@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Movies ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.TV ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Extensions ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Library ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.LiveTv ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Persistence ;
using MediaBrowser.Controller.Playlists ;
@ -1305,88 +1304,27 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
if ( _config . Configuration . SkipDeserializationForBasicTypes )
if ( type = = typeof ( Channel ) )
if ( type = = typeof ( Channel )
| | type = = typeof ( UserRootFolder ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( UserRootFolder ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( Season ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( MusicArtist ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( Person ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( MusicGenre ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( Genre ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( Studio ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( PlaylistsFolder ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( PhotoAlbum ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( Year ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( Book ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( LiveTvProgram ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( AudioBook ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( Audio ) )
return false ;
if ( type = = typeof ( MusicAlbum ) )
return false ;
return true ;
return type ! = typeof ( Season )
& & type ! = typeof ( MusicArtist )
& & type ! = typeof ( Person )
& & type ! = typeof ( MusicGenre )
& & type ! = typeof ( Genre )
& & type ! = typeof ( Studio )
& & type ! = typeof ( PlaylistsFolder )
& & type ! = typeof ( PhotoAlbum )
& & type ! = typeof ( Year )
& & type ! = typeof ( Book )
& & type ! = typeof ( LiveTvProgram )
& & type ! = typeof ( AudioBook )
& & type ! = typeof ( Audio )
& & type ! = typeof ( MusicAlbum ) ;
private BaseItem GetItem ( IReadOnlyList < ResultSetValue > reader , InternalItemsQuery query )
@ -2105,7 +2043,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
insertText . AppendFormat ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "(@ItemId, @ChapterIndex{0}, @StartPositionTicks{0}, @Name{0}, @ImagePath{0}, @ImageDateModified{0})," , i . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ) ;
insertText . Length - = 1 ; // Remove last ,
insertText . Length - = 1 ; // Remove trailing comma
using ( var statement = PrepareStatement ( db , insertText . ToString ( ) ) )
@ -3604,7 +3542,6 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
statement ? . TryBind ( paramName , "%" + trailerTypes [ i ] + "%" ) ;
// Remove last " OR "
clauseBuilder . Length - = Or . Length ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( ')' ) ;
@ -3652,7 +3589,6 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
// Remove last " OR "
clauseBuilder . Length - = Or . Length ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( ')' ) ;
@ -3819,215 +3755,219 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
if ( query . ArtistIds . Length > 0 )
var clauses = new List < string > ( ) ;
var index = 0 ;
foreach ( var artistId in query . ArtistIds )
clauseBuilder . Append ( '(' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < query . ArtistIds . Length ; i + + )
var paramName = "@ArtistIds" + index ;
clauses . Add ( "(guid in (select itemid from ItemValues where CleanValue = (select CleanName from TypedBaseItems where guid=" + paramName + ") and Type<=1))" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( paramName , artistId ) ;
index+ + ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( "(guid in (select itemid from ItemValues where CleanValue = (select CleanName from TypedBaseItems where guid=@ArtistIds" )
. Append ( i )
. Append ( ") and Type<=1)) OR " ) ;
statement? . TryBind ( "@ArtistIds" + i , query . ArtistIds [ i ] ) ;
var clause = "(" + string . Join ( " OR " , clauses ) + ")" ;
