You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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The webhook notification agent enables you to send a custom JSON payload to any endpoint for specific notification events.


Webhook URL

The URL you would like to post notifications to. Your JSON will be sent as the body of the request.

Authorization Header (optional)

{% hint style="info" %} This is typically not needed. Please refer to your webhook provider's documentation for details. {% endhint %}

This value will be sent as an Authorization HTTP header.

JSON Payload

Customize the JSON payload to suit your needs. Overseerr provides several template variables for use in the payload, which will be replaced with the relevant data when the notifications are triggered.

Template Variables


Variable Value
{{notification_type}} The type of notification (e.g. MEDIA_PENDING or ISSUE_COMMENT)
{{event}} A friendly description of the notification event
{{subject}} The notification subject (typically the media title)
{{message}} The notification message body (the media overview/synopsis for request notifications; the issue description for issue notificatons)
{{image}} The notification image (typically the media poster)

Notify User

These variables are for the target recipient of the notification.

Variable Value
{{notifyuser_username}} The target notification recipient's username
{{notifyuser_email}} The target notification recipient's email address
{{notifyuser_avatar}} The target notification recipient's avatar URL
{{notifyuser_settings_discordId}} The target notification recipient's Discord ID (if set)
{{notifyuser_settings_telegramChatId}} The target notification recipient's Telegram Chat ID (if set)

{% hint style="info" %} The notifyuser variables are not defined for the following request notification types, as they are intended for application administrators rather than end users:

  • Media Requested
  • Media Automatically Approved
  • Media Failed

On the other hand, the notifyuser variables will be replaced with the requesting user's information for the below notification types:

  • Media Approved
  • Media Declined
  • Media Available

If you would like to use the requesting user's information in your webhook, please instead include the relevant variables from the Request section below. {% endhint %}


The following variables must be used as a key in the JSON payload (e.g., "{{extra}}": []).

Variable Value
{{media}} The relevant media object
{{request}} The relevant request object
{{issue}} The relevant issue object
{{comment}} The relevant issue comment object
{{extra}} The "extra" array of additional data for certain notifications (e.g., season/episode numbers for series-related notifications)


The {{media}} will be null if there is no relevant media object for the notification.

These following special variables are only included in media-related notifications, such as requests.

Variable Value
{{media_type}} The media type (movie or tv)
{{media_tmdbid}} The media's TMDb ID
{{media_tvdbid}} The media's TheTVDB ID
{{media_status}} The media's availability status (UNKNOWN, PENDING, PROCESSING, PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE, or AVAILABLE)
{{media_status4k}} The media's 4K availability status (UNKNOWN, PENDING, PROCESSING, PARTIALLY_AVAILABLE, or AVAILABLE)


The {{request}} will be null if there is no relevant media object for the notification.

The following special variables are only included in request-related notifications.

Variable Value
{{request_id}} The request ID
{{requestedBy_username}} The requesting user's username
{{requestedBy_email}} The requesting user's email address
{{requestedBy_avatar}} The requesting user's avatar URL
{{requestedBy_settings_discordId}} The requesting user's Discord ID (if set)
{{requestedBy_settings_telegramChatId}} The requesting user's Telegram Chat ID (if set)


The {{issue}} will be null if there is no relevant media object for the notification.

The following special variables are only included in issue-related notifications.

Variable Value
{{issue_id}} The issue ID
{{reportedBy_username}} The requesting user's username
{{reportedBy_email}} The requesting user's email address
{{reportedBy_avatar}} The requesting user's avatar URL
{{reportedBy_settings_discordId}} The requesting user's Discord ID (if set)
{{reportedBy_settings_telegramChatId}} The requesting user's Telegram Chat ID (if set)


The {{comment}} will be null if there is no relevant media object for the notification.

The following special variables are only included in issue comment-related notifications.

Variable Value
{{comment_message}} The comment message
{{commentedBy_username}} The commenting user's username
{{commentedBy_email}} The commenting user's email address
{{commentedBy_avatar}} The commenting user's avatar URL
{{commentedBy_settings_discordId}} The commenting user's Discord ID (if set)
{{commentedBy_settings_telegramChatId}} The commenting user's Telegram Chat ID (if set)