Support for WEB-DL release profile guide

* Significant refactoring of parsing logic to generalize it between
  anime and web-dl
* Rework exception type hierarchy for Server code
Robert Dailey 3 years ago
parent 7a0c3ba26d
commit cb44ab36cb

@ -0,0 +1 @@
from . import server, sonarr

@ -1,21 +1,29 @@
import json
import requests
from app.trash_error import TrashError
class TrashHttpError(TrashError):
def __init__(self, response):
self.response = response
class Server:
def __init__(self, base_uri, apikey):
dispatch = {
'put': requests.put,
'get': requests.get,
def __init__(self, base_uri, apikey, exception_strategy):
self.base_uri = base_uri
self.apikey = apikey
self.exception_strategy = exception_strategy
def build_uri(self, endpoint):
return self.base_uri + endpoint + self.apikey
def request(self, method, endpoint, data=None):
dispatch = {
'put': requests.put,
'get': requests.get,
r = dispatch.get(method)(self.build_uri(endpoint), json.dumps(data))
r = Server.dispatch.get(method)(self.build_uri(endpoint), json.dumps(data))
if 400 <= r.status_code < 600:
raise self.exception_strategy(r)
return json.loads(r.content)

@ -3,8 +3,26 @@ import json
from packaging import version # pip install packaging
from copy import deepcopy
from .server import Server
from ..profile_data import ProfileData
from app.api.server import Server, TrashHttpError
from app.profile_data import ProfileData
from app.trash_error import TrashError
class SonarrHttpError(TrashHttpError):
def get_error_message(response: requests.Response):
content = json.loads(response.content)
if len(content) > 0:
if type(content) is list:
return content[0]['errorMessage']
elif type(content) is dict and 'message' in content:
return content['message']
return None
def __str__(self):
msg = f'HTTP Response Error [Status Code {self.response.status_code}] [URI: {self.response.url}]'
if error_msg := SonarrHttpError.get_error_message(self.response):
msg += f'\n Response Message: {error_msg}'
return msg
class Sonarr(Server):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -12,24 +30,13 @@ class Sonarr(Server):
base_uri = f'{args.base_uri}/api/v3'
key = f'?apikey={args.api_key}'
self.logger = logger
super().__init__(base_uri, key)
super().__init__(base_uri, key, SonarrHttpError)
if not args.base_uri or not args.api_key:
raise ValueError('--base-uri and --api-key are required arguments when not using --preview')
raise TrashError('--base-uri and --api-key are required arguments when not using --preview')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_error_message(response: requests.Response):
content = json.loads(response.content)
if len(content) > 0:
if type(content) is list:
return content[0]['errorMessage']
elif type(content) is dict and 'message' in content:
return content['message']
return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_version(self):
body = self.request('get', '/system/status')
@ -109,7 +116,7 @@ class Sonarr(Server):
minimum_version = version.parse('')
sonarr_version = self.get_version()
if sonarr_version < minimum_version:
raise RuntimeError(f'Your Sonarr version ({sonarr_version}) does not meet the minimum required version of {minimum_version} to use this script.')
raise TrashError(f'Your Sonarr version ({sonarr_version}) does not meet the minimum required version of {minimum_version} to use this script.')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# GET /qualitydefinition

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
import argparse
from import types as profile_types
from import types as quality_types
# class args: pass
class NoAction(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
@ -33,10 +36,9 @@ def setup_and_parse_args(args_override=None):
# Subcommands for 'profile'
profile_p = subparsers.add_parser('profile', help='Pages of the guide that define profiles',
add_choices_argument(profile_p, 'type', 'The specific guide type/page to pull data from.', {
'sonarr:anime': 'The anime release profile for Sonarr v3',
'sonarr:web-dl': 'The WEB-DL release profile for Sonarr v3'
add_choices_argument(profile_p, 'type', 'The specific guide type/page to pull data from.',
{type: data.get('cmd_help') for type, data in profile_types.items()})
# })
profile_p.add_argument('--tags', help='Tags to assign to the profiles that are created or updated. These tags will replace any existing tags when updating profiles.',
profile_p.add_argument('--strict-negative-scores', help='Any negative scores get added to the list of "Must Not Contain" items',
@ -45,10 +47,7 @@ def setup_and_parse_args(args_override=None):
# Subcommands for 'quality'
quality_p = subparsers.add_parser('quality', help='Pages in the guide that provide quality definitions',
add_choices_argument(quality_p, 'type', 'The specific guide type/page to pull data from.', {
'sonarr:anime': 'Choose the Sonarr quality definition best fit for anime',
'sonarr:non-anime': 'Choose the Sonarr quality definition best fit for tv shows (non-anime)',
'sonarr:hybrid': 'The script will generate a Sonarr quality definition that works best for all show types'
add_choices_argument(quality_p, 'type', 'The specific guide type/page to pull data from.',
{type: data.get('cmd_help') for type, data in quality_types.items()})
return parser.parse_args(args=args_override)

