova kolekcija",
"HeaderAddToCollection":"Add to Collection",
"HeaderAddToCollection":"Add to Collection",
"NewCollectionNameExample":"Example: Star Wars Collection",
"NewCollectionNameExample":"Naprimjer: Star Wars Kolekcija",
"OptionSearchForInternetMetadata":"Search the internet for artwork and metadata",
"OptionSearchForInternetMetadata":"Potra\u017ei na internetu grafike i metadata",
"LabelHttpServerPortNumber":"Http server port number:",
"LabelHttpServerPortNumber":"Http port servera:",
"LabelWebSocketPortNumber":"Web socket port number:",
"LabelWebSocketPortNumber":"Port Web priklju\u010dka:",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortHelp":"UPnP allows automated router configuration for remote access. This may not work with some router models.",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortHelp":"UPnP omogu\u0107uje automatsku konfiguraciju usmjeriva\u010da (router \/ modem) za lak\u0161i pristup na daljinu. Ovo mo\u017eda ne\u0107e raditi sa nekim modelima usmjeriva\u010da.",
"LabelExternalDDNS":"External DDNS:",
"LabelExternalDDNS":"Vanjski DDNS:",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp":"If you have a dynamic DNS enter it here. Media Browser apps will use it when connecting remotely.",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp":"Ako imate dinami\u010dni DNS unesite ga ovdje. Media Browser aplikacije \u0107e ga koristiti kada se spajate sa udaljene lokacije.",
"LabelEndingEpisodeNumberHelp":"Only required for multi-episode files",
"LabelEndingEpisodeNumberHelp":"Potrebno samo za datoteke sa vi\u0161e epizoda",
"HeaderSupportTheTeam":"Support the Media Browser Team",
"HeaderSupportTheTeam":"Podr\u017ei Media Browser tim",
"LabelSupportAmount":"Amount (USD)",
"LabelSupportAmount":"Iznos (USD)",
"HeaderSupportTheTeamHelp":"Help ensure the continued development of this project by donating. A portion of all donations will be contributed to other free tools we depend on.",
"HeaderSupportTheTeamHelp":"Pomozi donacijom i osiguraj daljnji razvoj ovog projekta. Dio donacija \u0107e biti preusmjereni za ostale besplatne alate o kojima ovisimo.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailer: verr\u00e0 selezionata solo con un rating genitori uguale o inferiore al contenuto di essere osservato.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailer: verr\u00e0 selezionata solo con un rating genitori uguale o inferiore al contenuto di essere osservato.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"Questa funzionalit\u00e0 richiede un abbonamento attivo sostenitore.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"Queste caratteristiche richiedono un abbonamento attivo sostenitore e l'installazione del plugin canale Trailer.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Richiede l'installazione di trailer locali.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Richiede l'installazione di trailer locali.",
"OptionUpcomingStreamingMovies":"Includi trailer nuovi e imminenti film su Netflix",
"OptionImdbRating":"Voto IMDB",
"OptionImdbRating":"Voto IMDB",
"LabelDisplayTrailersWithinMovieSuggestions":"Visualizzare i rimorchi all'interno di suggerimenti di film",
"OptionParentalRating":"Voto Genitori",
"OptionParentalRating":"Voto Genitori",
"LabelDisplayTrailersWithinMovieSuggestionsHelp":"Richiede l'installazione del canale Trailer.",
"OptionPremiereDate":"Premiere Date",
"OptionPremiereDate":"Premiere Date",
@ -1000,7 +1005,7 @@
"MessageNoPlaylistItemsAvailable":"Questa playlist al momento \u00e8 vuota",
"MessageNoPlaylistItemsAvailable":"Questa playlist al momento \u00e8 vuota",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserWebClient":"Benvenuti nel Media Browser Web client",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserWebClient":"Benvenuti nel Media Browser Web client",
"ButtonTakeTheTour":"Take the tour",
"ButtonTakeTheTour":"Fai il tour",
"ButtonEditOtherUserPreferences":"Modificare le preferenze personali di questo utente.",
"ButtonEditOtherUserPreferences":"Modificare le preferenze personali di questo utente.",
"LabelChannelStreamQuality":"Preferenziale qualit\u00e0 del flusso internet:",
"LabelChannelStreamQuality":"Preferenziale qualit\u00e0 del flusso internet:",
