condition:false#and(succeeded(), variables['System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber']) # Only execute if the pullrequest numer is defined. (So not for normal CI builds)
condition:and(succeeded(), variables['System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber'])# Only execute if the pullrequest numer is defined. (So not for normal CI builds)
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ jobs:
displayName:Download the Reference Assembly Build Artifact
buildType: 'specific' # Options:current, specific
project:'$(System.TeamProjectId)'# Required when buildType == Specific
pipeline:'$(System.DefinitionId)'# Required when buildType == Specific, not sure if this will take a name too
project:'jellyfin'#$(System.TeamProjectId)' # Required when buildType == Specific
pipeline:1#'$(System.DefinitionId)' # Required when buildType == Specific, not sure if this will take a name too
#specificBuildWithTriggering: false # Optional
buildVersionToDownload: 'latestFromBranch' # Required when buildType == Specific# Options:latest, latestFromBranch, specific
branchName:'refs/heads/$(System.PullRequest.TargetBranch)'# Required when buildType == Specific && BuildVersionToDownload == LatestFromBranch