"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"MessageConfirmPathSubstitutionDeletion":"Are you sure you wish to delete this path substitution?",
"LiveTvUpdateAvailable":"(Update available)",
@ -145,7 +154,7 @@
"MessagePleaseSelectTwoItems":"Please select at least two items.",
"MessageTheFollowingItemsWillBeGrouped":"The following titles will be grouped into one item:",
"MessageConfirmItemGrouping":"Media Browser clients will automatically choose the optimal version to play based on device and network performance. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
"LabelChapterDownloadersHelp":"Enable and rank your preferred chapter downloaders in order of priority. Lower priority downloaders will only be used to fill in missing information.",
"HeaderFavoriteAlbums":"Favorite Albums",
@ -215,11 +224,12 @@
"MessageAreYouSureDeleteSubtitles":"Are you sure you wish to delete this subtitle file?",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"MessageSupporterMembershipExpiredOn":"Your supporter membership expired on {0}.",
"MessageYouHaveALifetimeMembership":"You have a lifetime supporter membership. You can provide additional donations on a one-time or recurring basis using the options below. Thank you for supporting Media Browser.",
"MessageYouHaveAnActiveRecurringMembership":"You have an active {0} membership. You can upgrade your plan using the options below.",
"MessageMediaBrowserAccountAdded":"The Media Browser account has been added to this user.",
"MessagePendingMediaBrowserAccountAdded":"The Media Browser account has been added to this user. An email will be sent to the owner of the account. The invitation will need to be confirmed by clicking a link within the email.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"MessageKeyRemoved":"Danke. Ihr Unterst\u00fctzerschl\u00fcssel wurde entfernt.",
"ErrorLaunchingChromecast":"W\u00e4hrend des startens von Chromecast ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte stelle sicher, dass dein Ger\u00e4te mit dem WLAN verbunden ist.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"Eine Unterst\u00fctzer-Mitgliedschaft bietet weitere Vorteile, wie z.B. den Zugriff auf premium Plugins, weitere Internet-Channels und mehr. {0}Erfahren Sie mehr{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Willkommen zur Media Browser \u00dcbersicht",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Aktueller Pfad:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"W\u00e4hle einen Medienpfad:",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Falls der Netzwerk Button deine Endger\u00e4te nicht automatisch findet, kannst du deren Netzwerkpfade auch manuell eintragen. Zum Beispiel {0} oder {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Ruta actual:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Seleccionar la ruta para Medios",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Rutas de red pueden ser introducidas manualmente en el caso de que el bot\u00f3n de la red no pueda localizar sus dispositivos. Por ejemplo, {0} o {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"La membres\u00eda de aficionado proporciona beneficios adicionales tales como acceso a complementos premium, contenido de canales de Internet y m\u00e1s. {0}Conocer m\u00e1s{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Bienvenido al Panel de Control de Media Browser",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Ruta actual:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Seleccionar ruta a medios",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Las rutas de red pueden ser ingresadas manualmente en caso de que el bot\u00f3n de Red no pueda localizar sus dispositivos. Por ejemplo, {0} or {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"MessageKeyRemoved":"Merci. Votre cl\u00e9 de supporteur a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9e.",
"ErrorLaunchingChromecast":"Une erreur a \u00e9t\u00e9 rencontr\u00e9e lors du lancement de Chromecast. Veuillez vous assurer que votre appareil est bien connect\u00e9 \u00e0 votre r\u00e9seau sans-fil.",
"ValueDateCreated":"Date de cr\u00e9ation : {0}",
"LabelMusicVideo":"Clip vid\u00e9o",
@ -44,8 +45,16 @@
"HeaderAddToCollection":"Ajouter \u00e0 la collection",
"NewCollectionNameExample":"Exemple: Collection Star Wars",
"OptionSearchForInternetMetadata":"Rechercher sur Internet les images et m\u00e9tadonn\u00e9es",
"LabelSelectCollection":"S\u00e9lectionner la collection :",
"ButtonAddToCollection":"Ajouter \u00e0 une collection",
"HeaderSelectCertificatePath":"S\u00e9lectionnez le chemin du certificat",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"Cette op\u00e9ration s'ex\u00e9cute normalement automatiquement en tant que t\u00e2che planifi\u00e9e. Elle peut aussi \u00eatre ex\u00e9cut\u00e9e manuellement ici. Pour configurer la t\u00e2che planifi\u00e9e, voir:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"Un partenariat de membre supporteur apporte des avantages suppl\u00e9mentaires, comme l'acc\u00e8s aux plugins premiums, aux contenus des cha\u00eenes Internet, et plus encore. {0}En savoir plus{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Bienvenue dans le centre de contr\u00f4le de Media browser",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"S\u00e9lectionnez le chemin du m\u00e9dia",
"HeaderSelectPath":"S\u00e9lectionnez un chemin",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Les chemins r\u00e9seaux peuvent \u00eatre saisis manuellement dans le cas o\u00f9 l'utilisation du bouton \"R\u00e9seau\" ne parvient pas \u00e0 localiser les ressources. Par exemple, {0} ou {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"MessageKeyRemoved":"Grazie. La vostra chiave supporter \u00e8 stata rimossa.",
"ErrorLaunchingChromecast":"Si \u00e8 verificato un errore all'avvio di chromecast. Assicurati che il tuo dispositivo sia connesso alla rete wireless.",
"ValueDateCreated":"Date created: {0}",
"LabelMusicVideo":"Video Musicali",
@ -44,8 +45,16 @@
"HeaderAddToCollection":"Aggiungi alla Collezione",
"NewCollectionNameExample":"Esempio: Collezione Star wars",
"OptionSearchForInternetMetadata":"Cerca su internet le immagini e i metadati",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"La sottoscrizione Supporter concede dei benefici come: l'accesso a plug-in premium, contenuti dei canali internet, e altro. {0}Scopri di pi\u00f9{1}",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Benvenuti nel Dashboard di Media Browser",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Percorso Corrente:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Seleziona il percorso",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Percorsi di rete possono essere inseriti manualmente nel caso in cui il pulsante Rete non riesce a individuare i vostri dispositivi. Ad esempio, {0} o {1}",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"MessageKeyRemoved":"Takk. Din supporter n\u00f8kkel har blitt fjernet.",
"ErrorLaunchingChromecast":"Det var en error ved \u00e5 starte Chromecast. Vennligst forsikre deg om at enheten har korrekt forbindelse mot ditt tr\u00e5dl\u00f8se nettverk.",
"ValueDateCreated":"Date created: {0}",
"LabelMusicVideo":"Musikk Video",
@ -44,8 +45,16 @@
"HeaderAddToCollection":"Legg Til I Samling",
"NewCollectionNameExample":"Eksempel: Star Wars Samling",
"OptionSearchForInternetMetadata":"S\u00f8k p\u00e5 internet for artwork og metadata",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Velkommen til Media Browser Dashbord",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"N\u00e5v\u00e6rende sti:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Velg Media Sti",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Nettverksti kan skrives inn manuelt i tilfelle Nettverk-knappen ikke klarer \u00e5 lokalisere enhetene dine. For eksempel {0} eller {1}.",