@ -0,0 +1 @@
from . import profile, quality, utils

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
import requests
from ..profile_data import ProfileData
TermCategory = Enum('TermCategory', 'Preferred Required Ignored')
header_regex = re.compile(r'^(#+)\s([\w\s\d]+)\s*$')
score_regex = re.compile(r'score.*?\[(-?[\d]+)\]', re.IGNORECASE)
header_release_profile_regex = re.compile(r'release profile', re.IGNORECASE)
# not_regex = re.compile(r'not', re.IGNORECASE)
category_regex = (
(TermCategory.Required, re.compile(r'must contain', re.IGNORECASE)),
(TermCategory.Ignored, re.compile(r'must not contain', re.IGNORECASE)),
(TermCategory.Preferred, re.compile(r'preferred', re.IGNORECASE)),
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_trash_anime_markdown():
trash_anime_markdown_url = ''
response = requests.get(trash_anime_markdown_url)
return response.content.decode('utf8')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_category(line):
for rx in category_regex:
if rx[1].search(line):
return rx[0]
return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_markdown(args, logger, markdown_content):
results = defaultdict(ProfileData)
profile_name = None
score = None
category = None
bracket_depth = 0
for line in markdown_content.splitlines():
# Header processing
if match :=
header_text =
# Profile name (always reset previous state here)
score = None
category = TermCategory.Preferred
profile_name = header_text
logger.debug(f'New Profile: {header_text}')
# Filter type for provided regexes
elif category := parse_category(header_text):
logger.debug(f' Category Set: {category}')
# Lines we always look for
elif line.startswith('```'):
bracket_depth = 1 - bracket_depth
# Category-based line processing
elif profile_name:
profile = results[profile_name]
lower_line = line.lower()
if 'include preferred' in lower_line:
profile.include_preferred_when_renaming = 'not' not in lower_line
logger.debug(f' Include preferred found: {profile.include_preferred_when_renaming}, {lower_line}')
elif category == TermCategory.Preferred:
if match :=
# bracket_depth = 0
score = int(
elif bracket_depth:
if score is not None:
logger.debug(f' [Preferred] Score: {score}, Term: {line}')
if args.strict_negative_scores and score < 0:
elif category == TermCategory.Ignored and bracket_depth:
# Sometimes a comma is present at the end of these regexes, because when it's
# pasted into Sonarr it acts as a delimiter. However, when using them with the
# API we do not need them.
elif category == TermCategory.Required and bracket_depth:
return results