whereClauses . Add ( clause ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length - = Or . Length ;
whereClauses . Add ( clauseBuilder . Append ( ')' ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length = 0 ;
if ( query . AlbumArtistIds . Length > 0 )
var clauses = new List < string > ( ) ;
var index = 0 ;
foreach ( var artistId in query . AlbumArtistIds )
clauseBuilder . Append ( '(' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < query . AlbumArtistIds . Length ; i + + )
var paramName = "@ArtistIds" + index ;
clauses . Add ( "(guid in (select itemid from ItemValues where CleanValue = (select CleanName from TypedBaseItems where guid=" + paramName + ") and Type=1))" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( paramName , artistId ) ;
index+ + ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( "(guid in (select itemid from ItemValues where CleanValue = (select CleanName from TypedBaseItems where guid=@ArtistIds" )
. Append ( i )
. Append ( ") and Type=1)) OR " ) ;
statement? . TryBind ( "@ArtistIds" + i , query . AlbumArtistIds [ i ] ) ;
var clause = "(" + string . Join ( " OR " , clauses ) + ")" ;
whereClauses . Add ( clause ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length - = Or . Length ;
whereClauses . Add ( clauseBuilder . Append ( ')' ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length = 0 ;
if ( query . ContributingArtistIds . Length > 0 )
var clauses = new List < string > ( ) ;
var index = 0 ;
foreach ( var artistId in query . ContributingArtistIds )
clauseBuilder . Append ( '(' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < query . ContributingArtistIds . Length ; i + + )
var paramName = "@ArtistIds" + index ;
clauses . Add ( "((select CleanName from TypedBaseItems where guid=" + paramName + ") in (select CleanValue from ItemValues where ItemId=Guid and Type=0) AND (select CleanName from TypedBaseItems where guid=" + paramName + ") not in (select CleanValue from ItemValues where ItemId=Guid and Type=1))" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( paramName , artistId ) ;
index + + ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( "((select CleanName from TypedBaseItems where guid=@ArtistIds" )
. Append ( i )
. Append ( ") in (select CleanValue from ItemValues where ItemId=Guid and Type=0) AND (select CleanName from TypedBaseItems where guid=@ArtistIds" )
. Append ( i )
. Append ( ") not in (select CleanValue from ItemValues where ItemId=Guid and Type=1)) OR " ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@ArtistIds" + i , query . ContributingArtistIds [ i ] ) ;
var clause = "(" + string . Join ( " OR " , clauses ) + ")" ;
whereClauses . Add ( clause ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length - = Or . Length ;
whereClauses . Add ( clauseBuilder . Append ( ')' ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length = 0 ;
if ( query . AlbumIds . Length > 0 )
var clauses = new List < string > ( ) ;
var index = 0 ;
foreach ( var albumId in query . AlbumIds )
clauseBuilder . Append ( '(' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < query . AlbumIds . Length ; i + + )
var paramName = "@AlbumIds" + index ;
clauses . Add ( "Album in (select Name from typedbaseitems where guid=" + paramName + ")" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( paramName , albumId ) ;
index+ + ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( "Album in (select Name from typedbaseitems where guid=@AlbumIds" )
. Append ( i )
. Append ( ") OR " ) ;
statement? . TryBind ( "@AlbumIds" + i , query . AlbumIds [ i ] ) ;
var clause = "(" + string . Join ( " OR " , clauses ) + ")" ;
whereClauses . Add ( clause ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length - = Or . Length ;
whereClauses . Add ( clauseBuilder . Append ( ')' ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length = 0 ;
if ( query . ExcludeArtistIds . Length > 0 )
var clauses = new List < string > ( ) ;
var index = 0 ;
foreach ( var artistId in query . ExcludeArtistIds )
clauseBuilder . Append ( '(' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < query . ExcludeArtistIds . Length ; i + + )