"LabelChannelStreamQualityHelp":"In un ambiente a bassa larghezza di banda, limitando la qualit\u00e0 pu\u00f2 contribuire a garantire un'esperienza di Smooth Streaming.",
"LabelChannelStreamQualityHelp":"In un ambiente a bassa larghezza di banda, limitando la qualit\u00e0 pu\u00f2 contribuire a garantire un'esperienza di Smooth Streaming.",
@ -1013,7 +1018,7 @@
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Contenuti scaricati pi\u00f9 di questa et\u00e0 sar\u00e0 cancellato. Rimarr\u00e0 giocabile via internet in streaming.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Contenuti scaricati pi\u00f9 di questa et\u00e0 sar\u00e0 cancellato. Rimarr\u00e0 giocabile via internet in streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Installare canali come trailer e Vimeo nel catalogo plugin.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Installare canali come trailer e Vimeo nel catalogo plugin.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionAlwaysPlaySubtitlesHelp":"Undertekster som matcher spr\u00e5kets innstillinger vil bli lastet uavhengig lydens spr\u00e5k.",
"OptionAlwaysPlaySubtitlesHelp":"Undertekster som samsvarer med foretrukket spr\u00e5k vil bli lastet uavhengig lydens spr\u00e5k.",
"LabelAwardSummary":"Pris sammendrag:",
"LabelAwardSummary":"Pris sammendrag:",
"OptionNoSubtitlesHelp":"Undertekster vil ikke bli lastet som standard.",
"OptionNoSubtitlesHelp":"Undertekster vil ikke bli lastet som standard.",
@ -227,13 +227,13 @@
"OptionOneTimeDescription":"Dette er en ekstra donasjon til teamet for \u00e5 vise din st\u00f8tte. Det har ikke noen ekstra fordeler, og vil ikke produsere en supporter tasten.",
"OptionOneTimeDescription":"Dette er en ekstra donasjon til teamet for \u00e5 vise din st\u00f8tte. Det har ikke noen ekstra fordeler, og vil ikke produsere en supporter tasten.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"Dette funksjonen krever et aktivt supporter medlemskap.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionUpcomingDvdMovies":"Inkluder trailere fra nye og kommende filmer p\u00e5 DVD & Blu-ray",
"OptionHasSpecialFeatures":"Spesial Funksjoner",
"OptionHasSpecialFeatures":"Spesial Funksjoner",
"OptionUpcomingStreamingMovies":"Inkluder trailere fra nye og kommende filmer p\u00e5 Netflix",
"OptionImdbRating":"IMDB Rangering",
"OptionImdbRating":"IMDB Rangering",
"LabelDisplayTrailersWithinMovieSuggestions":"Display trailers within movie suggestions",
"LabelDisplayTrailersWithinMovieSuggestionsHelp":"Krever installasjon av trailer kanalen.",
@ -651,7 +656,7 @@
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortHelp":"UPnP tillater automatiserte routere konfigurering for ekstern tilgang. Dette fungerer n\u00f8dvendigvis ikke p\u00e5 alle modeller.",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortHelp":"UPnP tillater automatiserte routere konfigurering for ekstern tilgang. Dette fungerer n\u00f8dvendigvis ikke p\u00e5 alle modeller.",
"LabelExternalDDNS":"Ekstern DDNS:",
"LabelExternalDDNS":"Ekstern DDNS:",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp":"Hvis du har en dynamisk DNS, skriv den her. Media Browser applikasjoner vil bruke denne n\u00e5r ekstern forbindelse opprettes.",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp":"Hvis du har en dynamisk DNS, skriv den her. Media Browser applikasjoner vil bruke denne n\u00e5r ekstern forbindelse opprettes.",
"OptionLatestChannelMedia":"Siste kanal elementer",
"OptionLatestChannelMedia":"Siste kanal elementer",
"HeaderLatestChannelItems":"Siste Kanal Elementer",
"HeaderLatestChannelItems":"Siste Kanal Elementer",
@ -1027,14 +1032,14 @@
"ViewTypeTvFavoriteSeries":"Favoritt serier",
"ViewTypeTvFavoriteSeries":"Favoritt serier",
"ViewTypeTvFavoriteEpisodes":"Favoritt episoder",
"ViewTypeTvFavoriteEpisodes":"Favoritt episoder",
@ -1059,13 +1064,13 @@
"LabelProtocolInfo":"Protokoll info:",
"LabelProtocolInfo":"Protokoll info:",
"LabelProtocolInfoHelp":"Verdien som blir brukt for \u00e5 gi respons til GetProtocolInfo foresp\u00f8rsler fra enheten.",
"LabelProtocolInfoHelp":"Verdien som blir brukt for \u00e5 gi respons til GetProtocolInfo foresp\u00f8rsler fra enheten.",