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
import requests
from ..profile_data import ProfileData
# This defines general information specific to guide types. Used across different modules as needed.
types = {
'sonarr:anime': {
'cmd_help': 'The anime release profile for Sonarr v3',
'markdown_doc_name': 'Sonarr-Release-Profile-RegEx-Anime',
'profile_typename': 'Anime'
'sonarr:web-dl': {
'cmd_help': 'The WEB-DL release profile for Sonarr v3',
'markdown_doc_name': 'Sonarr-Release-Profile-RegEx',
'profile_typename': 'WEB-DL'
TermCategory = Enum('TermCategory', 'Preferred Required Ignored')
header_regex = re.compile(r'^(#+)\s([\w\s\d]+)\s*$')
score_regex = re.compile(r'score.*?\[(-?[\d]+)\]', re.IGNORECASE)
header_release_profile_regex = re.compile(r'release profile', re.IGNORECASE)
category_regex = (
(TermCategory.Required, re.compile(r'must contain', re.IGNORECASE)),
(TermCategory.Ignored, re.compile(r'must not contain', re.IGNORECASE)),
(TermCategory.Preferred, re.compile(r'preferred', re.IGNORECASE)),
class ParserState:
def __init__(self):
self.profile_name = None
self.score = None
self.current_category = TermCategory.Preferred
self.bracket_depth = 0
self.current_header_depth = -1
def reset(self):
def is_valid(self):
return \
self.profile_name is not None and \
self.current_category is not None and \
(self.current_category != TermCategory.Preferred or self.score is not None)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_markdown(page):
response = requests.get(f'{page}.md')
return response.content.decode('utf8')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_category(line):
for rx in category_regex:
if rx[1].search(line):
return rx[0]
return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_markdown_outside_fence(args, logger, line, state, results):
# Header processing
if match :=
header_depth = len(
header_text =
logger.debug(f'> Parsing Header [Text: {header_text}] [Depth: {header_depth}]')
# Profile name (always reset previous state here)
state.profile_name = header_text
logger.debug(f' - New Profile [Text: {header_text}]')
elif header_depth <= state.current_header_depth:
logger.debug(' - !! Non-nested, non-profile header found; resetting all state')
# Until we find a header that defines a profile, we don't care about anything under it.
if not state.profile_name:
# Check if we are enabling the "Include Preferred when Renaming" checkbox
profile = results[state.profile_name]
lower_line = line.lower()
if 'include preferred' in lower_line:
profile.include_preferred_when_renaming = 'not' not in lower_line
logger.debug(f' - "Include Preferred" found [Value: {profile.include_preferred_when_renaming}] [Line: {line}]')
# Either we have a nested header or normal line at this point
# We need to check if we're defining a new category.
if category := parse_category(line):
state.current_category = category
logger.debug(f' - Category Set [Name: {category}] [Line: {line}]')
# The category and score are sometimes in the same sentence (line); continue processing the line!!
# return
# Check this line for a score value. We do this even if our category may not be set to 'Preferred' yet.
if match :=
state.score = int(
logger.debug(f' - Score [Value: {state.score}]')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_markdown_inside_fence(args, logger, line, state, results):
profile = results[state.profile_name]
if state.current_category == TermCategory.Preferred:
logger.debug(' + Capture Term '
f'[Category: {state.current_category}] '
f'[Score: {state.score}] '
f'[Strict: {args.strict_negative_scores}] '
f'[Term: {line}]')
if args.strict_negative_scores and state.score < 0:
# Sometimes a comma is present at the end of these regexes, because when it's
# pasted into Sonarr it acts as a delimiter. However, when using them with the
# API we do not need them.
line = line.rstrip(',')
if state.current_category == TermCategory.Ignored:
logger.debug(f' + Capture Term [Category: {state.current_category}] [Term: {line}]')
if state.current_category == TermCategory.Required:
logger.debug(f' + Capture Term [Category: {state.current_category}] [Term: {line}]')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_markdown(args, logger, markdown_content):
results = defaultdict(ProfileData)
state = ParserState()
for line in markdown_content.splitlines():
# Always check if we're starting a fenced code block. Whether we are inside one or not greatly affects
# the logic we use.
if line.startswith('```'):
state.bracket_depth = 1 - state.bracket_depth
# Not inside brackets
if state.bracket_depth == 0:
parse_markdown_outside_fence(args, logger, line, state, results)
# Inside brackets
elif state.bracket_depth == 1:
if not state.is_valid():
logger.debug(' - !! Inside bracket with invalid state; skipping! '
f'[Profile Name: {state.profile_name}] '
f'[Category: {state.current_category}] '
f'[Score: {state.score}] '
f'[Line: {line}] '
parse_markdown_inside_fence(args, logger, line, state, results)
return results

@ -2,6 +2,19 @@ import requests
import re
from collections import defaultdict
# This defines general information specific to quality definition types. Used across different modules as needed.
types = {
'sonarr:anime': {
'cmd_help': 'Choose the Sonarr quality definition best fit for anime'
'sonarr:non-anime': {
'cmd_help': 'Choose the Sonarr quality definition best fit for tv shows (non-anime)'
'sonarr:hybrid': {
'cmd_help': 'The script will generate a Sonarr quality definition that works best for all show types'
header_regex = re.compile(r'^#+')
table_row_regex = re.compile(r'\| *(.*?) *\| *([\d.]+) *\| *([\d.]+) *\|')