"MessageThankYouForSupporting":"Thank you for supporting Media Browser.",
"MessagePleaseSupportMediaBrowser":"Please support Media Browser.",
"MessageThankYouForSupporting":"Dank u voor de ondersteuning van Media Browser.",
"MessagePleaseSupportMediaBrowser":"Geef a.u.b. uw steun aan Media Browser.",
"DeleteImageConfirmation":"Weet u zeker dat u deze afbeelding wilt verwijderen?",
"FileReadCancelled":"Bestand lezen is geannuleerd.",
"FileNotFound":"Bestand niet gevonden.",
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
"MessageKeyRemoved":"Dank u. Uw supporter sleutel is verwijderd.",
"ErrorLaunchingChromecast":"Er is een fout opgetreden bij het starten van chromecast. Zorg ervoor dat uw apparaat is aangesloten op uw draadloze netwerk.",
"ValueDateCreated":"Datum aangemaakt: {0}",
"LabelMusicVideo":"Muziek Video",
@ -44,9 +45,17 @@
"HeaderAddToCollection":"Toevoegen aan verzameling",
"NewCollectionNameExample":"Voorbeeld: Star Wars Collectie",
"OptionSearchForInternetMetadata":"Zoeken op het internet voor afbeeldingen en metadata",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Selecteer verzameling:",
"ButtonScheduledTasks":"Scheduled tasks",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"Deze operatie loopt normaal gesproken automatisch als een geplande taak. Het kan hier ook handmatig worden uitgevoerd. Om de geplande taak te configureren, zie:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"Een supporter lidmaatschap biedt voordelen zoals toegang tot premium plug-ins, internet kanalen en meer. {0}Meer weten{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welkom bij het Media Browser Dashboard",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserWebClient":"Welkom op de Media Browser Web Client",
@ -58,10 +67,10 @@
"HeaderChannelAccess":"Kanaal toegang",
"HeaderDeviceAccess":"Apparaat Toegang",
"HeaderSelectDevices":"Selecteer Apparaten",
"ButtonCancelItem":"Cancel item",
"ButtonQueueForRetry":"Queue for retry",
"SyncJobItemStatusSyncedMarkForRemoval":"Marked for removal",
"ButtonCancelItem":"Annuleren item",
"ButtonQueueForRetry":"Wachtrij voor opnieuw proberen",
"ButtonReenable":"Opnieuw inschakelen",
"SyncJobItemStatusSyncedMarkForRemoval":"Gemarkeerd voor verwijdering",
"LabelAbortedByServerShutdown":"(Afgebroken door afsluiten van de server)",
"LabelScheduledTaskLastRan":"Laatste keer {0}, duur {1}.",
"MessageConfirmSyncJobItemCancellation":"Are you sure you wish to cancel this item?",
"MessageConfirmSyncJobItemCancellation":"Bent u zeker dat u dit item wilt annuleren?",
"ButtonUnmute":"Dempen opheffen",
@ -88,7 +97,7 @@
"ButtonPlayTrailer":"Speel trailer",
"ButtonPlayTrailer":"Trailer afspelen",
"ButtonPreviousTrack":"Vorig Nummer",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Huidige pad:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Selecteer Media Pad",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Selecteer Pad",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Netwerk paden kunnen handmatig worden ingevoerd in het geval de Netwerk knop faalt om uw apparatuur te lokaliseren . Bijvoorbeeld: {0} of {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"MessageThankYouForSupporting":"Thank you for supporting Media Browser.",
"MessagePleaseSupportMediaBrowser":"Please support Media Browser.",
"MessageThankYouForSupporting":"Obrigado por apoiar o Media Browser",
"MessagePleaseSupportMediaBrowser":"Por favor, ap\u00f3ie o Media Browser.",
"DeleteImageConfirmation":"Deseja realmente excluir esta imagem?",
"FileReadCancelled":"A leitura do arquivo foi cancelada.",
"FileNotFound":"Arquivo n\u00e3o encontrado.",
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
"MessageKeyRemoved":"Obrigado. Sua chave de colaborador foi removida.",
"ErrorLaunchingChromecast":"Ocorreu um erro ao iniciar o chromecast. Por favor verifique se seu dispositivo est\u00e1 conectado \u00e0 sua rede sem fio.",
"ValueDateCreated":"Data da cria\u00e7\u00e3o: {0}",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSelectCertificatePath":"Selecione o Caminho do Certificado",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"Esta opera\u00e7\u00e3o normalmente \u00e9 executada automaticamente como uma tarefa agendada. Tamb\u00e9m pode ser executada manualmente. Para configurar a tarefa agendada, veja:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A ades\u00e3o de colaborador fornece benef\u00edcios adicionais como acesso a plugins premium, canais de conte\u00fado da internet e mais. {0}Saiba mais{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Bem Vindo ao Painel do Media Browser",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserWebClient":"Bem-vindo ao Cliente Web do Media Browser",
@ -58,10 +67,10 @@
"HeaderChannelAccess":"Acesso ao Canal",
"HeaderDeviceAccess":"Acesso ao Dispositivo",
"HeaderSelectDevices":"Selecionar Dispositivos",
"ButtonCancelItem":"Cancel item",
"ButtonQueueForRetry":"Queue for retry",
"SyncJobItemStatusSyncedMarkForRemoval":"Marked for removal",
"ButtonCancelItem":"Cancelar item",
"ButtonQueueForRetry":"Enfileirar para tentar novamente",
"SyncJobItemStatusSyncedMarkForRemoval":"Marcado para remo\u00e7\u00e3o",
"LabelAbortedByServerShutdown":"(Abortada pelo desligamento do servidor)",
"LabelRunningOnPorts":"Running on http port {0}, and https port {1}.",
"LabelRunningOnPort":"Executando na porta http {0}.",
"LabelRunningOnPorts":"Executando na porta http {0} e porta https {1}.",
"HeaderLatestFromChannel":"Mais recentes de {0}",
"LabelUnknownLanaguage":"Idioma desconhecido",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Caminho atual:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Selecionar o Caminho da M\u00eddia",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Selecione o Caminho",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Os caminhos da rede podem ser digitados manualmente caso o bot\u00e3o de Rede n\u00e3o consiga localizar seus dispositivos. Por exemplo, {0} ou {1}.",
@ -230,7 +240,7 @@
"HeaderAudioTracks":"Faixas de Audio",
"HeaderVideoQuality":"Qualidade do V\u00eddeo",
"MessageErrorPlayingVideo":"Houve um erro na reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o do v\u00eddeo.",
@ -597,7 +607,7 @@
"MediaInfoRefFrames":"Quadros de refer\u00eancia",
"HeaderSelectCustomIntrosPath":"Selecionar o Caminho para Intros Personalizadas",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0435\u043c \u0432 \u0418\u043d\u0444\u043e\u043f\u0430\u043d\u0435\u043b\u0438 Media Browser",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserWebClient":"\u0412\u0435\u0431-\u043a\u043b\u0438\u0435\u043d\u0442 Media Browser \u043f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0435\u0442 \u0432\u0430\u0441!",
"MessageKeyRemoved":"Tack. Din donationskod har raderats.",
"ErrorLaunchingChromecast":"Det gick inte att starta Chromecast. Kontrollera att enheten \u00e4r ansluten till det tr\u00e5dl\u00f6sa n\u00e4tverket.",
"ValueDateCreated":"Date created: {0}",
@ -44,8 +45,16 @@
"HeaderAddToCollection":"L\u00e4gg till samling",
"NewCollectionNameExample":"Exemple: Star Wars-samling",
"OptionSearchForInternetMetadata":"S\u00f6k p\u00e5 internet efter grafik och metadata",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"V\u00e4lkommen till Media Browsers kontrollpanel",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Aktuell s\u00f6kv\u00e4g:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"V\u00e4lj s\u00f6kv\u00e4g till media",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"N\u00e4tverkss\u00f6kv\u00e4gar kan anges manuellt om \"N\u00e4tverk\" inte hittar dina enheter. T ex {0} eller {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
"ConfirmMessageScheduledTaskButton":"This operation normally runs automatically as a scheduled task. It can also be run manually here. To configure the scheduled task, see:",
