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Asking for Support

Before asking for support, make sure you try these things first

What should I include when asking for support?

When you contact support saying something like "it doesn't work" leaves little to go on to figure out what is wrong for you. When contacting support try to include information such as the following:

  • What did you try to do? When you describe what you did to reach the state you are in we may notice something you did different from the instructions, or something that your unique setup requires in addition. Some examples of what to provide here:
    • What command did you enter?
    • What did you click on?
    • What settings did you change?
    • Provide a step-by-step list of what you tried.
  • What do you see? We cannot see your screen so some of the following is necessary for us to know what is going on:
    • Did something happen?
    • Did something not happen?
    • Are there any error messages showing?
    • Screenshots can help us see what you are seeing
    • The Overseerr logs show exactly what happened and are often critical for identifying issues see [How can I share my logs?]( below.

How can I share my logs?

First you will need to gather your logs from the install directory.

  1. Collect the log file from <Overseeerr-install-directory>/logs/overseerr.log
  2. Open the log file and upload the text by going to and creating a new secret Gist of the contents.
  3. Share the link with support in Discord by copying the URL of the page.