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
import re
from app import guide
from import types as profile_types
from app.api.sonarr import Sonarr
from app.trash_error import TrashError
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def process_profile(args, logger):
page = profile_types.get(args.type).get('markdown_doc_name')
logger.debug(f'Using markdown page: {page}')
profiles = guide.profile.parse_markdown(args, logger, guide.profile.get_markdown(page))
# A few false-positive profiles are added sometimes. We filter these out by checking if they
# actually have meaningful data attached to them, such as preferred terms. If they are mostly empty,
# we remove them here.
if args.preview:
sonarr = Sonarr(args, logger)
# If tags were provided, ensure they exist. Tags that do not exist are added first, so that we
# may specify them with the release profile request payload.
tag_ids = []
if args.tags:
tags = sonarr.get_tags()
tags = sonarr.create_missing_tags(tags, args.tags[:])
logger.debug(f'Tags JSON: {tags}')
# Get a list of IDs that we can pass along with the request to update/create release
# profiles
tag_ids = [t['id'] for t in tags if t['label'] in args.tags]
logger.debug(f'Tag IDs: {tag_ids}')
# Obtain all of the existing release profiles first. If any were previously created by our script
# here, we favor replacing those instead of creating new ones, which would just be mostly duplicates
# (but with some differences, since there have likely been updates since the last run).
existing_profiles = sonarr.get_release_profiles()
for name, profile in profiles.items():
type_for_name = profile_types.get(args.type).get('profile_typename')
new_profile_name = f'[Trash] {type_for_name} - {name}'
profile_to_update = guide.utils.find_existing_profile(new_profile_name, existing_profiles)
if profile_to_update:'Updating existing profile: {new_profile_name}')
sonarr.update_existing_profile(profile_to_update, profile, tag_ids)
else:'Creating new profile: {new_profile_name}')
sonarr.create_release_profile(new_profile_name, profile, tag_ids)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def process_quality(args, logger):
guide_definitions = guide.quality.parse_markdown(logger, guide.quality.get_markdown())
if args.type == 'sonarr:hybrid':
hybrid_quality_regex = re.compile(r'720|1080')
anime = guide_definitions.get('sonarr:anime')
nonanime = guide_definitions.get('sonarr:non-anime')
if len(anime) != len(nonanime):
raise TrashError('For some reason the anime and non-anime quality definitions are not the same length')
'Notice: Hybrid only functions on 720/1080 qualities and uses non-anime values for the rest (e.g. 2160)')
hybrid = []
for i in range(len(nonanime)):
left = nonanime[i]
if not[0]):
logger.debug('Ignored Quality: ' + left[0])
right = None
for r in anime:
if r[0] == left[0]:
right = r
if right is None:
raise TrashError(f'Could not find matching anime quality for non-anime quality named: {left[0]}')
hybrid.append((left[0], min(left[1], right[1]), max(left[2], right[2])))
guide_definitions['sonarr:hybrid'] = hybrid
selected_definition = guide_definitions.get(args.type)
if args.preview:
print(f'Updating quality definition using {args.type}')
sonarr = Sonarr(args, logger)
definition = sonarr.get_quality_definition()
sonarr.update_quality_definition(definition, selected_definition)

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
class TrashError(Exception):

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import as anime
from import profile
from pathlib import Path
from tests.mock_logger import MockLogger
@ -12,19 +12,19 @@ def test_parse_markdown_complete_doc():
class args:
strict_negative_scores = False
results = anime.parse_markdown(args, MockLogger(), test_markdown)
results = profile.parse_markdown(args, MockLogger(), test_markdown)
assert len(results) == 1
profile = next(iter(results.values()))
test_profile = next(iter(results.values()))
assert len(profile.ignored) == 2
assert sorted(profile.ignored) == sorted(['term2', 'term3'])
assert len(test_profile.ignored) == 2
assert sorted(test_profile.ignored) == sorted(['term2', 'term3'])
assert len(profile.required) == 1
assert profile.required == ['term4']
assert len(test_profile.required) == 1
assert test_profile.required == ['term4']
assert len(profile.preferred) == 1
assert profile.preferred.get(100) == ['term1']
assert len(test_profile.preferred) == 1
assert test_profile.preferred.get(100) == ['term1']
def test_parse_markdown_strict_negative_scores():
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ xyz
class args:
strict_negative_scores = True
results = anime.parse_markdown(args, MockLogger(), test_markdown)
results = profile.parse_markdown(args, MockLogger(), test_markdown)
assert len(results['Test Release Profile'].required) == 0
assert len(results['Test Release Profile'].ignored) == 1
assert results['Test Release Profile'].ignored[0] == 'abc'

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import pytest
from app.trash_error import TrashError
from app.logic import sonarr as logic
from app import cmd
from tests.mock_logger import MockLogger
class TestSonarrLogic:
logger = MockLogger()
def test_throw_without_required_arguments():
with pytest.raises(TrashError):
args = cmd.setup_and_parse_args(['profile', 'sonarr:anime', '--base-uri', 'value'])
logic.process_profile(args, TestSonarrLogic.logger)

