@ -259,9 +259,6 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.ServerApplication
task = InstallVcredist2013IfNeeded(_appHost, _logger);
task = InstallFrameworkV46IfNeeded(_logger);
SystemEvents.SessionEnding += SystemEvents_SessionEnding;
SystemEvents.SessionSwitch += SystemEvents_SessionSwitch;
@ -594,93 +591,6 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.ServerApplication
private static async Task InstallFrameworkV46IfNeeded(ILogger logger)
bool installFrameworkV46 = false;
using (RegistryKey ndpKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry32)
.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full\\"))
if (ndpKey != null && ndpKey.GetValue("Release") != null)
if ((int)ndpKey.GetValue("Release") <= 393295)
//Found framework V4, but not yet V4.6
installFrameworkV46 = true;
//Nothing found in the registry for V4
installFrameworkV46 = true;
catch (Exception ex)
logger.ErrorException("Error getting .NET Framework version", ex);
_logger.Info(".NET Framework 4.6 found: {0}", !installFrameworkV46);
if (installFrameworkV46)
await InstallFrameworkV46().ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception ex)
logger.ErrorException("Error installing .NET Framework version 4.6", ex);
private static async Task InstallFrameworkV46()
var httpClient = _appHost.HttpClient;
var tmp = await httpClient.GetTempFile(new HttpRequestOptions
Url = "https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby.Resources/raw/master/netframeworkV46/NDP46-KB3045560-Web.exe",
Progress = new Progress<double>()
var exePath = Path.ChangeExtension(tmp, ".exe");
File.Copy(tmp, exePath);
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
FileName = exePath,
CreateNoWindow = true,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
Verb = "runas",
ErrorDialog = false,
Arguments = "/q /norestart"
_logger.Info("Running {0}", startInfo.FileName);
using (var process = Process.Start(startInfo))
0 --> Installation completed successfully.
1602 --> The user canceled installation.
1603 --> A fatal error occurred during installation.
1641 --> A restart is required to complete the installation. This message indicates success.
3010 --> A restart is required to complete the installation. This message indicates success.
5100 --> The user's computer does not meet system requirements.
private static async Task InstallVcredist2013IfNeeded(ApplicationHost appHost, ILogger logger)