filter="crop=iw/2:ih:0:0,setdar=dar=a,crop=min(iw\\,ih*dar):min(ih\\,iw/dar):(iw-min(iw\\,iw*sar))/2:(ih - min (ih\\,ih/sar))/2,setsar=sar=1,scale={0}:trunc({0}/dar/2)*2";
//fsbs crop width in half,set the display aspect,crop out any black bars we may have made the scale width to requestedWidth.
//fsbs crop width in half,set the display aspect,crop out any black bars we may have made the scale width to requestedWidth.
filter="crop=iw:ih/2:0:0,scale=(iw*2):ih),setdar=dar=a,crop=min(iw\\,ih*dar):min(ih\\,iw/dar):(iw-min(iw\\,iw*sar))/2:(ih - min (ih\\,ih/sar))/2,setsar=sar=1,scale={0}:trunc({0}/dar/2)*2";
//htab crop height in half,scale to correct size, set the display aspect,crop out any black bars we may have made the scale width to requestedWidth
//htab crop height in half,scale to correct size, set the display aspect,crop out any black bars we may have made the scale width to requestedWidth
filter="crop=iw:ih/2:0:0,setdar=dar=a,crop=min(iw\\,ih*dar):min(ih\\,iw/dar):(iw-min(iw\\,iw*sar))/2:(ih - min (ih\\,ih/sar))/2,setsar=sar=1,scale={0}:trunc({0}/dar/2)*2";
vf="crop=iw/2:ih:0:0,setdar=dar=a,crop=min(iw\\,ih*dar):min(ih\\,iw/dar):(iw-min(iw\\,iw*sar))/2:(ih - min (ih\\,ih/sar))/2,setsar=sar=1,scale=600:trunc(600/dar/2)*2";
//fsbs crop width in half,set the display aspect,crop out any black bars we may have made the scale width to 600.
//fsbs crop width in half,set the display aspect,crop out any black bars we may have made the scale width to 600.
vf="crop=iw:ih/2:0:0,scale=(iw*2):ih),setdar=dar=a,crop=min(iw\\,ih*dar):min(ih\\,iw/dar):(iw-min(iw\\,iw*sar))/2:(ih - min (ih\\,ih/sar))/2,setsar=sar=1,scale=600:trunc(600/dar/2)*2";
//htab crop heigh in half,scale to correct size, set the display aspect,crop out any black bars we may have made the scale width to 600
//htab crop heigh in half,scale to correct size, set the display aspect,crop out any black bars we may have made the scale width to 600
vf="crop=iw:ih/2:0:0,setdar=dar=a,crop=min(iw\\,ih*dar):min(ih\\,iw/dar):(iw-min(iw\\,iw*sar))/2:(ih - min (ih\\,ih/sar))/2,setsar=sar=1,scale=600:trunc(600/dar/2)*2";
//foreach (var actor in credits.cast.OrderBy(a => a.order)) result.Item.AddPerson(new PersonInfo { Name =, Role = actor.character, Type = PersonType.Actor, SortOrder = actor.order });
//foreach (var actor in credits.cast.OrderBy(a => a.order)) result.Item.AddPerson(new PersonInfo { Name =, Role = actor.character, Type = PersonType.Actor, SortOrder = actor.order });
//and the rest from crew
//and the rest from crew
//foreach (var person in credits.crew) result.Item.AddPerson(new PersonInfo { Name =, Role = person.job, Type = person.department });
//foreach (var person in credits.crew) result.Item.AddPerson(new PersonInfo { Name =, Role = person.job, Type = person.department });
//First line is the 'request' line containing http protocol details like method, uri, http version etc.
//First line is the 'request' line containing http protocol details like method, uri, http version etc.
@ -93,16 +93,16 @@ namespace Rssdp.Infrastructure
/// <param name="contentHeaders">A reference to a <see cref="System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders"/> collection for the message content, to which the parsed header will be added.</param>