You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

379 lines
13 KiB

import { sortBy } from 'lodash';
import React, { useMemo, useState } from 'react';
import { defineMessages, useIntl } from 'react-intl';
import useSettings from '../../hooks/useSettings';
import { Permission, User, useUser } from '../../hooks/useUser';
import NotificationType from './NotificationType';
const messages = defineMessages({
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
3 years ago
notificationTypes: 'Notification Types',
mediarequested: 'Media Requested',
'Send notifications when users submit new media requests which require approval.',
'Get notified when other users submit new media requests which require approval.',
mediaapproved: 'Media Approved',
'Send notifications when media requests are manually approved.',
'Get notified when your media requests are approved.',
mediaAutoApproved: 'Media Automatically Approved',
'Send notifications when users submit new media requests which are automatically approved.',
'Get notified when other users submit new media requests which are automatically approved.',
mediaavailable: 'Media Available',
'Send notifications when media requests become available.',
'Get notified when your media requests become available.',
mediafailed: 'Media Failed',
'Send notifications when media requests fail to be added to Radarr or Sonarr.',
'Get notified when media requests fail to be added to Radarr or Sonarr.',
mediadeclined: 'Media Declined',
'Send notifications when media requests are declined.',
'Get notified when your media requests are declined.',
issuecreated: 'Issue Reported',
issuecreatedDescription: 'Send notifications when issues are reported.',
userissuecreatedDescription: 'Get notified when other users report issues.',
issuecomment: 'Issue Comment',
'Send notifications when issues receive new comments.',
'Get notified when issues you reported receive new comments.',
'Get notified when other users comment on issues.',
issueresolved: 'Issue Resolved',
issueresolvedDescription: 'Send notifications when issues are resolved.',
'Get notified when issues you reported are resolved.',
'Get notified when issues are resolved by other users.',
issuereopened: 'Issue Reopened',
issuereopenedDescription: 'Send notifications when issues are reopened.',
'Get notified when issues you reported are reopened.',
'Get notified when issues are reopened by other users.',
export const hasNotificationType = (
types: Notification | Notification[],
value: number
): boolean => {
let total = 0;
// If we are not checking any notifications, bail out and return true
if (types === 0) {
return true;
if (Array.isArray(types)) {
// Combine all notification values into one
total = types.reduce((a, v) => a + v, 0);
} else {
total = types;
// Test notifications don't need to be enabled
if (!(value & Notification.TEST_NOTIFICATION)) {
value += Notification.TEST_NOTIFICATION;
return !!(value & total);
export enum Notification {
NONE = 0,
export const ALL_NOTIFICATIONS = Object.values(Notification)
.filter((v) => !isNaN(Number(v)))
.reduce((a, v) => a + Number(v), 0);
export interface NotificationItem {
id: string;
name: string;
description: string;
value: Notification;
hasNotifyUser: boolean;
children?: NotificationItem[];
hidden?: boolean;
interface NotificationTypeSelectorProps {
user?: User;
enabledTypes?: number;
currentTypes: number;
onUpdate: (newTypes: number) => void;
error?: string;
const NotificationTypeSelector: React.FC<NotificationTypeSelectorProps> = ({
}) => {
const intl = useIntl();
const settings = useSettings();
const { hasPermission } = useUser({ id: user?.id });
const [allowedTypes, setAllowedTypes] = useState(enabledTypes);
const availableTypes = useMemo(() => {
const allRequestsAutoApproved =
user &&
// Has Manage Requests perm, which grants all Auto-Approve perms
(hasPermission(Permission.MANAGE_REQUESTS) ||
// Cannot submit requests of any type
{ type: 'or' }
) ||
// Cannot submit non-4K movie requests OR has Auto-Approve perms for non-4K movies
((!hasPermission([Permission.REQUEST, Permission.REQUEST_MOVIE], {
type: 'or',
}) ||
{ type: 'or' }
)) &&
// Cannot submit non-4K series requests OR has Auto-Approve perms for non-4K series
(!hasPermission([Permission.REQUEST, Permission.REQUEST_TV], {
type: 'or',
}) ||
[Permission.AUTO_APPROVE, Permission.AUTO_APPROVE_TV],
{ type: 'or' }
)) &&
// Cannot submit 4K movie requests OR has Auto-Approve perms for 4K movies
(!settings.currentSettings.movie4kEnabled ||
[Permission.REQUEST_4K, Permission.REQUEST_4K_MOVIE],
{ type: 'or' }
) ||
[Permission.AUTO_APPROVE_4K, Permission.AUTO_APPROVE_4K_MOVIE],
{ type: 'or' }
)) &&
// Cannot submit 4K series requests OR has Auto-Approve perms for 4K series
(!settings.currentSettings.series4kEnabled ||
!hasPermission([Permission.REQUEST_4K, Permission.REQUEST_4K_TV], {
