import { Router } from 'express' ;
import gravatarUrl from 'gravatar-url' ;
import { getRepository , Not } from 'typeorm' ;
import PlexTvAPI from '../../api/plextv' ;
import { UserType } from '../../constants/user' ;
import { MediaRequest } from '../../entity/MediaRequest' ;
import { User } from '../../entity/User' ;
import { UserPushSubscription } from '../../entity/UserPushSubscription' ;
import {
QuotaResponse ,
UserRequestsResponse ,
UserResultsResponse ,
} from '../../interfaces/api/userInterfaces' ;
import { hasPermission , Permission } from '../../lib/permissions' ;
import { getSettings } from '../../lib/settings' ;
import logger from '../../logger' ;
import { isAuthenticated } from '../../middleware/auth' ;
import userSettingsRoutes from './usersettings' ;
const router = Router ( ) ;
router . get ( '/' , async ( req , res , next ) = > {
try {
const pageSize = req . query . take ? Number ( req . query . take ) : 10 ;
const skip = req . query . skip ? Number ( req . query . skip ) : 0 ;
let query = getRepository ( User ) . createQueryBuilder ( 'user' ) ;
switch ( req . query . sort ) {
case 'updated' :
query = query . orderBy ( 'user.updatedAt' , 'DESC' ) ;
break ;
case 'displayname' :
query = query . orderBy (
'(CASE WHEN user.username IS NULL THEN user.plexUsername ELSE user.username END)' ,
) ;
break ;
case 'requests' :
query = query
. addSelect ( ( subQuery ) = > {
return subQuery
. select ( 'COUNT(' , 'requestCount' )
. from ( MediaRequest , 'request' )
. where ( ' =' ) ;
} , 'requestCount' )
. orderBy ( 'requestCount' , 'DESC' ) ;
break ;
default :
query = query . orderBy ( '' , 'ASC' ) ;
break ;
const [ users , userCount ] = await query
. take ( pageSize )
. skip ( skip )
. getManyAndCount ( ) ;
return res . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
pageInfo : {
pages : Math.ceil ( userCount / pageSize ) ,
pageSize ,
results : userCount ,
page : Math.ceil ( skip / pageSize ) + 1 ,
} ,
results : User.filterMany (
users ,
req . user ? . hasPermission ( Permission . MANAGE_USERS )
) ,
} as UserResultsResponse ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
next ( { status : 500 , message : e.message } ) ;
} ) ;
router . post (
'/' ,
isAuthenticated ( Permission . MANAGE_USERS ) ,
async ( req , res , next ) = > {
try {
const settings = getSettings ( ) ;
const body = req . body ;
const userRepository = getRepository ( User ) ;
const existingUser = await userRepository . findOne ( {
where : { email : } ,
} ) ;
if ( existingUser ) {
return next ( {
status : 409 ,
message : 'User already exists with submitted email.' ,
errors : [ 'USER_EXISTS' ] ,
} ) ;
const passedExplicitPassword = body . password && body . password . length > 0 ;
const avatar = gravatarUrl ( body . email , { default : 'mm' , size : 200 } ) ;
if (
! passedExplicitPassword &&
! settings . notifications . agents . email . enabled
) {
throw new Error ( 'Email notifications must be enabled' ) ;
const user = new User ( {
avatar : body.avatar ? ? avatar ,
username : body.username ? ? body . email ,
email : ,
password : body.password ,
permissions : settings.main.defaultPermissions ,
plexToken : '' ,
userType : UserType.LOCAL ,
} ) ;
if ( passedExplicitPassword ) {
await user ? . setPassword ( body . password ) ;
} else {
await user ? . generatePassword ( ) ;
await userRepository . save ( user ) ;
return res . status ( 201 ) . json ( user . filter ( ) ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
next ( { status : 500 , message : e.message } ) ;
) ;
router . post <
never ,
unknown ,
endpoint : string ;
p256dh : string ;
auth : string ;
> ( '/registerPushSubscription' , async ( req , res , next ) = > {
try {
const userPushSubRepository = getRepository ( UserPushSubscription ) ;
const existingSubs = await userPushSubRepository . find ( {
where : { auth : req.body.auth } ,
} ) ;
if ( existingSubs . length > 0 ) {
logger . debug (
'User push subscription already exists. Skipping registration.' ,
{ label : 'API' }
) ;
return res . status ( 204 ) . send ( ) ;
const userPushSubscription = new UserPushSubscription ( {
auth : req.body.auth ,
endpoint : req.body.endpoint ,
p256dh : req.body.p256dh ,
user : req.user ,
} ) ;
userPushSubRepository . save ( userPushSubscription ) ;
return res . status ( 204 ) . send ( ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
logger . error ( 'Failed to register user push subscription' , {
label : 'API' ,
} ) ;
next ( { status : 500 , message : 'Failed to register subscription.' } ) ;
} ) ;
router . get < { id : string } > ( '/:id' , async ( req , res , next ) = > {
try {
const userRepository = getRepository ( User ) ;
const user = await userRepository . findOneOrFail ( {
where : { id : Number ( req . params . id ) } ,
} ) ;
return res
. status ( 200 )
