@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.MediaEncoding
&& _mediaEncoder.SupportsFilterWithOption(FilterOptionType.OverlayVulkanFrameSync);
private bool IsVideoToolBoxFullSupported()
private bool IsVideoToolboxFullSupported()
return _mediaEncoder.SupportsHwaccel("videotoolbox")
&& _mediaEncoder.SupportsFilter("yadif_videotoolbox")
@ -4978,100 +4978,118 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.MediaEncoding
return (null, null, null);
var swFilterChain = GetSwVidFilterChain(state, options, vidEncoder);
var isMacOS = OperatingSystem.IsMacOS();
var vidDecoder = GetHardwareVideoDecoder(state, options) ?? string.Empty;
var isVtEncoder = vidEncoder.Contains("videotoolbox", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
var isVtFullSupported = isMacOS && IsVideoToolboxFullSupported();
var isVtOclSupported = isVtFullSupported && IsOpenclFullSupported();
if (!options.EnableHardwareEncoding)
// legacy videotoolbox pipeline (disable hw filters)
if (!isVtEncoder
|| !isVtOclSupported
|| !_mediaEncoder.SupportsFilter("alphasrc"))
return swFilterChain;
return GetSwVidFilterChain(state, options, vidEncoder);
var doDeintH264 = state.DeInterlace("h264", true) || state.DeInterlace("avc", true);
var doDeintHevc = state.DeInterlace("h265", true) || state.DeInterlace("hevc", true);
var doDeintH2645 = doDeintH264 || doDeintHevc;
// preferred videotoolbox + vt/ocl filters pipeline
return GetAppleVidFiltersPreferred(state, options, vidDecoder, vidEncoder);
public (List<string> MainFilters, List<string> SubFilters, List<string> OverlayFilters) GetAppleVidFiltersPreferred(
EncodingJobInfo state,
EncodingOptions options,
string vidDecoder,
string vidEncoder)
var inW = state.VideoStream?.Width;
var inH = state.VideoStream?.Height;
var reqW = state.BaseRequest.Width;
var reqH = state.BaseRequest.Height;
var reqMaxW = state.BaseRequest.MaxWidth;
var reqMaxH = state.BaseRequest.MaxHeight;
var mainFilters = new List<string>();
var threeDFormat = state.MediaSource.Video3DFormat;
var isVtEncoder = vidEncoder.Contains("videotoolbox", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
var doDeintH264 = state.DeInterlace("h264", true) || state.DeInterlace("avc", true);
var doDeintHevc = state.DeInterlace("h265", true) || state.DeInterlace("hevc", true);
var doDeintH2645 = doDeintH264 || doDeintHevc;
var doVtTonemap = IsVideoToolboxTonemapAvailable(state, options);
var doOclTonemap = !doVtTonemap && IsHwTonemapAvailable(state, options);
var doTonemap = doVtTonemap || doOclTonemap;
var hasSubs = state.SubtitleStream is not null && state.SubtitleDeliveryMethod == SubtitleDeliveryMethod.Encode;
var hasTextSubs = hasSubs && state.SubtitleStream.IsTextSubtitleStream;
var hasGraphicalSubs = hasSubs && !state.SubtitleStream.IsTextSubtitleStream;
var hasAssSubs = hasSubs
&& (string.Equals(state.SubtitleStream.Codec, "ass", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
|| string.Equals(state.SubtitleStream.Codec, "ssa", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
// VideoToolbox is special. It does not use a separate tone mapping filter like others.
// Instead, it performs both tone mapping and scaling in a single filter.
var useVtToneMapping = IsVideoToolboxTonemapAvailable(state, options);
// Use OpenCL tone mapping as a fallback
var useOclToneMapping = !useVtToneMapping && IsHwTonemapAvailable(state, options);
// Fallback to software filters if we are using filters not supported by hardware yet.
// OpenCL won't work without proper VT support as the hwmap interop required will not be present there
var useHardwareFilters = IsVideoToolBoxFullSupported();
if (!useHardwareFilters)
// FIXME: scale_vt lacks of format option for the time being.
