@ -30,25 +30,8 @@ namespace Jellyfin.LiveTv.TunerHosts
public class M3UTunerHost : BaseTunerHost , ITunerHost , IConfigurableTunerHost
private static readonly string [ ] _disallowedMimeTypes =
"text/plain" ,
"text/html" ,
"video/x-matroska" ,
"video/mp4" ,
"application/vnd.apple.mpegurl" ,
"application/mpegurl" ,
"application/x-mpegurl" ,
} ;
private static readonly string [ ] _disallowedSharedStreamExtensions =
".mkv" ,
".mp4" ,
".m3u8" ,
} ;
private static readonly string [ ] _mimeTypesCanShareHttpStream = [ "video/MP2T" ] ;
private static readonly string [ ] _extensionsCanShareHttpStream = [ ".ts" , ".tsv" , ".m2t" ] ;
private readonly IHttpClientFactory _httpClientFactory ;
private readonly IServerApplicationHost _appHost ;
@ -112,6 +95,12 @@ namespace Jellyfin.LiveTv.TunerHosts
var mediaSource = sources [ 0 ] ;
if ( mediaSource . Protocol = = MediaProtocol . Http & & ! mediaSource . RequiresLooping )
var extension = Path . GetExtension ( new UriBuilder ( mediaSource . Path ) . Path ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( extension ) )
using var message = new HttpRequestMessage ( HttpMethod . Head , mediaSource . Path ) ;
using var response = await _httpClientFactory . CreateClient ( NamedClient . Default )
@ -120,22 +109,22 @@ namespace Jellyfin.LiveTv.TunerHosts
if ( response . IsSuccessStatusCode )
if ( ! _disallowedMimeTypes . Contains ( response . Content . Headers . ContentType ? . MediaType , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
if ( _mimeTypesCanShareHttpStream . Contains ( response . Content . Headers . ContentType ? . MediaType , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return new SharedHttpStream ( mediaSource , tunerHost , streamId , FileSystem , _httpClientFactory , Logger , Config , _appHost , _streamHelper ) ;
catch ( Exception )
// Fallback to check path extension when the server does not support HEAD method
// Use UriBuilder to remove all query string as GetExtension will include them when used directly
var extension = Path . GetExtension ( new UriBuilder ( mediaSource . Path ) . Path ) ;
if ( ! _disallowedSharedStreamExtensions . Contains ( extension , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
Logger . LogWarning ( "HEAD request to check MIME type failed, shared stream disabled" ) ;
else if ( _extensionsCanShareHttpStream . Contains ( extension , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
return new SharedHttpStream ( mediaSource , tunerHost , streamId , FileSystem , _httpClientFactory , Logger , Config , _appHost , _streamHelper ) ;
return new LiveStream ( mediaSource , tunerHost , FileSystem , Logger , Config , _streamHelper ) ;