var paramName = "@ExcludeArtistId" + index ;
clauses . Add ( "(guid not in (select itemid from ItemValues where CleanValue = (select CleanName from TypedBaseItems where guid=" + paramName + ") and Type<=1))" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( paramName , artistId ) ;
index+ + ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( "(guid not in (select itemid from ItemValues where CleanValue = (select CleanName from TypedBaseItems where guid=@ExcludeArtistId" )
. Append ( i )
. Append ( ") and Type<=1)) OR " ) ;
statement? . TryBind ( "@ExcludeArtistId" + i , query . ExcludeArtistIds [ i ] ) ;
var clause = "(" + string . Join ( " OR " , clauses ) + ")" ;
whereClauses . Add ( clause ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length - = Or . Length ;
whereClauses . Add ( clauseBuilder . Append ( ')' ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length = 0 ;
if ( query . GenreIds . Count > 0 )
var clauses = new List < string > ( ) ;
var index = 0 ;
foreach ( var genreId in query . GenreIds )
clauseBuilder . Append ( '(' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < query . GenreIds . Count ; i + + )
var paramName = "@GenreId" + index ;
clauses . Add ( "(guid in (select itemid from ItemValues where CleanValue = (select CleanName from TypedBaseItems where guid=" + paramName + ") and Type=2))" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( paramName , genreId ) ;
index+ + ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( "(guid in (select itemid from ItemValues where CleanValue = (select CleanName from TypedBaseItems where guid=@GenreId" )
. Append ( i )
. Append ( ") and Type=2)) OR " ) ;
statement? . TryBind ( "@GenreId" + i , query . GenreIds [ i ] ) ;
var clause = "(" + string . Join ( " OR " , clauses ) + ")" ;
whereClauses . Add ( clause ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length - = Or . Length ;
whereClauses . Add ( clauseBuilder . Append ( ')' ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length = 0 ;
if ( query . Genres . Count > 0 )
var clauses = new List < string > ( ) ;
var index = 0 ;
foreach ( var item in query . Genres )
clauseBuilder . Append ( '(' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < query . Genres . Count ; i + + )
clauses . Add ( "@Genre" + index + " in (select CleanValue from ItemValues where ItemId=Guid and Type=2)" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@Genre" + index , GetCleanValue ( item ) ) ;
index + + ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( "@Genre" )
. Append ( i )
. Append ( " in (select CleanValue from ItemValues where ItemId=Guid and Type=2) OR " ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@Genre" + i , GetCleanValue ( query . Genres [ i ] ) ) ;
var clause = "(" + string . Join ( " OR " , clauses ) + ")" ;
whereClauses . Add ( clause ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length - = Or . Length ;
whereClauses . Add ( clauseBuilder . Append ( ')' ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length = 0 ;
if ( tags . Count > 0 )
var clauses = new List < string > ( ) ;
var index = 0 ;
foreach ( var item in tags )
clauseBuilder . Append ( '(' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tags . Count ; i + + )
clauses . Add ( "@Tag" + index + " in (select CleanValue from ItemValues where ItemId=Guid and Type=4)" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@Tag" + index , GetCleanValue ( item ) ) ;
index + + ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( "@Tag" )
. Append ( i )
. Append ( " in (select CleanValue from ItemValues where ItemId=Guid and Type=4) OR " ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@Tag" + i , GetCleanValue ( tags [ i ] ) ) ;
var clause = "(" + string . Join ( " OR " , clauses ) + ")" ;
whereClauses . Add ( clause ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length - = Or . Length ;
whereClauses . Add ( clauseBuilder . Append ( ')' ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length = 0 ;
if ( excludeTags . Count > 0 )
var clauses = new List < string > ( ) ;
var index = 0 ;
foreach ( var item in excludeTags )
