Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
6 changed files with
39 additions and
0 deletions
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Use compact JSON for HTTP request/response body in debug log files. This makes logs much easier to
scroll through.
- Sonarr: Run version enforcement logic when using CFs instead of RPs.
- A warning is now displayed when the same custom format is assigned multiple times to the same
quality profile.
## [2.5.0] - 2022-09-11
@ -204,6 +204,25 @@ internal class CustomFormatUpdater : ICustomFormatUpdater
_console . Output . WriteLine ( "" ) ;
if ( _guideProcessor . DuplicateScores . Any ( ) )
foreach ( var ( profileName , duplicates ) in _guideProcessor . DuplicateScores )
foreach ( var ( trashId , dupeScores ) in duplicates )
_log . Warning (
"Custom format with trash ID {TrashId} is duplicated {Count} times in quality profile " +
"{ProfileName} with the following scores: {Scores}" ,
trashId , dupeScores . Count , profileName , dupeScores ) ;
_log . Warning (
"When the same CF is specified multiple times with different scores in the same quality profile, " +
"only the score from the first occurrence is used. To resolve the duplication warnings above, " +
"remove the duplicate trash IDs from your YAML config" ) ;
_console . Output . WriteLine ( "" ) ;
if ( _guideProcessor . CustomFormatsWithOutdatedNames . Count > 0 )
_log . Warning ( "One or more custom format names in your YAML config have been renamed in the guide and " +
@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ internal class GuideProcessor : IGuideProcessor
public IReadOnlyCollection < ( string name , string trashId , string profileName ) > CustomFormatsWithoutScore
= > _steps . QualityProfile . CustomFormatsWithoutScore ;
public IReadOnlyDictionary < string , Dictionary < string , HashSet < int > > > DuplicateScores
= > _steps . QualityProfile . DuplicateScores ;
public IReadOnlyCollection < TrashIdMapping > DeletedCustomFormatsInCache
= > _steps . CustomFormat . DeletedCustomFormatsInCache ;
@ -6,5 +6,6 @@ public interface IQualityProfileStep
IDictionary < string , QualityProfileCustomFormatScoreMapping > ProfileScores { get ; }
IReadOnlyCollection < ( string name , string trashId , string profileName ) > CustomFormatsWithoutScore { get ; }
IReadOnlyDictionary < string , Dictionary < string , HashSet < int > > > DuplicateScores { get ; }
void Process ( IEnumerable < ProcessedConfigData > configData ) ;
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
using Common.Extensions ;
using TrashLib.Services.CustomFormat.Models ;
namespace TrashLib.Services.CustomFormat.Processors.GuideSteps ;
@ -6,12 +7,15 @@ internal class QualityProfileStep : IQualityProfileStep
private readonly Dictionary < string , QualityProfileCustomFormatScoreMapping > _profileScores = new ( ) ;
private readonly List < ( string name , string trashId , string profileName ) > _customFormatsWithoutScore = new ( ) ;
private readonly Dictionary < string , Dictionary < string , HashSet < int > > > _duplicateScores = new ( ) ;
public IDictionary < string , QualityProfileCustomFormatScoreMapping > ProfileScores = > _profileScores ;
public IReadOnlyCollection < ( string name , string trashId , string profileName ) > CustomFormatsWithoutScore
= > _customFormatsWithoutScore ;
public IReadOnlyDictionary < string , Dictionary < string , HashSet < int > > > DuplicateScores = > _duplicateScores ;
public void Process ( IEnumerable < ProcessedConfigData > configData )
foreach ( var config in configData )
@ -46,6 +50,15 @@ internal class QualityProfileStep : IQualityProfileStep
ProfileScores [ profile . Name ] = mapping ;
// Check if this score was specified multiple times for the same profile. For each duplicate, we record
// the score of the second and onward occurrences for logging/reporting purposes.
var dupe = mapping . Mapping . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . CustomFormat . TrashId . EqualsIgnoreCase ( cf . TrashId ) ) ;
if ( dupe is not null )
_duplicateScores . GetOrCreate ( profile . Name ) . GetOrCreate ( cf . TrashId ) . Add ( scoreToUse . Value ) ;
continue ;
mapping . Mapping . Add ( new FormatMappingEntry ( cf , scoreToUse . Value ) ) ;
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ internal interface IGuideProcessor
IReadOnlyCollection < TrashIdMapping > DeletedCustomFormatsInCache { get ; }
IReadOnlyCollection < ( string , string ) > CustomFormatsWithOutdatedNames { get ; }
IDictionary < string , List < ProcessedCustomFormatData > > DuplicatedCustomFormats { get ; }
IReadOnlyDictionary < string , Dictionary < string , HashSet < int > > > DuplicateScores { get ; }
Task BuildGuideDataAsync ( IEnumerable < CustomFormatConfig > config , CustomFormatCache ? cache ,
IGuideService guideService ) ;