"HeaderKodiMetadataHelp":"Media Browser includes native support for Kodi Nfo metadata and images. To enable or disable Kodi metadata, use the Advanced tab to configure options for your media types.",
"HeaderKodiMetadataHelp":"Media Browser inkluderer innebygd st\u00f8tte for Kodi Nfo metadata og bilder. For \u00e5 aktivere eller deaktivere Kodi metadata, bruker du fanen Avansert for \u00e5 konfigurere alternativer for medietyper.",
"LabelKodiMetadataUser":"Add user watch data to nfo's for:",
"LabelKodiMetadataUser":"Add user watch data to nfo's for:",
"LabelKodiMetadataUserHelp":"Enable this to keep watch data in sync between Media Browser and Kodi.",
"LabelKodiMetadataUserHelp":"Enable this to keep watch data in sync between Media Browser and Kodi.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers worden alleen geselecteerd als de ouderlijke toezicht lager of gelijk is aan de film die gekeken wordt.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers worden alleen geselecteerd als de ouderlijke toezicht lager of gelijk is aan de film die gekeken wordt.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"Deze functie vereist een actief supporter lidmaatschap",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"Deze functies vereisen een actieve ondersteuners lidmaatschap en installatie van de Trailer-kanaal plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Vereist instellingen voor lokale trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Vereist instellingen voor lokale trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Os trailers s\u00f3 ser\u00e3o selecionados se sua classifica\u00e7\u00e3o parental for igual ou menor que o conte\u00fado que est\u00e1 sendo assistido.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Os trailers s\u00f3 ser\u00e3o selecionados se sua classifica\u00e7\u00e3o parental for igual ou menor que o conte\u00fado que est\u00e1 sendo assistido.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"Este recurso necessita uma ades\u00e3o ativa de colaborador.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"Estes recursos requerem uma ades\u00e3o ativa de colaborador e a instala\u00e7\u00e3o do plugin de canal de Trailers",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"\u00c9 necess\u00e1rio o ajuste dos trailers locais.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"\u00c9 necess\u00e1rio o ajuste dos trailers locais.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Enbart trailers med samma eller l\u00e4gre \u00e5ldersgr\u00e4ns som huvudmaterialet kommer att visas.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Enbart trailers med samma eller l\u00e4gre \u00e5ldersgr\u00e4ns som huvudmaterialet kommer att visas.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"Denna plugin kr\u00e4ver ett akivt supportermedlemskap.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"Dessa funktioner kr\u00e4ver ett akivt supportermedlemskap och installation av till\u00e4gget \"Trailer Channels\".",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Kr\u00e4ver att lokala trailers konfigurerats.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Kr\u00e4ver att lokala trailers konfigurerats.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"TabMovies":"C\u00e1c phim",
"TabMovies":"C\u00e1c phim",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"TabStudios":"H\u00e3ng phim",
"TabStudios":"H\u00e3ng phim",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelEnableIntroParentalControlHelp":"Trailers will only be selected with a parental rating equal to or less than the content being watched.",
"LabelThisFeatureRequiresSupporterHelp":"This feature requires an active supporter membership.",
"LabelTheseFeaturesRequireSupporterHelpAndTrailers":"These features require an active supporter membership and installation of the Trailer channel plugin.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
"OptionTrailersFromMyMoviesHelp":"Requires setup of local trailers.",
<description>Contains common components shared by Media Browser Theater and Media Browser Server. Not intended for plugin developer consumption.</description>
<description>Contains common components shared by Media Browser Theater and Media Browser Server. Not intended for plugin developer consumption.</description>