"HeaderSupporterBenefit":"A supporter membership provides additional benefits such as access to premium plugins, internet channel content, and more. {0}Learn more{1}.",
"HeaderWelcomeToMediaBrowserServerDashboard":"Welcome to the Media Browser Dashboard",
@ -220,6 +229,7 @@
"LabelCurrentPath":"Current path:",
"HeaderSelectMediaPath":"Select Media Path",
"HeaderSelectPath":"Select Path",
"MessageDirectoryPickerInstruction":"Network paths can be entered manually in the event the Network button fails to locate your devices. For example, {0} or {1}.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"WindowsServiceIntro2":"If using the windows service, please note that it cannot be run at the same time as the tray icon, so you'll need to exit the tray in order to run the service. The service will also need to be configured with administrative privileges via the control panel. Please note that at this time the service is unable to self-update, so new versions will require manual interaction.",
"WizardCompleted":"That's all we need for now. Media Browser has begun collecting information about your media library. Check out some of our apps, and then click <b>Finish<\/b> to view the <b>Server Dashboard<\/b>.",
"LabelConfigureSettings":"Configure settings",
"LabelEnableVideoImageExtraction":"Enable video image extraction",
"VideoImageExtractionHelp":"For videos that don't already have images, and that we're unable to find internet images for. This will add some additional time to the initial library scan but will result in a more pleasing presentation.",
"LabelEnableChapterImageExtractionForMovies":"Extract chapter image extraction for Movies",
"LabelChapterImageExtractionForMoviesHelp":"Extracting chapter images will allow clients to display graphical scene selection menus. The process can be slow, cpu-intensive and may require several gigabytes of space. It runs as a nightly scheduled task at 4am, although this is configurable in the scheduled tasks area. It is not recommended to run this task during peak usage hours.",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMapping":"Enable automatic port mapping",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMappingHelp":"UPnP allows automated router configuration for easy remote access. This may not work with some router models.",
"HeaderTermsOfService":"Media Browser Terms of Service",
"MessagePleaseAcceptTermsOfService":"Please accept the terms of service and privacy policy before continuing.",
"OptionIAcceptTermsOfService":"I accept the terms of service",
"ButtonPrivacyPolicy":"Privacy policy",
"ButtonTermsOfService":"Terms of Service",
"HeaderDeveloperOptions":"Developer Options",
"OptionEnableWebClientResponseCache":"Enable web client response caching",
"OptionDisableForDevelopmentHelp":"Configure these as needed for web client development purposes.",
"OptionEnableWebClientResourceMinification":"Enable web client resource minification",
"LabelDashboardSourcePathHelp":"If running the server from source, specify the path to the dashboard-ui folder. All web client files will be served from this location.",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadata":"Save artwork and metadata into media folders",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadataHelp":"Saving artwork and metadata directly into media folders will put them in a place where they can be easily edited.",
"LabelDownloadInternetMetadata":"Download artwork and metadata from the internet",
"LabelDownloadInternetMetadataHelp":"Media Browser can download information about your media to enable rich presentations.",
"TabLibraryAccess":"Library Access",
"HeaderDeviceAccess":"Device Access",
"OptionEnableAccessFromAllDevices":"Enable access from all devices",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllChannels":"Enable access to all channels",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllLibraries":"Enable access to all libraries",
"DeviceAccessHelp":"This only applies to devices that can be uniquely identified and will not prevent browser access. Filtering user device access will prevent them from using new devices until they've been approved here.",
"LabelDisplayMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons":"Display missing episodes within seasons",
"LabelUnairedMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons":"Display unaired episodes within seasons",
"ScheduledTasksHelp":"Click a task to adjust its schedule.",
"ScheduledTasksTitle":"Scheduled Tasks",
"TabMyPlugins":"My Plugins",
"HeaderAutomaticUpdates":"Automatic Updates",
"HeaderNowPlaying":"Now Playing",
"HeaderLatestAlbums":"Latest Albums",
"HeaderLatestSongs":"Latest Songs",
"HeaderRecentlyPlayed":"Recently Played",
"HeaderFrequentlyPlayed":"Frequently Played",
"DevBuildWarning":"Dev builds are the bleeding edge. Released often, these build have not been tested. The application may crash and entire features may not work at all.",
"OptionFileMetadataYearMismatch":"File\/Metadata Years Mismatched",
"TabSupporterKey":"Supporter Key",
"TabBecomeSupporter":"Become a Supporter",
"MediaBrowserHasCommunity":"Media Browser has a thriving community of users and contributors.",
"CheckoutKnowledgeBase":"Check out our knowledge base to help you get the most out of Media Browser.",
"SearchKnowledgeBase":"Search the Knowledge Base",
"VisitTheCommunity":"Visit the Community",
"VisitMediaBrowserWebsite":"Visit the Media Browser Web Site",
"VisitMediaBrowserWebsiteLong":"Visit the Media Browser Web site to catch the latest news and keep up with the developer blog.",
"OptionHideUser":"Hide this user from login screens",
"OptionHideUserFromLoginHelp":"Useful for private or hidden administrator accounts. The user will need to sign in manually by entering their username and password.",
"OptionDisableUser":"Disable this user",
"OptionDisableUserHelp":"If disabled the server will not allow any connections from this user. Existing connections will be abruptly terminated.",
"HeaderAdvancedControl":"Advanced Control",
"OptionAllowUserToManageServer":"Allow this user to manage the server",
"HeaderFeatureAccess":"Feature Access",
"OptionAllowMediaPlayback":"Allow media playback",
"OptionAllowBrowsingLiveTv":"Allow browsing of live tv",
"OptionAllowDeleteLibraryContent":"Allow deletion of library content",
"OptionAllowManageLiveTv":"Allow management of live tv recordings",
"OptionAllowRemoteControlOthers":"Allow remote control of other users",
"OptionAllowRemoteSharedDevices":"Allow remote control of shared devices",
"OptionAllowRemoteSharedDevicesHelp":"Dlna devices are considered shared until a user begins controlling it.",
"VisitMediaBrowserWebsite":"\u041f\u043e\u0441\u0435\u0442\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u0443\u0435\u0431-\u0441\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0430 \u043d\u0430 Media Browser",
"PismoMessage":"Utilizing Pismo File Mount through a donated license.",
"TangibleSoftwareMessage":"Utilizing Tangible Solutions Java\/C# converters through a donated license.",
"PismoMessage":"\u0418\u0437\u043f\u043e\u043b\u0437\u0430\u043d\u0435 \u043d\u0430 Pismo File Mount \u0447\u0440\u0435\u0437 \u0434\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043d \u043b\u0438\u0446\u0435\u043d\u0437.",
"LabelAllowServerAutoRestart":"Allow the server to restart automatically to apply updates",
"LabelAllowServerAutoRestartHelp":"The server will only restart during idle periods, when no users are active.",
"LabelEnableDebugLogging":"Enable debug logging",
"LabelRunServerAtStartup":"Run server at startup",
"LabelRunServerAtStartupHelp":"This will start the tray icon on windows startup. To start the windows service, uncheck this and run the service from the windows control panel. Please note that you cannot run both at the same time, so you will need to exit the tray icon before starting the service.",