. json ( user . filter ( req . user ? . hasPermission ( Permission . MANAGE_USERS ) ) ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
next ( { status : 404 , message : 'User not found.' } ) ;
} ) ;
router . use ( '/:id/settings' , userSettingsRoutes ) ;
router . get < { id : string } , UserRequestsResponse > (
'/:id/requests' ,
async ( req , res , next ) = > {
const userRepository = getRepository ( User ) ;
const requestRepository = getRepository ( MediaRequest ) ;
const pageSize = req . query . take ? Number ( req . query . take ) : 20 ;
const skip = req . query . skip ? Number ( req . query . skip ) : 0 ;
try {
const user = await userRepository . findOne ( {
where : { id : Number ( req . params . id ) } ,
} ) ;
if ( ! user ) {
return next ( { status : 404 , message : 'User not found.' } ) ;
const [ requests , requestCount ] = await requestRepository . findAndCount ( {
where : { requestedBy : user } ,
order : { id : 'DESC' } ,
take : pageSize ,
skip ,
} ) ;
return res . status ( 200 ) . json ( {
pageInfo : {
pages : Math.ceil ( requestCount / pageSize ) ,
pageSize ,
results : requestCount ,
page : Math.ceil ( skip / pageSize ) + 1 ,
} ,
results : requests ,
} ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
next ( { status : 500 , message : e.message } ) ;
) ;
export const canMakePermissionsChange = (
permissions : number ,
user? : User
) : boolean = >
// Only let the owner grant admin privileges
! ( hasPermission ( Permission . ADMIN , permissions ) && user ? . id !== 1 ) ||
// Only let users with the manage settings permission, grant the same permission
! (
hasPermission ( Permission . MANAGE_SETTINGS , permissions ) &&
! hasPermission ( Permission . MANAGE_SETTINGS , user ? . permissions ? ? 0 )
) ;
router . put <
Record < string , never > ,
Partial < User > [ ] ,
{ ids : string [ ] ; permissions : number }
> ( '/' , isAuthenticated ( Permission . MANAGE_USERS ) , async ( req , res , next ) = > {
try {
const isOwner = req . user ? . id === 1 ;
if ( ! canMakePermissionsChange ( req . body . permissions , req . user ) ) {
return next ( {
status : 403 ,
message : 'You do not have permission to grant this level of access' ,
} ) ;
const userRepository = getRepository ( User ) ;
const users = await userRepository . findByIds ( req . body . ids , {
. . . ( ! isOwner ? { id : Not ( 1 ) } : { } ) ,
} ) ;
const updatedUsers = await Promise . all (
users . map ( async ( user ) = > {
return userRepository . save ( < User > {
. . . user ,
. . . { permissions : req.body.permissions } ,
} ) ;
} )
) ;
return res . status ( 200 ) . json ( updatedUsers ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
next ( { status : 500 , message : e.message } ) ;
} ) ;
router . put < { id : string } > (
'/:id' ,
isAuthenticated ( Permission . MANAGE_USERS ) ,
async ( req , res , next ) = > {
try {
const userRepository = getRepository ( User ) ;
const user = await userRepository . findOneOrFail ( {
where : { id : Number ( req . params . id ) } ,
} ) ;
// Only let the owner user modify themselves
if ( user . id === 1 && req . user ? . id !== 1 ) {
return next ( {
status : 403 ,
message : 'You do not have permission to modify this user' ,
} ) ;
if ( ! canMakePermissionsChange ( req . body . permissions , req . user ) ) {
return next ( {
status : 403 ,
message : 'You do not have permission to grant this level of access' ,
} ) ;
Object . assign ( user , {
username : req.body.username ,
permissions : req.body.permissions ,
} ) ;
await userRepository . save ( user ) ;
return res . status ( 200 ) . json ( user . filter ( ) ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
next ( { status : 404 , message : 'User not found.' } ) ;
) ;
router . delete < { id : string } > (
'/:id' ,
isAuthenticated ( Permission . MANAGE_USERS ) ,
async ( req , res , next ) = > {
try {
const userRepository = getRepository ( User ) ;
const user = await userRepository . findOne ( {
where : { id : Number ( req . params . id ) } ,
relations : [ 'requests' ] ,
} ) ;
if ( ! user ) {
return next ( { status : 404 , message : 'User not found.' } ) ;
if ( user . id === 1 ) {
return next ( {
status : 405 ,
message : 'This account cannot be deleted.' ,
} ) ;
if ( user . hasPermission ( Permission . ADMIN ) && req . user ? . id !== 1 ) {
return next ( {
status : 405 ,
message : 'You cannot delete users with administrative privileges.' ,
} ) ;
const requestRepository = getRepository ( MediaRequest ) ;
/ * *
* Requests are usually deleted through a cascade constraint . Those however , do
* not trigger the removal event so listeners to not run and the parent Media
* will not be updated back to unknown for titles that were still pending . So
* we manually remove all requests from the user here so the parent media ' s
* properly reflect the change .
