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using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Models;
using Recyclarr.Config.Models;
using Recyclarr.ServarrApi.QualityProfile;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Tests;
public static class NewQp
public static ProcessedQualityProfileData Processed(
string profileName,
params (string TrashId, int FormatId, int Score)[] scores)
return Processed(profileName, false, scores);
public static ProcessedQualityProfileData Processed(
string profileName,
bool resetUnmatchedScores,
params (string TrashId, int FormatId, int Score)[] scores)
return Processed(profileName, resetUnmatchedScores,
scores.Select(x => ("", x.TrashId, x.FormatId, x.Score)).ToArray());
public static ProcessedQualityProfileData Processed(
string profileName,
bool resetUnmatchedScores,
params (string CfName, string TrashId, int FormatId, int Score)[] scores)
var profileConfig = new QualityProfileConfig
Name = profileName,
ResetUnmatchedScores = new ResetUnmatchedScoresConfig
Enabled = resetUnmatchedScores
return Processed(profileConfig, scores);
public static ProcessedQualityProfileData Processed(
QualityProfileConfig profileConfig,
params (string CfName, string TrashId, int FormatId, int Score)[] scores)
return new ProcessedQualityProfileData
Profile = profileConfig,
CfScores = scores
.Select(x => new ProcessedQualityProfileScore(x.TrashId, x.CfName, x.FormatId, x.Score))
public static UpdatedFormatScore UpdatedScore(
string name,
int oldScore,
int newScore,
FormatScoreUpdateReason reason)
return new UpdatedFormatScore(
new ProfileFormatItemDto {Name = name, Score = oldScore},
public static ProfileItemDto GroupDto(
int itemId,
string itemName,
bool enabled,
params ProfileItemDto[] nestedItems)
return new ProfileItemDto
Id = itemId,
Name = itemName,
Allowed = enabled,
Items = nestedItems
public static ProfileItemDto QualityDto(int itemId, string itemName, bool enabled)
return new ProfileItemDto
Allowed = enabled,
Quality = new ProfileItemQualityDto
Id = itemId,
Name = itemName
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "IntroduceOptionalParameters.Global", Justification =
"This is for unit test purposes and we want to be explicit sometimes")]
public static QualityProfileQualityConfig QualityConfig(string itemName)
return QualityConfig(itemName, true);
public static QualityProfileQualityConfig QualityConfig(string itemName, bool enabled)
return new QualityProfileQualityConfig
Enabled = enabled,
Name = itemName
public static QualityProfileQualityConfig GroupConfig(string itemName, params string[] nestedItems)
return GroupConfig(itemName, true, nestedItems);
public static QualityProfileQualityConfig GroupConfig(string itemName, bool enabled, params string[] nestedItems)
return QualityConfig(itemName, enabled) with {Qualities = nestedItems};