@ -152,7 +152,8 @@ func start(asDaemon, firstCall bool) {
set default config and data paths
data : Contains invites . json , emails . json , user_profile . json , etc .
config : config . ini . Usually in data , but can be changed via - config .
localFS is jfa - go ' s internal data . On external builds , the directory is named "data" and placed next to the executable .
localFS : jfa - go ' s internal data . On internal builds , this is contained within the binary .
On external builds , the directory is named "data" and placed next to the executable .
* /
userConfigDir , _ := os . UserConfigDir ( )
app . dataPath = filepath . Join ( userConfigDir , "jfa-go" )
@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ func start(asDaemon, firstCall bool) {
app . info = NewLogger ( os . Stdout , "[INFO] " , log . Ltime , color . FgHiWhite )
app . err = NewLogger ( os . Stdout , "[ERROR] " , log . Ltime |log . Lshortfile , color . FgRed )
app . err = NewLogger ( os . Stdout , "[ERROR] " , log . Ltime , color . FgRed )
if firstCall {
DATA = flag . String ( "data" , app . dataPath , "alternate path to data directory." )
@ -200,8 +201,7 @@ func start(asDaemon, firstCall bool) {
app . dataPath = * DATA
// env variables are necessary because syscall.Exec for self-restarts doesn't doesn't work with arguments for some reason.
// Previously used for self-restarts but leaving them here as they might be useful.
if v := os . Getenv ( "JFA_CONFIGPATH" ) ; v != "" {
app . configPath = v
@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ func start(asDaemon, firstCall bool) {
app . debug = emptyLogger ( false )
// Starts listener to receive commands over a unix socket. Use with 'jfa-go start/stop'
if asDaemon {
go func ( ) {
socket := SOCK
@ -384,6 +385,7 @@ func start(asDaemon, firstCall bool) {
// Read config-base for settings on web.
app . configBasePath = "config-base.json"
configBase , _ := fs . ReadFile ( localFS , app . configBasePath )
json . Unmarshal ( configBase , & app . configBase )
@ -392,6 +394,7 @@ func start(asDaemon, firstCall bool) {
"Jellyfin (Dark)" : "dark-theme" ,
"Default (Light)" : "light-theme" ,
// For move from Bootstrap to a17t
if app . config . Section ( "ui" ) . Key ( "theme" ) . String ( ) == "Bootstrap (Light)" {
app . config . Section ( "ui" ) . Key ( "theme" ) . SetValue ( "Default (Light)" )
@ -403,18 +406,8 @@ func start(asDaemon, firstCall bool) {
app . err . Fatal ( err )
os . Setenv ( "JFA_SECRET" , secret )
app . jellyfinLogin = true
if val , _ := app . config . Section ( "ui" ) . Key ( "jellyfin_login" ) . Bool ( ) ; ! val {
app . jellyfinLogin = false
user := User { }
user . UserID = shortuuid . New ( )
user . Username = app . config . Section ( "ui" ) . Key ( "username" ) . String ( )
user . Password = app . config . Section ( "ui" ) . Key ( "password" ) . String ( )
app . users = append ( app . users , user )
} else {
app . debug . Println ( "Using Jellyfin for authentication" )
// Initialize jellyfin/emby connection
server := app . config . Section ( "jellyfin" ) . Key ( "server" ) . String ( )
cacheTimeout := int ( app . config . Section ( "jellyfin" ) . Key ( "cache_timeout" ) . MustUint ( 30 ) )
stringServerType := app . config . Section ( "jellyfin" ) . Key ( "type" ) . String ( )
@ -444,7 +437,8 @@ func start(asDaemon, firstCall bool) {
app . err . Fatalf ( "Failed to authenticate with Jellyfin @ %s: Code %d" , server , status )
app . info . Printf ( "Authenticated with %s" , server )
// from 10.7.0, jellyfin may hyphenate user IDs. This checks if the version is equal or higher.
/ * A couple of unstable Jellyfin 10.7 .0 releases decided to hyphenate user IDs .
This checks if the version is equal or higher . * /
checkVersion := func ( version string ) int {
numberStrings := strings . Split ( version , "." )
n := 0
@ -498,27 +492,40 @@ func start(asDaemon, firstCall bool) {
// Since email depends on language, the email reload in loadConfig won't work first time.
app . email = NewEmailer ( app )
// Auth (manual user/pass or jellyfin)
app . jellyfinLogin = true
if jfLogin , _ := app . config . Section ( "ui" ) . Key ( "jellyfin_login" ) . Bool ( ) ; ! jfLogin {
app . jellyfinLogin = false
user := User { }
user . UserID = shortuuid . New ( )
user . Username = app . config . Section ( "ui" ) . Key ( "username" ) . String ( )
user . Password = app . config . Section ( "ui" ) . Key ( "password" ) . String ( )
app . users = append ( app . users , user )
} else {
app . debug . Println ( "Using Jellyfin for authentication" )
app . authJf , _ = mediabrowser . NewServer ( serverType , server , "jfa-go" , app . version , "auth" , "auth" , timeoutHandler , cacheTimeout )
// Since email depends on language, the email reload in loadConfig won't work first time.
app . email = NewEmailer ( app )
app . loadStrftime ( )
validatorConf := ValidatorConf {
var validatorConf ValidatorConf
if ! app . config . Section ( "password_validation" ) . Key ( "enabled" ) . MustBool ( false ) {
validatorConf = ValidatorConf { }
} else {
validatorConf = ValidatorConf {
"length" : app . config . Section ( "password_validation" ) . Key ( "min_length" ) . MustInt ( 0 ) ,
"uppercase" : app . config . Section ( "password_validation" ) . Key ( "upper" ) . MustInt ( 0 ) ,
"lowercase" : app . config . Section ( "password_validation" ) . Key ( "lower" ) . MustInt ( 0 ) ,
"number" : app . config . Section ( "password_validation" ) . Key ( "number" ) . MustInt ( 0 ) ,
"special" : app . config . Section ( "password_validation" ) . Key ( "special" ) . MustInt ( 0 ) ,
if ! app . config . Section ( "password_validation" ) . Key ( "enabled" ) . MustBool ( false ) {
for key := range validatorConf {
validatorConf [ key ] = 0
app . validator . init ( validatorConf )
// Test mode for testing connection to Jellyfin, accessed with 'jfa-go test'
if TEST {
test ( app )
os . Exit ( 0 )
@ -546,6 +553,7 @@ func start(asDaemon, firstCall bool) {
app . info . Fatalf ( "Failed to load language files: %+v\n" , err )
cssHeader = app . loadCSSHeader ( )
// workaround for potentially broken windows mime types
mime . AddExtensionType ( ".js" , "application/javascript" )