"ButtonSelectDirectory":"Select Directory",
"LabelCustomPaths":"Specify custom paths where desired. Leave fields empty to use the defaults.",
"LabelCachePath":"Cache path:",
"LabelCachePathHelp":"Specify a custom location for server cache files, such as images.",
"LabelImagesByNamePath":"Images by name path:",
"LabelImagesByNamePathHelp":"Specify a custom location for downloaded actor, genre and studio images.",
"LabelMetadataPath":"Metadata path:",
"LabelMetadataPathHelp":"Specify a custom location for downloaded artwork and metadata, if not saving within media folders.",
"LabelTranscodingTempPathHelp":"This folder contains working files used by the transcoder. Specify a custom path, or leave empty to use the default within the server's data folder.",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesTmdb":"Enable automatic updates from TheMovieDB.org",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesTvdb":"Enable automatic updates from TheTVDB.com",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesFanartHelp":"If enabled, new images will be downloaded automatically as they're added to fanart.tv. Existing images will not be replaced.",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesTmdbHelp":"If enabled, new images will be downloaded automatically as they're added to TheMovieDB.org. Existing images will not be replaced.",
"LabelAutomaticUpdatesTvdbHelp":"If enabled, new images will be downloaded automatically as they're added to TheTVDB.com. Existing images will not be replaced.",
"LabelFanartApiKey":"Personal api key:",
"LabelFanartApiKeyHelp":"Requests to fanart without a personal API key return results that were approved over 7 days ago. With a personal API key that drops to 48 hours and if you are also a fanart VIP member that will further drop to around 10 minutes.",
"ExtractChapterImagesHelp":"Extracting chapter images will allow clients to display graphical scene selection menus. The process can be slow, cpu-intensive and may require several gigabytes of space. It runs when videos are discovered, and also as a nightly scheduled task at 4am. The schedule is configurable in the scheduled tasks area. It is not recommended to run this task during peak usage hours.",
"LabelImageSavingConventionHelp":"Media Browser recognizes images from most major media applications. Choosing your downloading convention is useful if you also use other products.",
"OptionImageSavingCompatible":"Compatible - Media Browser\/Kodi\/Plex",
"OptionImageSavingStandard":"Standard - MB2",
"ButtonSignIn":"Sign In",
"TitleSignIn":"Sign In",
"HeaderPleaseSignIn":"Please sign in",
"ButtonManualLogin":"Manual Login",
"PasswordLocalhostMessage":"Passwords are not required when logging in from localhost.",
"TabMyLibrary":"My Library",
"ButtonCancelRecording":"Cancel Recording",
"HeaderPrePostPadding":"Pre\/Post Padding",
"LabelPrePaddingMinutes":"Pre-padding minutes:",
"OptionPrePaddingRequired":"Pre-padding is required in order to record.",
"OptionPostPaddingRequired":"Post-padding is required in order to record.",
"HeaderWhatsOnTV":"What's On",
"HeaderUpcomingTV":"Upcoming TV",
"ButtonRefreshGuideData":"Refresh Guide Data",
"ButtonAdvancedRefresh":"Advanced Refresh",
"OptionRecordOnAllChannels":"Record program on all channels",
"OptionRecordAnytime":"Record program at any time",
"OptionRecordOnlyNewEpisodes":"Record only new episodes",
"HeaderActiveRecordings":"Active Recordings",
"HeaderLatestRecordings":"Latest Recordings",
"HeaderAllRecordings":"All Recordings",
"OptionRecordSeries":"Record Series",
"TitleLiveTV":"Live TV",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDays":"Number of days of guide data to download:",
"LabelNumberOfGuideDaysHelp":"Downloading more days worth of guide data provides the ability to schedule out further in advance and view more listings, but it will also take longer to download. Auto will choose based on the number of channels.",
"LabelActiveService":"Active Service:",
"LabelActiveServiceHelp":"Multiple tv plugins can be installed but only one can be active at a time.",
"LiveTvPluginRequired":"A Live TV service provider plugin is required in order to continue.",
"LiveTvPluginRequiredHelp":"Please install one of our available plugins, such as Next Pvr or ServerWmc.",
"LabelCustomizeOptionsPerMediaType":"Customize for media type:",
"HeaderFetchImages":"Fetch Images:",
"HeaderImageSettings":"Image Settings",
"LabelMaxBackdropsPerItem":"Maximum number of backdrops per item:",
"LabelMaxScreenshotsPerItem":"Maximum number of screenshots per item:",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"Momentan sind keine Filmvorschl\u00e4ge verf\u00fcgbar. Schaue und bewerte zuerst deine Filme. Komme danach zur\u00fcck, um deine Filmvorschl\u00e4ge anzuschauen.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Sammlungen erlauben Ihnen eine personalisierte Gruppierung von Filmen, Serien, Alben, B\u00fcchern und Spielen. Klicken Sie die + Schaltfl\u00e4che um Sammlungen zu erstellen.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Wiedergabeliste erlauben es dir eine Liste mit Inhalt zu erstellen der fortlaufend abgespielt wird. Um einer Wiedergabeliste Inhalte hinzuzuf\u00fcgen klicke rechts oder mache einen langen Tap und w\u00e4hle daraufhin \"Zur Wiedergabeliste hinzuf\u00fcgen\" aus.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Heruntergeladene Inhalte die \u00e4lter als dieser Wert sind werden gel\u00f6scht. Sie werden aber weiterhin \u00fcber das Internetstreaming verf\u00fcgbar sein.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Installiere Kan\u00e4le wie beispielsweise \"Trailers\" oder \"Vimeo\" aus dem Plugin Katalog.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Zeige die folgenden Kan\u00e4le direkt innerhalb meiner Ansichten:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Falls aktiviert, werden diese Kan\u00e4le direkt neben den anderen Ansichten angezeigt. Falls deaktiviert, werden sie innerhalb einer separaten Kanalansicht angezeigt.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Zeigt eine Ansicht f\u00fcr Sammlungen, um Filmsammlungen darzustellen",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Kopiere Extrafanart in Extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"Beim downloaden von Bildern k\u00f6nnen diese sowohl als Extrafanart als auch als Extrathumb gespeichert werden, um maximale Kodi Kompatibilit\u00e4t zu erzielen.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No hay sugerencias de pel\u00edculas disponibles. Comience ver y calificar sus pel\u00edculas y vuelva para ver las recomendaciones.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
@ -896,7 +901,6 @@
"LabelChannelDownloadAge":"Borrar contenido despues de: (d\u00edas)",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Todo contenido descargado anterior se borrar\u00e1. Continuar\u00e1 estando disponible v\u00eda streaming de internet.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Instale canales como Trailers y Vimeo desde el cat\u00e1logo de plugins.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Si est\u00e1 activado, estos canales se mostrar\u00e1n directamente junto a Mis Vistas. Si est\u00e1 desactivada, ser\u00e1n mostrados separadamente en la vista de Canales.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No hay sugerencias de pel\u00edculas disponibles en este momento. Comienza a ver y a calificar tus pel\u00edculas, y regresa para ver tus recomendaciones.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Las colecciones le permiten disfrutar de agrupaciones personalizadas de Pel\u00edculas, Series, \u00c1lbums, Libros y Juegos. Haga clic en el bot\u00f3n + para iniciar la creaci\u00f3n de Colecciones.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Las listas de reproducci\u00f3n le permiten crear listas de contenidos a ser reproducidos de manera consecutiva. Para a\u00f1adir \u00edtems a una lista de reproducci\u00f3n, haga clic derecho o seleccione y mantenga, despu\u00e9s seleccione A\u00f1adir a Lista de Reproducci\u00f3n.",
