You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Contributing to Overseerr
All help is welcome and greatly appreciated. If you would like to contribute to the project the steps below can get you started:
## Development
### Tools Required
- HTML/Typescript/Javascript editor of choice. ([VSCode]( is recommended. Upon opening the project, a few extensions will be automatically recommended for install.)
- [NodeJS]( (Node 12.x.x or higher)
- [Yarn](
- [Git](
### Getting Started
1. [Fork]( the repository to your own GitHub account and then [clone]( it to your local device.
2. Create a new branch `git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME`
- Its recommended to name the branch something relevant to the feature or fix you are working on.
- An example of this would be `fix-title-cards` or `feature-new-system`.
- Bad examples would be `patch` or `bug`.
3. Install dependencies `yarn`
4. `yarn dev` to build and watch for changes
You can also run the development environment in [Docker]( with `docker-compose up -d`. This method does not require installing NodeJS or Yarn on your machine directly.
### Contributing Code
- If you are taking on an existing bug or feature ticket, please comment on the [GitHub Issue]( to avoid multiple people working on the same thing.
- All commits **must** follow [Conventional Commits](
- It is okay if you squash your PR down to be a single commit that fits this standard.
- PRs with commits not following this standard will not be merged.
- Please make meaningful commits, or squash them
- Always rebase your commit to the latest `develop` branch. Do not merge develop into your branch.
- It is your responsbility to keep your branch up to date. It will not be merged unless its rebased off the latest develop branch.
- You can create a Draft pull request early to get feedback on your work.
- Your code must be formatted correctly or the tests will fail.
- We use Prettier to format our codebase. It should auto run with a git hook, but its recommended to have a Prettier extension installed in your editor and have it format on save.
- If you have questions or need help, you can reach out in [GitHub Discussions]( or in our [Discord](
- Only open pull requests to `develop`. Never `master`. Any PR's opened to master will be closed.
## Translation
We use [Weblate]( for our translations so please feel free to contribute to localizing Overseerr!
## Attribution
This contribution guide was inspired by the [Next.js]( and [Radarr]( contribution guides.