clauseBuilder . Append ( '(' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < excludeTags . Count ; i + + )
clauses . Add ( "@ExcludeTag" + index + " not in (select CleanValue from ItemValues where ItemId=Guid and Type=4)" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@ExcludeTag" + index , GetCleanValue ( item ) ) ;
index + + ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( "@ExcludeTag" )
. Append ( i )
. Append ( " not in (select CleanValue from ItemValues where ItemId=Guid and Type=4) OR " ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@ExcludeTag" + i , GetCleanValue ( excludeTags [ i ] ) ) ;
var clause = "(" + string . Join ( " OR " , clauses ) + ")" ;
whereClauses . Add ( clause ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length - = Or . Length ;
whereClauses . Add ( clauseBuilder . Append ( ')' ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length = 0 ;
if ( query . StudioIds . Length > 0 )
var clauses = new List < string > ( ) ;
var index = 0 ;
foreach ( var studioId in query . StudioIds )
clauseBuilder . Append ( '(' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < query . StudioIds . Length ; i + + )
var paramName = "@StudioId" + index ;
clauses . Add ( "(guid in (select itemid from ItemValues where CleanValue = (select CleanName from TypedBaseItems where guid=" + paramName + ") and Type=3))" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( paramName , studioId ) ;
index+ + ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( "(guid in (select itemid from ItemValues where CleanValue = (select CleanName from TypedBaseItems where guid=@StudioId" )
. Append ( i )
. Append ( ") and Type=3)) OR " ) ;
statement? . TryBind ( "@StudioId" + i , query . StudioIds [ i ] ) ;
var clause = "(" + string . Join ( " OR " , clauses ) + ")" ;
whereClauses . Add ( clause ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length - = Or . Length ;
whereClauses . Add ( clauseBuilder . Append ( ')' ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length = 0 ;
if ( query . OfficialRatings . Length > 0 )
var clauses = new List < string > ( ) ;
var index = 0 ;
foreach ( var item in query . OfficialRatings )
clauseBuilder . Append ( '(' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < query . OfficialRatings . Length ; i + + )
clauses . Add ( "OfficialRating=@OfficialRating" + index ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@OfficialRating" + index , item ) ;
index + + ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( "OfficialRating=@OfficialRating" ) . Append ( i ) . Append ( Or ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@OfficialRating" + i , query . OfficialRatings [ i ] ) ;
var clause = "(" + string . Join ( " OR " , clauses ) + ")" ;
whereClauses . Add ( clause ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length - = Or . Length ;
whereClauses . Add ( clauseBuilder . Append ( ')' ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length = 0 ;
var ratingClauseBuilder = new StringBuilder ( "(" ) ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( '(' ) ;
if ( query . HasParentalRating ? ? false )
ratingC lauseBuilder. Append ( "InheritedParentalRatingValue not null" ) ;
c lauseBuilder. Append ( "InheritedParentalRatingValue not null" ) ;
if ( query . MinParentalRating . HasValue )
ratingC lauseBuilder. Append ( " AND InheritedParentalRatingValue >= @MinParentalRating" ) ;
c lauseBuilder. Append ( " AND InheritedParentalRatingValue >= @MinParentalRating" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@MinParentalRating" , query . MinParentalRating . Value ) ;
if ( query . MaxParentalRating . HasValue )
ratingC lauseBuilder. Append ( " AND InheritedParentalRatingValue <= @MaxParentalRating" ) ;
c lauseBuilder. Append ( " AND InheritedParentalRatingValue <= @MaxParentalRating" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@MaxParentalRating" , query . MaxParentalRating . Value ) ;
else if ( query . BlockUnratedItems . Length > 0 )
var paramName = "@UnratedType" ;
var index = 0 ;
string blockedUnratedItems = string . Join ( ',' , query . BlockUnratedItems . Select ( _ = > paramName + index + + ) ) ;
