Merge pull request #1229 from MediaBrowser/master

handle GetImageSize failure
Luke 10 years ago
commit ed0e1399fc

@ -214,12 +214,11 @@ namespace Emby.Drawing
dateModified = tuple.Item2;
var originalImageSize = GetImageSize(originalImagePath, dateModified, true);
var newSizeInfo = GetNewImageSize(originalImagePath, dateModified, options);
var newSize = newSizeInfo.Item1;
var isSizeChanged = newSizeInfo.Item2;
// Determine the output size based on incoming parameters
var newSize = DrawingUtils.Resize(originalImageSize, options.Width, options.Height, options.MaxWidth, options.MaxHeight);
if (options.HasDefaultOptionsWithoutSize(originalImagePath) && newSize.Equals(originalImageSize) && options.Enhancers.Count == 0)
if (options.HasDefaultOptionsWithoutSize(originalImagePath) && !isSizeChanged && options.Enhancers.Count == 0)
// Just spit out the original file if the new size equals the old
return originalImagePath;
@ -267,6 +266,71 @@ namespace Emby.Drawing
return cacheFilePath;
private Tuple<ImageSize, bool> GetNewImageSize(string originalImagePath, DateTime dateModified, ImageProcessingOptions options)
var originalImageSize = GetImageSize(originalImagePath, dateModified, true);
// Determine the output size based on incoming parameters
var newSize = DrawingUtils.Resize(originalImageSize, options.Width, options.Height, options.MaxWidth, options.MaxHeight);
return new Tuple<ImageSize, bool>(newSize, !newSize.Equals(originalImageSize));
return new Tuple<ImageSize, bool>(GetSizeEstimage(options), true);
private ImageSize GetSizeEstimage(ImageProcessingOptions options)
if (options.Width.HasValue && options.Height.HasValue)
return new ImageSize(options.Width.Value, options.Height.Value);
var aspect = GetEstimatedAspectRatio(options.Image.Type);
var width = options.Width ?? options.MaxWidth;
if (width.HasValue)
var heightValue = aspect / width.Value;
return new ImageSize(width.Value, Convert.ToInt32(heightValue));
var height = options.Height ?? options.MaxHeight ?? 200;
var widthValue = aspect * height;
return new ImageSize(Convert.ToInt32(widthValue), height);
private double GetEstimatedAspectRatio(ImageType type)
switch (type)
case ImageType.Art:
case ImageType.Backdrop:
case ImageType.Chapter:
case ImageType.Screenshot:
case ImageType.Thumb:
return 1.78;
case ImageType.Banner:
return 5.4;
case ImageType.Box:
case ImageType.BoxRear:
case ImageType.Disc:
case ImageType.Menu:
return 1;
case ImageType.Logo:
return 2.58;
case ImageType.Primary:
return .667;
return 1;
private ImageFormat GetOutputFormat(ImageFormat requestedFormat)
if (requestedFormat == ImageFormat.Webp && !_imageEncoder.SupportedOutputFormats.Contains(ImageFormat.Webp))