@ -896,7 +901,6 @@
"LabelChannelDownloadAge":"Eliminar contenido despu\u00e9s de: (d\u00edas)",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"El contenido descargado anterior a esto ser\u00e1 eliminado. Permanecer\u00e1 reproducible via transmisi\u00f3n en tiempo real por Internet.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Instale canales tales como Avances y Vimeo desde el cat\u00e1logo de complementos.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Elegir colecci\u00f3n:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Desplegar los siguientes canales directamente en mis vistas:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Al activarse, estos canales ser\u00e1n desplegados directamente junto con otras vistas. Si permanecen deshabilitados, ser\u00e1n desplegados dentro de una vista independiente de Canales.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Desplegar una vista de colecciones para mostrar las colecciones de pel\u00edculas",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copiar extrafanart en extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"Cuando se descargan im\u00e1genes pueden ser almacenadas tanto en extrafanart como extrathumb para maximizar la compatibilidad con skins de Kodi.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"HeaderSyncRequiresSupporterMembership":"Sync Requires a Supporter Membership",
"HeaderEnjoyDayTrial":"Enjoy a 14 Day Free Trial",
"LabelSyncTempPath":"R\u00e9pertoire de fichiers temporaires :",
"LabelSyncTempPathHelp":"Sp\u00e9cifiez un r\u00e9pertoire de travail pour la synchronisation. Les fichiers r\u00e9sultant de la conversion de m\u00e9dias au cours du processus de synchronisation seront stock\u00e9s ici.",
"LabelCustomCertificatePath":"Chemin vers le certificat personnalis\u00e9 :",
"LabelCustomCertificatePathHelp":"Fournissez votre propre certificat SSL. Sinon, le serveur cr\u00e9era un certificat auto-sign\u00e9.",
"ButtonDonateWithPayPal":"Faire un don avec Paypal",
"OptionDetectArchiveFilesAsMedia":"Reconna\u00eetre les fichiers archives comme m\u00e9dias",
@ -290,7 +296,7 @@
"ButtonGroupVersions":"Versions des groupes",
"ButtonAddToCollection":"Ajouter \u00e0 la collection",
"ButtonAddToCollection":"Ajouter \u00e0 une collection",
"PismoMessage":"Utilisation de \"Pismo File Mount\" par une licence fournie.",
"TangibleSoftwareMessage":"Utilisation de convertisseurs Tangible Solutions Java\/C# par licence fournie.",
@ -512,10 +518,7 @@
"LabelPreferredDisplayLanguageHelp":"La traduction de Media Browser est un projet en cours et peut \u00eatre incompl\u00e8te par endroits.",
"HeaderBecomeMediaBrowserSupporter":"Devenez supporteur de Media Browser",
"TextAccessPremiumFeatures":"Profitez de fonctionnalit\u00e9s Premium",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"Aucune suggestion de film n'est actuellement disponible. Commencez \u00e0 regarder et notez vos films pour avoir des suggestions.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Les collections vous permettent de tirer parti de groupements personnalis\u00e9s de films, de s\u00e9ries, d'albums audio, de livres et de jeux. Cliquez sur le bouton + pour commencer \u00e0 cr\u00e9er des Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Les listes de lectures vous permettent de cr\u00e9er des listes de contenus \u00e0 lire en continu en une fois. Pour ajouter un \u00e9l\u00e9ment \u00e0 la liste, faire un clic droit ou appuyer et maintenez, puis s\u00e9lectionnez Ajouter \u00e0 la liste de lecture",
@ -896,7 +901,6 @@
"LabelChannelDownloadAge":"Supprimer le contenu apr\u00e8s : (jours)",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Le contenu t\u00e9l\u00e9charg\u00e9 plus vieux que cette valeur sera supprim\u00e9. Il restera disponible \u00e0 la lecture par streaming Internet.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Installer des cha\u00eenes comme \"Trailers\" et \"Vimeo\" dans le catalogue des plugins.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"S\u00e9lectionner la collection :",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Afficher directement les cha\u00eenes suivantes dans mes vues.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Si activ\u00e9, ces cha\u00eenes seront directement affich\u00e9es \u00e0 c\u00f4t\u00e9 des autres vues. Si d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9, elles seront affich\u00e9es dans une vue de cha\u00eenes s\u00e9par\u00e9es.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Afficher un aper\u00e7u de collections pour montrer les collections de film",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"Ceci cr\u00e9era une vue s\u00e9par\u00e9e pour l'affichage des collections que vous avez cr\u00e9\u00e9es ou auxquelles vous avez acc\u00e8s. Pour cr\u00e9er une collection, faites un clic-droit ou tapotez et maintenez l'\u00e9cran sur un film, puis choisissez 'Ajouter \u00e0 une collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copier les extrafanart dans les extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"Pendant le t\u00e9l\u00e9chargement, les images peuvent \u00eatre sauvegard\u00e9es en tant qu'extrafanart et extrathumbs pour am\u00e9liorer la compatibilit\u00e9 avec le skin Xbmc.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"Nessun suggerimento di film attualmente disponibile. Iniziare a guardare e valutare i vostri film, e poi tornare per i suggerimenti.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Le collezioni ti permettono di goderti raccolte personalizzate di Film, Serie TV, Album, Libri e Giochi. Clicca sul + per iniziare a creare le tue Collezioni",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlist ti permettere di mettere in coda gli elementi da riprodurre.Usa il tasto destro o tap e tieni premuto quindi seleziona elemento da aggiungere",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Contenuti scaricati pi\u00f9 vecchi di questo limite sarnno cancellati. Rimarranno riproducibili via internet in streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Installare canali come Trailer e Vimeo nel catalogo plugin.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Seleziona Collezione:",
"ViewTypeTvShows":"Serie Tv",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Visualizzare i seguenti canali direttamente dentro le mie visite:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Se abilitata, questi canali verranno visualizzati direttamente con altre viste. Se disattivato, saranno visualizzati all'interno di una sezione Canali separata.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Mostra le Collezioni di film",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copia extrafanart in extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"Copia extrafanart in extrathumbs",