ratingClauseBuilder . Append ( "(InheritedParentalRatingValue is null AND UnratedType not in (" + blockedUnratedItems + "))" ) ;
const string ParamName = "@UnratedType" ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( "(InheritedParentalRatingValue is null AND UnratedType not in (" ) ;
if ( statement is not null )
for ( var ind = 0 ; ind < query . BlockUnratedItems . Length ; ind + + )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < query . BlockUnratedItems . Length ; i + + )
statement . TryBind ( paramName + ind , query . BlockUnratedItems [ ind ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( ParamName ) . Append ( i ) . Append ( ',' ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( ParamName + i , query . BlockUnratedItems [ i ] . ToString ( ) ) ;
// Remove trailing comma
clauseBuilder . Length - - ;
clauseBuilder . Append ( "))" ) ;
if ( query . MinParentalRating . HasValue | | query . MaxParentalRating . HasValue )
ratingClauseBuilder . Append ( " OR (" ) ;
c lauseBuilder. Append ( " OR (" ) ;
if ( query . MinParentalRating . HasValue )
ratingC lauseBuilder. Append ( "InheritedParentalRatingValue >= @MinParentalRating" ) ;
c lauseBuilder. Append ( "InheritedParentalRatingValue >= @MinParentalRating" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@MinParentalRating" , query . MinParentalRating . Value ) ;
@ -4035,50 +3975,50 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
if ( query . MinParentalRating . HasValue )
ratingC lauseBuilder. Append ( " AND " ) ;
c lauseBuilder. Append ( " AND " ) ;
ratingC lauseBuilder. Append ( "InheritedParentalRatingValue <= @MaxParentalRating" ) ;
c lauseBuilder. Append ( "InheritedParentalRatingValue <= @MaxParentalRating" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@MaxParentalRating" , query . MaxParentalRating . Value ) ;
if ( query . MinParentalRating . HasValue | | query . MaxParentalRating . HasValue )
ratingClauseBuilder. Append ( ")" ) ;
clauseBuilder. Append ( ')' ) ;
if ( ! ( query . MinParentalRating . HasValue | | query . MaxParentalRating . HasValue ) )
ratingC lauseBuilder. Append ( " OR InheritedParentalRatingValue not null" ) ;
c lauseBuilder. Append ( " OR InheritedParentalRatingValue not null" ) ;
else if ( query . MinParentalRating . HasValue )
ratingC lauseBuilder. Append ( "InheritedParentalRatingValue is null OR (InheritedParentalRatingValue >= @MinParentalRating" ) ;
c lauseBuilder. Append ( "InheritedParentalRatingValue is null OR (InheritedParentalRatingValue >= @MinParentalRating" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@MinParentalRating" , query . MinParentalRating . Value ) ;
if ( query . MaxParentalRating . HasValue )
ratingC lauseBuilder. Append ( " AND InheritedParentalRatingValue <= @MaxParentalRating" ) ;
c lauseBuilder. Append ( " AND InheritedParentalRatingValue <= @MaxParentalRating" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@MaxParentalRating" , query . MaxParentalRating . Value ) ;
ratingClauseBuilder. Append ( ")" ) ;
clauseBuilder. Append ( ')' ) ;
else if ( query . MaxParentalRating . HasValue )
ratingC lauseBuilder. Append ( "InheritedParentalRatingValue is null OR InheritedParentalRatingValue <= @MaxParentalRating" ) ;
c lauseBuilder. Append ( "InheritedParentalRatingValue is null OR InheritedParentalRatingValue <= @MaxParentalRating" ) ;
statement ? . TryBind ( "@MaxParentalRating" , query . MaxParentalRating . Value ) ;
else if ( ! query . HasParentalRating ? ? false )
ratingC lauseBuilder. Append ( "InheritedParentalRatingValue is null" ) ;
c lauseBuilder. Append ( "InheritedParentalRatingValue is null" ) ;
var ratingClauseString = ratingClauseBuilder . ToString ( ) ;
if ( ! string . Equals ( ratingClauseString , "(" , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
if ( clauseBuilder . Length > 1 )
whereClauses . Add ( ratingClauseString + ")" ) ;
whereClauses . Add ( clauseBuilder . Append ( ')' ) . ToString ( ) ) ;
clauseBuilder . Length = 0 ;
if ( query . HasOfficialRating . HasValue )
@ -4565,7 +4505,6 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
return whereClauses ;
#nullable disable
/// <summary>
/// Formats a where clause for the specified provider.