// hwdownload/hwmap to sw requires setting a format explicitly.
if (!isVtEncoder)
return swFilterChain;
// should not happen.
return (null, null, null);
if (!(useVtToneMapping || useOclToneMapping || hasSubs || doDeintH2645))
/* Make main filters for video stream */
var mainFilters = new List<string>();
if (!(doTonemap || hasSubs || doDeintH2645))
// Dummy action to return empty filters when nothing to do.
return (mainFilters, mainFilters, mainFilters);
// Override the color when doing OpenCL Tone mapping, where we are using hardware surface output.
if (useOclToneMapping)
// Color override is only required for OpenCL where hardware surface is in use
if (doOclTonemap)
mainFilters.Add(GetOverwriteColorPropertiesParam(state, true));
mainFilters.Add(GetOverwriteColorPropertiesParam(state, doOclTonemap));
// With OpenCL tone mapping, we are using native hwmap and there's no need to specify a format for the main stream.
// However, for other cases, we have to specify the format for the main stream when we are doing subtitle burn-in.
// This is because the default upload option is not always processable with VideoToolbox.
// Most notably, yuv420p should be replaced by nv12.
else if (hasSubs)
var is8Bit = string.Equals("yuv420p", state.VideoStream.PixelFormat, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
|| string.Equals("yuvj420p", state.VideoStream.PixelFormat, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
var is10Bit = string.Equals("yuv420p10le", state.VideoStream.PixelFormat, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// INPUT videotoolbox/memory surface(vram/uma)
// this will pass-through automatically if in/out format matches.
if (is8Bit)
else if (is10Bit)
// hw deint
if (doDeintH2645)
var deintFilter = GetHwDeinterlaceFilter(state, options, "videotoolbox");
var hwScaleFilter = GetHwScaleFilter("vt", null, inW, inH, reqW, reqH, reqMaxW, reqMaxH);
if (useVtToneMapping)
if (doVtTonemap)
const string TonemapArgs = "color_matrix=bt709:color_primaries=bt709:color_transfer=bt709";
const string VtTonemapArgs = "color_matrix=bt709:color_primaries=bt709:color_transfer=bt709";
// scale_vt can handle scaling & tonemapping in one shot, just like vpp_qsv.
hwScaleFilter = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hwScaleFilter)
? "scale_vt=" + TonemapArgs
: hwScaleFilter + ":" + TonemapArgs;
? "scale_vt=" + VtTonemapArgs
: hwScaleFilter + ":" + VtTonemapArgs;
// hw scale & vt tonemap
if (useOclToneMapping)
// ocl tonemap
if (doOclTonemap)
mainFilters.Add(GetHwTonemapFilter(options, "opencl", "nv12"));
// map from videotoolbox to opencl via videotoolbox-opencl interop.
if (doDeintH2645)
var deintFilter = GetHwDeinterlaceFilter(state, options, "videotoolbox");
var tonemapFilter = GetHwTonemapFilter(options, "opencl", "nv12");
// OUTPUT videotoolbox(nv12) surface(vram/uma)
// reverse-mapping via videotoolbox-opencl interop.
/* Make sub and overlay filters for subtitle stream */
var subFilters = new List<string>();
var overlayFilters = new List<string>();
@ -6094,10 +6112,17 @@ namespace MediaBrowser.Controller.MediaEncoding
// Hardware surface only make sense when interop with OpenCL
// VideoToolbox's Hardware surface in ffmpeg is not only slower than hwupload, but also breaks HDR in many cases.
// For example: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/10884
var useOclToneMapping = !IsVideoToolboxTonemapAvailable(state, options) &&
options.EnableTonemapping &&
state.VideoStream.VideoRangeType == VideoRangeType.DOVI;
var useHwSurface = useOclToneMapping && IsVideoToolBoxFullSupported() && _mediaEncoder.SupportsFilter("alphasrc");
var useOclToneMapping = !IsVideoToolboxTonemapAvailable(state, options)
&& options.EnableTonemapping
&& state.VideoStream is not null
&& GetVideoColorBitDepth(state) == 10
&& state.VideoStream.VideoRange == VideoRange.HDR
&& (state.VideoStream.VideoRangeType == VideoRangeType.HDR10
|| state.VideoStream.VideoRangeType == VideoRangeType.HLG
|| (state.VideoStream.VideoRangeType == VideoRangeType.DOVI
&& string.Equals(state.VideoStream.Codec, "hevc", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
var useHwSurface = useOclToneMapping && IsVideoToolboxFullSupported() && _mediaEncoder.SupportsFilter("alphasrc");
if (is8bitSwFormatsVt)