"PismoMessage":"\u0421\u044b\u0439\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0493\u0430\u043d \u043b\u0438\u0446\u0435\u043d\u0437\u0438\u044f \u0430\u0440\u049b\u044b\u043b\u044b Pismo File Mount \u043f\u0430\u0439\u0434\u0430\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0443\u0434\u0430.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"Ingen film forslag er forel\u00f8pig tilgjengelig. Start med \u00e5 se og ranger filmer. Kom deretter tilbake for \u00e5 f\u00e5 forslag p\u00e5 anbefalinger.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Spillelister tillater deg \u00e5 lage lister over innhold til \u00e5 spille etter hverandre p\u00e5 en gang. For \u00e5 legge til elementer i spillelister, h\u00f8yreklikk eller trykk og hold, og velg Legg til i spilleliste.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Nedlastet innhold eldre enn dette vil bli slettet. Det vil v\u00e6re avspillbart via internett streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Installer kanaler som eksempel Trailers og Vimeo i programtillegg katalogen.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Velg samling:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Via f\u00f8lgende kanaler direkte gjennom Mitt Syn:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Hvis sl\u00e5tt p\u00e5 vil disse kanalene bli vist direkte sammen med andre visninger. Hvis avsl\u00e5tt, vil de bli vist sammen med separerte Kanaler visning.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Vis en samling for \u00e5 vise film samlinger",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"kopier extrafanart inn til extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"Ved nedlasting av bilder kan de bli lagret inn til b\u00e5de extrafanart og extrathumbs for maksimum Kodi skin kompabilitet.",
"OptionDisableForDevelopmentHelp":"Configureer deze zo nodig voor web cli\u00ebnt ontwikkelingsdoeleinden.",
"OptionEnableWebClientResourceMinification":"Web cli\u00ebnt bron verkleining inschakelen",
"LabelDashboardSourcePath":"Web client bron pad:",
"LabelDashboardSourcePathHelp":"If running the server from source, specify the path to the dashboard-ui folder. All web client files will be served from this location.",
"LabelDashboardSourcePathHelp":"Wanneer U de server draait vanaf de bron, geeft u het pad naar de map dashboard-ui op. Alle web cli\u00ebnt bestanden worden geladen vanaf deze locatie.",
"ButtonConvertMedia":"Converteer media",
@ -55,6 +55,12 @@
"HeaderSyncRequiresSupporterMembership":"Sync Requires a Supporter Membership",
"HeaderEnjoyDayTrial":"Enjoy a 14 Day Free Trial",
"LabelSyncTempPath":"Pad voor tijdelijke bestanden:",
"LabelSyncTempPathHelp":"Geef een afwijkende sync werk directory op. Tijdens het sync proces aangemaakte geconverteerde media zal hier opgeslagen worden.",
"LabelCustomCertificatePathHelp":"Gebruik uw eigen ssl certificaat. Indien weggelaten zal de server een zelf-ondertekend certificaat aanmaken.",
"ButtonDonateWithPayPal":"Doneer met PayPal",
"OptionDetectArchiveFilesAsMedia":"Herken archief bestanden als media",
@ -100,7 +106,7 @@
"HeaderDeviceAccess":"Apparaat Toegang",
"OptionEnableAccessFromAllDevices":"Toegang vanaf alle apparaten toestaan",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllChannels":"Toegang tot alle kanalen inschakelen",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllLibraries":"Enable access to all libraries",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllLibraries":"Toegang tot alle bibliotheken inschakelen",
"DeviceAccessHelp":"Dit geldt alleen voor apparaten die uniek ge\u00efdentificeerd kunnen worden en voorkomen niet toegang via een webbrowser. Filteren van apparaat toegang voor gebruikers voorkomt dat zij nieuwe apparaten gebruiken totdat deze hier zijn goedgekeurd.",
"LabelDisplayMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons":"Toon ontbrekende afleveringen binnen een seizoen",
"LabelUnairedMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons":"Toon komende afleveringen binnen een seizoen",
@ -290,7 +296,7 @@
"ButtonGroupVersions":"Groepeer Versies",
"ButtonAddToCollection":"Toevoegen aan verzameling",
"ButtonAddToCollection":"Voeg toe aan Collectie",
"PismoMessage":"Pismo File Mount (met een geschonken licentie).",
"TangibleSoftwareMessage":"Gebruik makend van concrete oplossingen als Java \/ C converters door een geschonken licentie.",
@ -512,28 +518,25 @@
"LabelPreferredDisplayLanguageHelp":"Het vertalen van Media Browser is een doorlopend project en is nog niet voltooid.",
"LabelReadHowYouCanContribute":"Lees meer over hoe u kunt bijdragen.",
"HeaderNewCollection":"Nieuwe Verzamling",
"HeaderAddToCollection":"Toevoegen aan verzameling",
"NewCollectionNameExample":"Voorbeeld: Star Wars Collectie",
"OptionSearchForInternetMetadata":"Zoeken op het internet voor afbeeldingen en metadata",
"LabelCustomCss":"Custom css:",
"LabelCustomCssHelp":"Apply your own custom css to the web interface.",
"LabelCustomCss":"Aangepaste css:",
"LabelCustomCssHelp":"Uw eigen aangepaste css voor de web-interface toepassen.",
"LabelPublicHttpsPortHelp":"The public port number that should be mapped to the local https port.",
"LabelEnableHttps":"Report https as external address",
"LabelEnableHttpsHelp":"If enabled, the server will report an https url to clients as it's external address. This may break clients that do not yet support https.",
"LabelPublicHttpsPortHelp":"Het publieke poortnummer dat moet worden toegewezen aan de lokale https poort.",
"LabelEnableHttps":"Rapporteer https als extern adres",
"LabelEnableHttpsHelp":"Indien ingeschakeld, zal de server een https url rapporteren aan de cli\u00ebnt als het externe adres. Dit kan cli\u00ebnten die nog geen ondersteuning voor https hebben onbruikbaar maken.",
"LabelHttpsPort":"Lokale https poort nummer:",
"LabelHttpsPortHelp":"The tcp port number that Media Browser's https server should bind to.",
"LabelHttpsPortHelp":"Het TCP-poortnummer waar Media Browser https server zich aan moet binden.",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMapHelp":"Probeer om de publieke poort automatisch te vertalen naar de lokale poort via UPnP. Dit werk niet op alle routers.",
"LabelExternalDDNS":"Extern WAN Adres:",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp":"If you have a dynamic DNS enter it here. Media Browser apps will use it when connecting remotely. Leave empty for automatic detection.",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp":"Wanneer u een dynamische DNS heeft voer het dan hier in. Media Browser apps zullen het gebruiken bij het op afstand aansluiten. Laat leeg voor automatische detectie.",
"TitleAppSettings":"App Instellingen",
@ -880,6 +883,8 @@
"OptionCommunityMostWatchedSort":"Meest bekeken",
"HeaderBecomeMediaBrowserSupporter":"Word een Media Browser Supporter",
"TextAccessPremiumFeatures":"Toegang tot Premium Functies",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"Er zijn momenteel geen film suggesties beschikbaar. Begin met het bekijken en waardeer uw films, kom daarna terug om uw aanbevelingen te bekijken.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collecties maken het u mogelijk om Films, Series, Albums, Boeken en Games te groeperen. Klik op de + knop om Collecties aan te maken.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Met afspeellijsten kunt u een lijst maken waarvan de items achter elkaar afgespeeld worden. Om een item toe te voegen klikt u met rechts of tik en houd het vast om het te selecteren, klik vervolgens op Toevoegen aan afspeellijst.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Gedownloade inhoud die ouder is zal worden verwijderd. Afspelen via internet streaming blijft mogelijk.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Installeer kanalen zoals Trailers en Vimeo in de Plug-in catalogus.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Selecteer verzameling:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Toon de volgende kanalen binnen mijn overzichten:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Indien ingeschakeld, zullen deze kanalen direct naast andere overzichten worden weergegeven. Indien uitgeschakeld, zullen ze worden weergegeven in een aparte kanalen overzicht.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Toon verzamelingen in mijn overzichten om film verzamelingen weer te geven",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"Hiermee wordt een aparte weergave gemaakt waarin collecties worden weergegeven die u hebt aangemaakt of toegang toe hebt. Klik rechts op een film of druk en houd vast en kies 'Voeg toe aan Collectie'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Kopieer extrafanart naar extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"Als er afbeeldingen gedownload worden kunnen deze direct in extrafanart en extrathumbs opgeslagen worden voor maximale Kodi skin compatibiliteit.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"LabelDashboardSourcePathHelp":"If running the server from source, specify the path to the dashboard-ui folder. All web client files will be served from this location.",