@ -4582,6 +4521,7 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
provider ) ;
#nullable disable
private List < string > GetItemByNameTypesInQuery ( InternalItemsQuery query )
var list = new List < string > ( ) ;
@ -4661,24 +4601,17 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
return true ;
if ( query . IncludeItemTypes . Contains ( BaseItemKind . Episode )
return query . IncludeItemTypes . Contains ( BaseItemKind . Episode )
| | query . IncludeItemTypes . Contains ( BaseItemKind . Video )
| | query . IncludeItemTypes . Contains ( BaseItemKind . Movie )
| | query . IncludeItemTypes . Contains ( BaseItemKind . MusicVideo )
| | query . IncludeItemTypes . Contains ( BaseItemKind . Series )
| | query . IncludeItemTypes . Contains ( BaseItemKind . Season ) )
return true ;
return false ;
| | query . IncludeItemTypes . Contains ( BaseItemKind . Season ) ;
public void UpdateInheritedValues ( )
string sql = string . Join (
';' ,
new string [ ]
var queries = new string [ ]
"delete from ItemValues where type = 6" ,
@ -4688,16 +4621,11 @@ namespace Emby.Server.Implementations.Data
FROM AncestorIds
LEFT JOIN ItemValues ON ( AncestorIds . AncestorId = ItemValues . ItemId )
where AncestorIdText not null and ItemValues . Value not null and ItemValues . Type = 4 "
} ) ;
} ;
using ( var connection = GetConnection ( ) )
connection . RunInTransaction (
db = >
connection . ExecuteAll ( sql ) ;
} ,
TransactionMode ) ;
connection . RunQueries ( queries ) ;
@ -4794,25 +4722,25 @@ where AncestorIdText not null and ItemValues.Value not null and ItemValues.Type
CheckDisposed ( ) ;
var commandText = "select ItemId, Name, Role, PersonType, SortOrder from People p" ;
StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder ( "select ItemId, Name, Role, PersonType, SortOrder from People p" ) ;
var whereClauses = GetPeopleWhereClauses ( query , null ) ;
if ( whereClauses . Count ! = 0 )
commandText + = " where " + string . Join( " AND " , whereClauses ) ;
commandText . Append ( " where " ) . Append Join( " AND " , whereClauses ) ;
commandText + = " order by ListOrder" ;
commandText . Append ( " order by ListOrder" ) ;
if ( query . Limit > 0 )
commandText + = " LIMIT " + query . Limit ;
commandText . Append ( " LIMIT " ) . Append ( query . Limit ) ;
var list = new List < PersonInfo > ( ) ;
using ( var connection = GetConnection ( true ) )
using ( var statement = PrepareStatement ( connection , commandText ))
using ( var statement = PrepareStatement ( connection , commandText .ToString ( ) ))
// Run this again to bind the params
GetPeopleWhereClauses ( query , statement ) ;
@ -4930,7 +4858,7 @@ AND Type = @InternalPersonType)");
i . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ) ;
// Remove last ,
// Remove trailing comma
insertText . Length - - ;
using ( var statement = PrepareStatement ( db , insertText . ToString ( ) ) )
@ -5458,7 +5386,7 @@ AND Type = @InternalPersonType)");
i ) ;
// Remove last comma
// Remove trailing comma
insertText . Length - - ;
using ( var statement = PrepareStatement ( db , insertText . ToString ( ) ) )
@ -5539,7 +5467,7 @@ AND Type = @InternalPersonType)");
i . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ) ;
// Remove last comma
// Remove trailing comma
insertText . Length - - ;
using ( var statement = PrepareStatement ( db , insertText . ToString ( ) ) )
@ -5788,11 +5716,10 @@ AND Type = @InternalPersonType)");
var item = new MediaStream
Index = reader [ 1 ] . ToInt ( )
Index = reader [ 1 ] . ToInt ( ) ,
Type = Enum . Parse < MediaStreamType > ( reader [ 2 ] . ToString ( ) , true )
} ;
item . Type = Enum . Parse < MediaStreamType > ( reader [ 2 ] . ToString ( ) , true ) ;
if ( reader . TryGetString ( 3 , out var codec ) )
item . Codec = codec ;
@ -6012,7 +5939,7 @@ AND Type = @InternalPersonType)");
using ( var connection = GetConnection ( true ) )
using ( var statement = PrepareStatement ( connection , cmdText ) )
statement . TryBind ( "@ItemId" , query . ItemId .ToByteArray ( ) );
statement . TryBind ( "@ItemId" , query . ItemId );
if ( query . Index . HasValue )
@ -6073,14 +6000,13 @@ AND Type = @InternalPersonType)");
for ( var i = startIndex ; i < endIndex ; i + + )
var index = i . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ;
insertText . Append ( "(@ItemId, " ) ;
foreach ( var column in _mediaAttachmentSaveColumns . Skip ( 1 ) )
insertText . Append ( '@' )
. Append ( column )
. Append ( i ndex )
. Append ( i )
. Append ( ',' ) ;