type: 'or',
}) ||
[Permission.AUTO_APPROVE_4K, Permission.AUTO_APPROVE_4K_TV],
{ type: 'or' }
const types: NotificationItem[] = [
id: 'media-requested',
name: intl.formatMessage(messages.mediarequested),
description: intl.formatMessage(
? messages.usermediarequestedDescription
: messages.mediarequestedDescription
value: Notification.MEDIA_PENDING,
hasNotifyUser: false,
hidden: user && !hasPermission(Permission.MANAGE_REQUESTS),
id: 'media-auto-approved',
name: intl.formatMessage(messages.mediaAutoApproved),
description: intl.formatMessage(
? messages.usermediaAutoApprovedDescription
: messages.mediaAutoApprovedDescription
value: Notification.MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED,
hasNotifyUser: false,
hidden: user && !hasPermission(Permission.MANAGE_REQUESTS),
id: 'media-approved',
name: intl.formatMessage(messages.mediaapproved),
description: intl.formatMessage(
? messages.usermediaapprovedDescription
: messages.mediaapprovedDescription
value: Notification.MEDIA_APPROVED,
hasNotifyUser: true,
hidden: allRequestsAutoApproved,
id: 'media-declined',
name: intl.formatMessage(messages.mediadeclined),
description: intl.formatMessage(
? messages.usermediadeclinedDescription
: messages.mediadeclinedDescription
value: Notification.MEDIA_DECLINED,
hasNotifyUser: true,
hidden: allRequestsAutoApproved,
id: 'media-available',
name: intl.formatMessage(messages.mediaavailable),
description: intl.formatMessage(
? messages.usermediaavailableDescription
: messages.mediaavailableDescription
value: Notification.MEDIA_AVAILABLE,
hasNotifyUser: true,
id: 'media-failed',
name: intl.formatMessage(messages.mediafailed),
description: intl.formatMessage(
? messages.usermediafailedDescription
: messages.mediafailedDescription
value: Notification.MEDIA_FAILED,
hidden: user && !hasPermission(Permission.MANAGE_REQUESTS),
hasNotifyUser: false,
id: 'issue-created',
name: intl.formatMessage(messages.issuecreated),
description: intl.formatMessage(
? messages.userissuecreatedDescription
: messages.issuecreatedDescription
value: Notification.ISSUE_CREATED,
hidden: user && !hasPermission(Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES),
hasNotifyUser: false,
id: 'issue-comment',
name: intl.formatMessage(messages.issuecomment),
description: intl.formatMessage(
? hasPermission(Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES)
? messages.adminissuecommentDescription
: messages.userissuecommentDescription
: messages.issuecommentDescription
value: Notification.ISSUE_COMMENT,
user &&
!hasPermission([Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES, Permission.CREATE_ISSUES], {
type: 'or',
!user || hasPermission(Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES) ? false : true,
id: 'issue-resolved',
name: intl.formatMessage(messages.issueresolved),
description: intl.formatMessage(
? hasPermission(Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES)
? messages.adminissueresolvedDescription
: messages.userissueresolvedDescription
: messages.issueresolvedDescription
value: Notification.ISSUE_RESOLVED,
user &&
!hasPermission([Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES, Permission.CREATE_ISSUES], {
type: 'or',
!user || hasPermission(Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES) ? false : true,
id: 'issue-reopened',
name: intl.formatMessage(messages.issuereopened),
description: intl.formatMessage(
? hasPermission(Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES)
? messages.adminissuereopenedDescription
: messages.userissuereopenedDescription
: messages.issuereopenedDescription
value: Notification.ISSUE_REOPENED,
user &&
!hasPermission([Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES, Permission.CREATE_ISSUES], {
type: 'or',
!user || hasPermission(Permission.MANAGE_ISSUES) ? false : true,
const filteredTypes = types.filter(
(type) => !type.hidden && hasNotificationType(type.value, enabledTypes)
const newAllowedTypes = filteredTypes.reduce((a, v) => a + v.value, 0);
if (newAllowedTypes !== allowedTypes) {
return user
? sortBy(filteredTypes, 'hasNotifyUser', 'DESC')
: filteredTypes;
}, [user, hasPermission, settings, intl, allowedTypes, enabledTypes]);
if (!availableTypes.length) {
return null;
return (
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
3 years ago
<div role="group" aria-labelledby="group-label" className="form-group">
<div className="form-row">
<span id="group-label" className="group-label">
{!user && <span className="label-required">*</span>}
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
3 years ago
<div className="form-input">
<div className="max-w-lg">
{ => (
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
3 years ago
{error && <div className="error">{error}</div>}
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
3 years ago
export default NotificationTypeSelector;