* /
await requestRepository . remove ( user . requests ) ;
await userRepository . delete ( user . id ) ;
return res . status ( 200 ) . json ( user . filter ( ) ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
logger . error ( 'Something went wrong deleting a user' , {
label : 'API' ,
userId : ,
errorMessage : e.message ,
} ) ;
return next ( {
status : 500 ,
message : 'Something went wrong deleting the user' ,
} ) ;
) ;
router . post (
'/import-from-plex' ,
isAuthenticated ( Permission . MANAGE_USERS ) ,
async ( req , res , next ) = > {
try {
const settings = getSettings ( ) ;
const userRepository = getRepository ( User ) ;
// taken from auth.ts
const mainUser = await userRepository . findOneOrFail ( {
select : [ 'id' , 'plexToken' ] ,
order : { id : 'ASC' } ,
} ) ;
const mainPlexTv = new PlexTvAPI ( mainUser . plexToken ? ? '' ) ;
const plexUsersResponse = await mainPlexTv . getUsers ( ) ;
const createdUsers : User [ ] = [ ] ;
for ( const rawUser of plexUsersResponse . MediaContainer . User ) {
const account = rawUser . $ ;
const user = await userRepository . findOne ( {
where : [ { plexId : } , { email : } ] ,
} ) ;
if ( user ) {
// Update the users avatar with their plex thumbnail (incase it changed)
user . avatar = account . thumb ;
user . email = account . email ;
user . plexUsername = account . username ;
// in-case the user was previously a local account
if ( user . userType === UserType . LOCAL ) {
user . userType = UserType . PLEX ;
user . plexId = parseInt ( account . id ) ;
if ( user . username === account . username ) {
user . username = '' ;
await userRepository . save ( user ) ;
} else {
// Check to make sure it's a real account
if (
account . email &&
account . username &&
( await mainPlexTv . checkUserAccess ( Number ( account . id ) ) )
) {
const newUser = new User ( {
plexUsername : account.username ,
email : ,
permissions : settings.main.defaultPermissions ,
plexId : parseInt ( account . id ) ,
plexToken : '' ,
avatar : account.thumb ,
userType : UserType.PLEX ,
} ) ;
await userRepository . save ( newUser ) ;
createdUsers . push ( newUser ) ;
return res . status ( 201 ) . json ( User . filterMany ( createdUsers ) ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
next ( { status : 500 , message : e.message } ) ;
) ;
router . get < { id : string } , QuotaResponse > (
'/:id/quota' ,
async ( req , res , next ) = > {
try {
const userRepository = getRepository ( User ) ;
if (
Number ( req . params . id ) !== req . user ? . id &&
! req . user ? . hasPermission (
[ Permission . MANAGE_USERS , Permission . MANAGE_REQUESTS ] ,
{ type : 'and' }
) {
return next ( {
status : 403 ,
message : 'You do not have permission to access this endpoint.' ,
} ) ;
const user = await userRepository . findOneOrFail ( {
where : { id : Number ( req . params . id ) } ,
} ) ;
const quotas = await user . getQuota ( ) ;
return res . status ( 200 ) . json ( quotas ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
next ( { status : 404 , message : e.message } ) ;
) ;
export default router ;