@ -133,18 +133,18 @@ public class MediaInfoResolverTests
[InlineData("My.Video. srt", null)] // exact
[InlineData("My.Video. en.srt", "eng")]
[InlineData("My Video.en.srt", "eng")] // shorter title
[InlineData(" My _ Video.en.srt", "eng")] // longer title
[InlineData(" My.Video.en.srt", "eng", true)]
public void GetExternalFiles_ FuzzyMatching_MatchesAndParsesToken( string file , string? language , bool metadataDirectory = false )
[InlineData("My.Video. mkv", "My.Video. srt", null)]
[InlineData("My.Video. mkv", "My.Video. en.srt", "eng")]
[InlineData("My .Video.mkv", "My.Video.en.srt", "eng", true)]
[InlineData(" Example Movie (2021).mp4", "Example Movie (2021).English.Srt", "eng")]
[InlineData(" [LTDB] Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( 1998 ) - [ Bluray - 1080 p ] . mkv ", " [ LTDB ] Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( 1998 ) - [ Bluray - 1080 p ] . en . srt ", " eng ")]
public void GetExternalFiles_ NameMatching_MatchesAndParsesToken( string movie , string file , string? language , bool metadataDirectory = false )
BaseItem . MediaSourceManager = Mock . Of < IMediaSourceManager > ( ) ;
var video = new Movie
Path = VideoDirectoryPath + "/ My.Video.mkv"
Path = VideoDirectoryPath + "/ " + movie
} ;
var directoryService = GetDirectoryServiceForExternalFile ( file , metadataDirectory ) ;
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ public class MediaInfoResolverTests
[InlineData("My.Video Sequel.srt")]
public void GetExternalFiles_ Fuzzy Matching_RejectsNonMatches( string file )
public void GetExternalFiles_ Name Matching_RejectsNonMatches( string file )
BaseItem . MediaSourceManager = Mock . Of < IMediaSourceManager > ( ) ;
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ public class MediaInfoResolverTests
var files = new string [ fileCount ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < fileCount ; i + + )
files [ i ] = $"{VideoDirectoryPath}/My Video.{i}.srt";
files [ i ] = $"{VideoDirectoryPath}/My . Video.{i}.srt";
var directoryService = new Mock < IDirectoryService > ( MockBehavior . Strict ) ;