You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

109 lines
5.6 KiB

using System.IO.Abstractions;
using System.IO.Abstractions.TestingHelpers;
using AutoFixture.NUnit3;
using FluentAssertions;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Recyclarr.TestLibrary.AutoFixture;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Services.CustomFormat.Guide;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Startup;
namespace Recyclarr.TrashLib.Tests.CustomFormat.Guide;
public class CustomFormatCategoryParserTest
[Test, AutoMockData]
public void It_works(
[Frozen] IAppPaths paths,
[Frozen(Matching.ImplementedInterfaces)] MockFileSystem fs,
CustomFormatCategoryParser sut)
const string markdown = @"
| Audio Advanced #1 | Audio Advanced #2 | Anime | Anime |
| ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
| [TrueHD ATMOS](#truehd-atmos) | [FLAC](#flac) | [Anime Web Tier 01 (Muxers)](#anime-web-tier-01-muxers) | [v0](#v0) |
| [DTS X](#dts-x) | [PCM](#pcm) | [Anime Web Tier 02 (Top FanSubs)](#anime-web-tier-02-top-fansubs) | [v1](#v1) |
| [ATMOS (undefined)](#atmos-undefined) | [DTS-HD HRA](#dts-hd-hra) | [Anime Web Tier 03 (Official Subs)](#anime-web-tier-03-official-subs) | [v2](#v2) |
| [DD+ ATMOS](#dd-atmos) | [AAC](#aac) | [Anime Web Tier 04 (Official Subs)](#anime-web-tier-04-official-subs) | [v3](#v3) |
| [TrueHD](#truehd) | [DD](#dd) | [Anime Web Tier 05 (FanSubs)](#anime-web-tier-05-fansubs) | [v4](#v4) |
| [DTS-HD MA](#dts-hd-ma) | [MP3](#mp3) | [Anime Web Tier 06 (FanSubs)](#anime-web-tier-06-fansubs) | [VRV](#vrv) |
| [DD+](#ddplus) | [Opus](#opus) | [Anime Raws](#anime-raws) | |
| [DTS-ES](#dts-es) | | [Anime LQ Groups](#anime-lq-groups) | |
| [DTS](#dts) | | | |
| | | | |
| Movie Versions | Unwanted |
| --------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| [Hybrid](#hybrid) | [BR-DISK](#br-disk) |
| [Remaster](#remaster) | [EVO (no WEBDL)](#evo-no-webdl) |
| [4K Remaster](#4k-remaster) | [LQ](#lq) |
| [Special Editions](#special-edition) | [x265 (720/1080p)](#x265-7201080p) |
| [Criterion Collection](#criterion-collection) | [3D](#3d) |
| [Theatrical Cut](#theatrical-cut) | [No-RlsGroup](#no-rlsgroup) |
| [IMAX](#imax) | [Obfuscated](#obfuscated) |
| [IMAX Enhanced](#imax-enhanced) | [DV (WEBDL)](#dv-webdl) |
| | |
var file = paths.RepoDirectory
fs.AddFile(file.FullName, new MockFileData(markdown));
var result = sut.Parse(file);
result.Select(x => x.CategoryName).Distinct()
"Audio Advanced #1",
"Audio Advanced #2",
"Movie Versions",
result.Where(x => x.CategoryName == "Audio Advanced #1").Select(x => (x.CfName, x.CfAnchor))
("TrueHD ATMOS", "truehd-atmos"),
("DTS X", "dts-x"),
("ATMOS (undefined)", "atmos-undefined"),
("DD+ ATMOS", "dd-atmos"),
("TrueHD", "truehd"),
("DTS-HD MA", "dts-hd-ma"),
("DD+", "ddplus"),
("DTS-ES", "dts-es"),
("DTS", "dts")
result.Where(x => x.CategoryName == "Anime").Select(x => (x.CfName, x.CfAnchor))
("Anime Web Tier 01 (Muxers)", "anime-web-tier-01-muxers"),
("Anime Web Tier 02 (Top FanSubs)", "anime-web-tier-02-top-fansubs"),
("Anime Web Tier 03 (Official Subs)", "anime-web-tier-03-official-subs"),
("Anime Web Tier 04 (Official Subs)", "anime-web-tier-04-official-subs"),
("Anime Web Tier 05 (FanSubs)", "anime-web-tier-05-fansubs"),
("Anime Web Tier 06 (FanSubs)", "anime-web-tier-06-fansubs"),
("Anime Raws", "anime-raws"),
("Anime LQ Groups", "anime-lq-groups"),
("v0", "v0"),
("v1", "v1"),
("v2", "v2"),
("v3", "v3"),
("v4", "v4"),
("VRV", "vrv")