6 Jellyfin Debian Repository
Joshua M. Boniface edited this page 5 years ago

Jellyfin provides a Debian repository for installing Jellyfin on Debian and Ubuntu machines. Installing through this method is straightforward following the instructions below.

The Jellyfin packages in the repository are self-contained binaries, and do not require the .NET Core runtime to be installed. They should work for all amd64 releases. Builds will eventually be provided for other architectures.

Clean install

  1. Import the GPG signing key (signed by the Jellyfin Team):
    wget -O - https://repo.jellyfin.org/debian/jellyfin_team.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
    Note: If you still use the old key signed by Joshua from the initial releases, you can remove it after installing the new one:
    sudo apt-key remove 99FD1406
  2. Add an entry to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jellyfin.list:
    echo "deb https://repo.jellyfin.org/debian $( grep -Ewo -m1 --color=none 'jessie|stretch|buster' /etc/os-release || echo ubuntu ) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jellyfin.list
    Note that Ubuntu does not yet have different version releases.
  3. Update APT repositories:
    sudo apt update
  4. Install Jellyfin:
    sudo apt install jellyfin

Upgrade from Emby

The following procedure should work to upgrade from Emby to Jellyfin on an existing installation:

  1. Upgrade to Emby 3.5.X, preferably 3.5.2, so that the database schema is fully up-to-date and consistent. This will reduce the risk of obscure bugs related to the media library.
  2. Stop the emby-server daemon:
    sudo service emby-server stop
  3. Move your existing Emby data directory out of the way:
    sudo mv /var/lib/emby /var/lib/emby.backup
  4. Remove or purge the emby-server package:
    sudo apt purge emby-server
  5. Install the jellyfin package using the instructions above.
  6. Stop the jellyfin daemon:
    sudo service jellyfin stop
  7. Copy over all the data files from the old backup data directory:
    sudo cp -a /var/lib/emby.backup/* /var/lib/jellyfin/
  8. Correct ownership on the new data directory:
    sudo chown -R jellyfin:jellyfin /var/lib/jellyfin
  9. Start the jellyfin daemon:
    sudo service jellyfin start