@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ type DiscordDaemon struct {
guildID string
guildID string
serverChannelName , serverName string
serverChannelName , serverName string
users map [ string ] DiscordUser // Map of user IDs to users. Added to on first interaction, and loaded from app.storage.discord on start.
users map [ string ] DiscordUser // Map of user IDs to users. Added to on first interaction, and loaded from app.storage.discord on start.
roleID string
app * appContext
app * appContext
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ func newDiscordDaemon(app *appContext) (*DiscordDaemon, error) {
verifiedTokens : map [ string ] DiscordUser { } ,
verifiedTokens : map [ string ] DiscordUser { } ,
users : map [ string ] DiscordUser { } ,
users : map [ string ] DiscordUser { } ,
app : app ,
app : app ,
roleID : app . config . Section ( "discord" ) . Key ( "apply_role" ) . String ( ) ,
for _ , user := range app . storage . discord {
for _ , user := range app . storage . discord {
dd . users [ user . ID ] = user
dd . users [ user . ID ] = user
@ -111,6 +113,35 @@ func (d *DiscordDaemon) run() {
// ListRoles returns a list of available (excluding bot and @everyone) roles in a guild as a list of containing an array of the guild ID and its name.
func ( d * DiscordDaemon ) ListRoles ( ) ( roles [ ] [ 2 ] string , err error ) {
var r [ ] * dg . Role
r , err = d . bot . GuildRoles ( d . guildID )
if err != nil {
d . app . err . Printf ( "Discord: Failed to get roles: %v" , err )
for _ , role := range r {
fmt . Println ( d . username )
if role . Name != d . username && role . Name != "@everyone" {
roles = append ( roles , [ 2 ] string { role . ID , role . Name } )
// roles = make([][2]string, len(r))
// for i, role := range r {
// roles[i] = [2]string{role.ID, role.Name}
// }
// ApplyRole applies the member role to the given user if set.
func ( d * DiscordDaemon ) ApplyRole ( userID string ) error {
if d . roleID == "" {
return nil
return d . bot . GuildMemberRoleAdd ( d . guildID , userID , d . roleID )
// NewTempInvite creates an invite link, and returns the invite URL, as well as the URL for the server icon.
// NewTempInvite creates an invite link, and returns the invite URL, as well as the URL for the server icon.
func ( d * DiscordDaemon ) NewTempInvite ( ageSeconds , maxUses int ) ( inviteURL , iconURL string ) {
func ( d * DiscordDaemon ) NewTempInvite ( ageSeconds , maxUses int ) ( inviteURL , iconURL string ) {
var inv * dg . Invite
var inv * dg . Invite