"ButtonConvertMedia":"Convert media",
"HeaderDeveloperOptions":"Op\u00e7\u00f5es de Desenvolvedor",
"OptionEnableWebClientResponseCache":"Ativar o cache de resposta do client web",
"OptionDisableForDevelopmentHelp":"Configure esta op\u00e7\u00e3o de acordo ao prop\u00f3sito de desenvolvimento do cliente web",
"OptionEnableWebClientResourceMinification":"Ativar a minimiza\u00e7\u00e3o de recursos do cliente web",
"LabelDashboardSourcePath":"Caminho fonte do cliente web:",
"LabelDashboardSourcePathHelp":"Se executar o servidor a partir do c\u00f3digo, especifique o caminho para a pasta da interface do painel. Todos os arquivos do cliente web ser\u00e3o usados nesta localiza\u00e7\u00e3o.",
"ButtonConvertMedia":"Converter m\u00eddia",
"ButtonDonateWithPayPal":"Donate with PayPal",
"HeaderSyncRequiresSupporterMembership":"Sync Requires a Supporter Membership",
"HeaderEnjoyDayTrial":"Enjoy a 14 Day Free Trial",
"LabelSyncTempPath":"Caminho de arquivo tempor\u00e1rio:",
"LabelSyncTempPathHelp":"Especifique uma pasta de trabalho para a sincroniza\u00e7\u00e3o personalizada. M\u00eddias convertidas criadas durante o processo de sincroniza\u00e7\u00e3o ser\u00e3o aqui armazenadas.",
"LabelCustomCertificatePath":"Caminho do certificado personalizado:",
"LabelCustomCertificatePathHelp":"Forne\u00e7a seu pr\u00f3prio certificado ssl. Se omitido, o servidor criar\u00e1 um certificado auto-assinado.",
"ButtonDonateWithPayPal":"Doe atrav\u00e9s do PayPal",
"OptionDetectArchiveFilesAsMedia":"Detectar arquivos compactados como m\u00eddia",
"OptionDetectArchiveFilesAsMediaHelp":"Se ativado, arquivos com extens\u00f5es .rar e .zip ser\u00e3o detectados como arquivos de m\u00eddia.",
"LabelEnterConnectUserName":"Nome de usu\u00e1rio ou email:",
@ -74,14 +80,14 @@
"LabelContentType":"Tipo de conte\u00fado:",
"TitleScheduledTasks":"Scheduled Tasks",
"TitleScheduledTasks":"Tarefas Agendadas",
"HeaderSetupLibrary":"Configurar sua biblioteca de m\u00eddias",
"ButtonAddMediaFolder":"Adicionar pasta de m\u00eddias",
"LabelFolderType":"Tipo de pasta:",
"ReferToMediaLibraryWiki":"Consultar wiki da biblioteca de m\u00eddias",
"ButtonJoinTheDevelopmentTeam":"Join the Development Team",
"ButtonJoinTheDevelopmentTeam":"Junte-se ao Time de Desenvolvimento",
"HeaderPreferredMetadataLanguage":"Idioma preferido dos metadados:",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadata":"Salvar artwork e metadados dentro das pastas da m\u00eddia",
"LabelSaveLocalMetadataHelp":"Salvar artwork e metadados diretamente nas pastas da m\u00eddia as deixar\u00e1 em um local f\u00e1cil para edit\u00e1-las.",
@ -100,7 +106,7 @@
"HeaderDeviceAccess":"Acesso ao Dispositivo",
"OptionEnableAccessFromAllDevices":"Ativar o acesso de todos os dispositivos",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllChannels":"Ativar o acesso a todos os canais",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllLibraries":"Enable access to all libraries",
"OptionEnableAccessToAllLibraries":"Ativar o acesso a todas as bibliotecas",
"DeviceAccessHelp":"Isto apenas aplica para dispositivos que podem ser identificados como \u00fanicos e n\u00e3o evitar\u00e3o o acesso do navegador. Filtrar o acesso ao dispositivo do usu\u00e1rio evitar\u00e1 que sejam usados novos dispositivos at\u00e9 que sejam aprovados aqui.",
"LabelDisplayMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons":"Exibir epis\u00f3dios que faltam dentro das temporadas",
"LabelUnairedMissingEpisodesWithinSeasons":"Exibir epis\u00f3dios por estrear dentro das temporadas",
@ -512,28 +518,25 @@
"LabelPreferredDisplayLanguageHelp":"A tradu\u00e7\u00e3o do Media Browser \u00e9 um projeto cont\u00ednuo e ainda n\u00e3o finalizado.",
"LabelReadHowYouCanContribute":"Leia sobre como voc\u00ea pode contribuir.",
"NewCollectionNameExample":"Exemplo: Cole\u00e7\u00e3o Star Wars",
"OptionSearchForInternetMetadata":"Buscar artwork e metadados na internet",
"LabelCustomCss":"Custom css:",
"LabelCustomCssHelp":"Apply your own custom css to the web interface.",
"LabelLocalHttpServerPortNumber":"Local http port number:",
"LabelCustomCss":"Css personalizado:",
"LabelCustomCssHelp":"Aplique o seu css personalizado para a interface web",
"LabelLocalHttpServerPortNumber":"N\u00famero da porta local de http:",
"LabelLocalHttpServerPortNumberHelp":"O n\u00famero da porta tcp que o servidor http do Media Browser utilizar\u00e1.",
"LabelPublicHttpPort":"Public http port number:",
"LabelPublicHttpPortHelp":"The public port number that should be mapped to the local http port.",
"LabelPublicHttpsPort":"Public https port number:",
"LabelPublicHttpsPortHelp":"The public port number that should be mapped to the local https port.",
"LabelEnableHttps":"Report https as external address",
"LabelEnableHttpsHelp":"If enabled, the server will report an https url to clients as it's external address. This may break clients that do not yet support https.",
"LabelHttpsPort":"Local https port number:",
"LabelHttpsPortHelp":"The tcp port number that Media Browser's https server should bind to.",
"LabelPublicHttpPort":"N\u00famero da porta p\u00fablica de http:",
"LabelPublicHttpPortHelp":"O n\u00famero da porta p\u00fablica que dever\u00e1 ser mapeada para a porta local de http.",
"LabelPublicHttpsPort":"N\u00famero da porta p\u00fablica de https:",
"LabelPublicHttpsPortHelp":"O n\u00famero da porta p\u00fablica que dever\u00e1 ser mapeada para a porta local de https.",
"LabelEnableHttps":"Reportar https como um endere\u00e7o externo",
"LabelEnableHttpsHelp":"Se ativado, o servidor ir\u00e1 reportar uma url https para os clientes como um endere\u00e7o externo. Isto pode prejudicar o funcionamento de clientes que ainda n\u00e3o suportam https.",
"LabelHttpsPort":"N\u00famero da porta local de https:",
"LabelHttpsPortHelp":"O n\u00famero da porta tcp que o servidor https do Media Browser dever\u00e1 se vincular.",
"LabelWebSocketPortNumber":"N\u00famero da porta do web socket:",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMap":"Habilitar mapeamento autom\u00e1tico de portas",
"LabelEnableAutomaticPortMapHelp":"Tentativa de mapear automaticamente a porta p\u00fablica para a local atrav\u00e9s de uPnP. Isto poder\u00e1 n\u00e3o funcionar em alguns modelos de roteadores.",
"LabelExternalDDNS":"External WAN Address:",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp":"If you have a dynamic DNS enter it here. Media Browser apps will use it when connecting remotely. Leave empty for automatic detection.",
"LabelExternalDDNS":"Endere\u00e7o WAN externo:",
"LabelExternalDDNSHelp":"Se voc\u00ea tiver um DNS din\u00e2mico, digite aqui. As apps do Media Browser o usar\u00e3o para conectar-se remotamente. Deixe em branco para detec\u00e7\u00e3o autom\u00e1tica.",
"TitleAppSettings":"Configura\u00e7\u00f5es da App",
@ -601,7 +604,7 @@
"ButtonUpdateNow":"Atualizar Agora",
"PleaseUpdateManually":"Por favor, desligue o servidor e atualize-o manualmente.",
"NewServerVersionAvailable":"Uma nova vers\u00e3o do Servidor Media Browser est\u00e1 dispon\u00edvel!",
"ServerUpToDate":"O Servidor Media Browser est\u00e1 atualizado",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"N\u00e3o existem sugest\u00f5es de filmes dispon\u00edveis atualmente. Comece por assistir e avaliar seus filmes e, ent\u00e3o, volte para verificar suas recomenda\u00e7\u00f5es.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Cole\u00e7\u00f5es permitem que voc\u00ea aproveite grupos personalizados de Filmes, S\u00e9ries, \u00c1lbuns, Livros e Jogos. Clique no bot\u00e3o + para come\u00e7ar a criar Cole\u00e7\u00f5es.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Listas de reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o permitem criar listas com conte\u00fado para reproduzir consecutivamente, de uma s\u00f3 vez. Para adicionar itens \u00e0s listas de reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o, clique com o bot\u00e3o direito ou toque a tela por alguns segundos, depois selecione Adicionar \u00e0 Lista de Reprodu\u00e7\u00e3o.",
@ -896,7 +901,6 @@
"LabelChannelDownloadAge":"Excluir conte\u00fado depois de: (dias)",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"O conte\u00fado transferido que for mais velho que este valor ser\u00e1 exclu\u00eddo. Poder\u00e1 seguir reproduzindo-o atrav\u00e9s de streaming da internet.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Instalar canais como, por exemplo, Trailers e Vimeo no cat\u00e1logo de plugins.",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Exibir os seguintes canais diretamente dentro de minhas visualiza\u00e7\u00f5es:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Se ativados, estes canais ser\u00e3o exibidos imediatamente ao lado de outras visualiza\u00e7\u00f5es. Se desativado, eles ser\u00e3o exibidos dentro de uma visualiza\u00e7\u00e3o separada de Canais.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Exibir uma visualiza\u00e7\u00e3o de cole\u00e7\u00f5es para mostrar colet\u00e2neas de filmes",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"Esta op\u00e7\u00e3o criar\u00e1 uma visualiza\u00e7\u00e3o separada para exibir cole\u00e7\u00f5es criadas ou acessadas por voc\u00ea. Para criar uma cole\u00e7\u00e3o, clique com o bot\u00e3o direito ou toque e segure qualquer filme e selecione 'Adicionar \u00e0 Cole\u00e7\u00e3o'.",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copiar extrafanart para extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"Ao fazer download das imagens, elas podem ser salvas em ambas extrafanart e extrathumbs para uma maior compatibilidade com as skins do Kodi.",
@ -1306,7 +1311,7 @@
"MessageNoTrailersFound":"Nenhum trailer encontrado. Instale o canal Trailer para melhorar sua experi\u00eancia com filmes, adicionando uma biblioteca de trailers da internet.",
"HeaderNewUsers":"Novos Usu\u00e1rios",
"ButtonForgotPassword":"Forgot password",
"ButtonForgotPassword":"Esqueci a senha",
"OptionDisableUserPreferences":"Desativar acesso \u00e0s prefer\u00eancias do usu\u00e1rio.",
"OptionDisableUserPreferencesHelp":"Se ativado, apenas administradores poder\u00e3o configurar imagens do perfil do usu\u00e1rio, senhas e prefer\u00eancias de idioma.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"LabelCustomCertificatePathHelp":"Supply your own ssl certificate. If omitted, the server will create a self-signed certificate.",
"ButtonDonateWithPayPal":"Donate with PayPal",
"OptionDetectArchiveFilesAsMedia":"Identifiera arkivfiler som media",
@ -290,7 +296,7 @@
"ButtonGroupVersions":"Gruppera versioner",
"ButtonAddToCollection":"L\u00e4gg till samling",
"ButtonAddToCollection":"Add to Collection",
"PismoMessage":"Anv\u00e4nder Pismo File Mount baserat p\u00e5 en sk\u00e4nkt licens",
"TangibleSoftwareMessage":"Anv\u00e4nder Tangible Solutions Java\/C#-konverterare baserat p\u00e5 en sk\u00e4nkt licens.",
"HeaderCredits":"Tack till",
@ -512,10 +518,7 @@
"LabelPreferredDisplayLanguageHelp":"\u00d6vers\u00e4ttningen av Media Browser \u00e4r ett p\u00e5g\u00e5ende projekt och \u00e4nnu ej f\u00e4rdigst\u00e4llt.",
"LabelReadHowYouCanContribute":"L\u00e4s om hur du kan bidra.",
"HeaderNewCollection":"Ny samling",
"HeaderAddToCollection":"L\u00e4gg till samling",
"NewCollectionNameExample":"Exemple: Star Wars-samling",
"OptionSearchForInternetMetadata":"S\u00f6k p\u00e5 internet efter grafik och metadata",
"LabelCustomCss":"Custom css:",
"LabelCustomCssHelp":"Apply your own custom css to the web interface.",
@ -880,6 +883,8 @@
"OptionCommunityMostWatchedSort":"Oftast visade",
"HeaderBecomeMediaBrowserSupporter":"Become a Media Browser Supporter",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"Det finns inga filmf\u00f6rslag f\u00f6r tillf\u00e4llet. Efter att ha sett ett antal filmer kan du \u00e5terkomma hit f\u00f6r att se dina f\u00f6rslag.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Samlingar g\u00f6r det m\u00f6jligt att avnjuta personliga grupperingar av filmer, serier, Album, b\u00f6cker och spel. Klicka p\u00e5 knappen + f\u00f6r att b\u00f6rja skapa samlingar.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Spellistor l\u00e5ter dig skapa listor med inneh\u00e5ll att spela upp i ordning. F\u00f6r att l\u00e4gga till objekt i spellistor, h\u00f6gerklicka eller tryck-och-h\u00e5ll och v\u00e4lj \"l\u00e4gg till i spellista\".",
@ -896,7 +901,6 @@
"LabelChannelDownloadAge":"Radera inneh\u00e5ll efter (dagar):",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Nedladdat inneh\u00e5ll \u00e4ldre \u00e4n s\u00e5 raderas. Det \u00e4r fortfarande tillg\u00e4ngligt via str\u00f6mning fr\u00e5n Internet.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Installera kanaler, t ex Trailers och Vimeo, via till\u00e4ggskatalogen.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"V\u00e4lj samling:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Visa dessa kanaler direkt i mina vyer:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"Om aktiverat kommer dessa kanaler att visas tillsammans med andra vyer. Annars visas de i en separat vy f\u00f6r Kanaler.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Vy som visar filmsamlingar",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Kopiera extrafanart till extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"N\u00e4r bilder h\u00e4mtas fr\u00e5n Internet kan de sparas i b\u00e5de extrafanart- och extrathumbs-mapparna f\u00f6r att ge maximal kompatibilitet med Kodi-skins.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"MessageNoMovieSuggestionsAvailable":"No movie suggestions are currently available. Start watching and rating your movies, and then come back to view your recommendations.",
"MessageNoCollectionsAvailable":"Collections allow you to enjoy personalized groupings of Movies, Series, Albums, Books and Games. Click the + button to start creating Collections.",
"MessageNoPlaylistsAvailable":"Playlists allow you to create lists of content to play consecutively at a time. To add items to playlists, right click or tap and hold, then select Add to Playlist.",
"LabelChannelDownloadAgeHelp":"Downloaded content older than this will be deleted. It will remain playable via internet streaming.",
"ChannelSettingsFormHelp":"Install channels such as Trailers and Vimeo in the plugin catalog.",
"LabelSelectCollection":"Select collection:",
@ -958,6 +962,7 @@
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViews":"Display the following channels directly within my views:",
"LabelGroupChannelsIntoViewsHelp":"If enabled, these channels will be displayed directly alongside other views. If disabled, they'll be displayed within a separate Channels view.",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsView":"Display a collections view to show movie collections",
"LabelDisplayCollectionsViewHelp":"This will create a separate view to display collections that you've created or have access to. To create a collection, right-click or tap-hold any movie and select 'Add to Collection'. ",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbs":"Copy extrafanart into extrathumbs",
"LabelKodiMetadataEnableExtraThumbsHelp":"When downloading images they can be saved into both extrafanart and extrathumbs for maximum Kodi skin compatibility.",