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
import pytest
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from app import cmd
from tests.mock_logger import MockLogger
sys.path.insert(0, Path(__name__).parent.parent)
import trash
class TestEntrypoint:
logger = MockLogger()
def test_throw_without_required_arguments():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
args = cmd.setup_and_parse_args(['profile', 'sonarr:anime', '--base-uri', 'value'])
trash.process_sonarr_profile(args, TestEntrypoint.logger)

@ -1,99 +1,13 @@
import requests
import re
from pathlib import Path
import yaml
from app import guide
from app.api.sonarr import Sonarr
from import anime, utils, quality
from app.logic import sonarr
from app.cmd import setup_and_parse_args
from app.logger import Logger
from app.trash_error import TrashError
def process_sonarr_profile(args, logger):
profiles = anime.parse_markdown(args, logger, anime.get_trash_anime_markdown())
# A few false-positive profiles are added sometimes. We filter these out by checking if they
# actually have meaningful data attached to them, such as preferred terms. If they are mostly empty,
# we remove them here.
if args.preview:
sonarr = Sonarr(args, logger)
# If tags were provided, ensure they exist. Tags that do not exist are added first, so that we
# may specify them with the release profile request payload.
tag_ids = []
if args.tags:
tags = sonarr.get_tags()
tags = sonarr.create_missing_tags(tags, args.tags[:])
logger.debug(f'Tags JSON: {tags}')
# Get a list of IDs that we can pass along with the request to update/create release
# profiles
tag_ids = [t['id'] for t in tags if t['label'] in args.tags]
logger.debug(f'Tag IDs: {tag_ids}')
# Obtain all of the existing release profiles first. If any were previously created by our script
# here, we favor replacing those instead of creating new ones, which would just be mostly duplicates
# (but with some differences, since there have likely been updates since the last run).
existing_profiles = sonarr.get_release_profiles()
for name, profile in profiles.items():
new_profile_name = f'[Trash] Anime - {name}'
profile_to_update = guide.utils.find_existing_profile(new_profile_name, existing_profiles)
if profile_to_update:'Updating existing profile: {new_profile_name}')
sonarr.update_existing_profile(profile_to_update, profile, tag_ids)
else:'Creating new profile: {new_profile_name}')
sonarr.create_release_profile(new_profile_name, profile, tag_ids)
def process_sonarr_quality(args, logger):
guide_definitions = quality.parse_markdown(logger, quality.get_markdown())
if args.type == 'sonarr:hybrid':
hybrid_quality_regex = re.compile(r'720|1080')
anime = guide_definitions.get('sonarr:anime')
nonanime = guide_definitions.get('sonarr:non-anime')
if len(anime) != len(nonanime):
raise RuntimeError('For some reason the anime and non-anime quality definitions are not the same length')'Notice: Hybrid only functions on 720/1080 qualities and uses non-anime values for the rest (e.g. 2160)')
hybrid = []
for i in range(len(nonanime)):
left = nonanime[i]
if not[0]):
logger.debug('Ignored Quality: ' + left[0])
right = None
for r in anime:
if r[0] == left[0]:
right = r
if right is None:
raise RuntimeError(f'Could not find matching anime quality for non-anime quality named: {left[0]}')
hybrid.append((left[0], min(left[1], right[1]), max(left[2], right[2])))
guide_definitions['sonarr:hybrid'] = hybrid
selected_definition = guide_definitions.get(args.type)
if args.preview:
print(f'Updating quality definition using {args.type}')
sonarr = Sonarr(args, logger)
definition = sonarr.get_quality_definition()
sonarr.update_quality_definition(definition, selected_definition)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def load_config(args, logger):
if args.config_file:
config_path = Path(args.config_file)
@ -119,6 +33,7 @@ def load_config(args, logger):
logger.debug('Config file could not be loaded because it does not exist')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def main():
args = setup_and_parse_args()
logger = Logger(args)
@ -127,24 +42,20 @@ def main():
if args.subcommand == 'profile':
if args.type.startswith('sonarr:'):
process_sonarr_profile(args, logger)
sonarr.process_profile(args, logger)
elif args.type.startswith('radarr:'):
raise NotImplementedError('Radarr guide support is not implemented yet')
raise TrashError('Radarr guide support is not implemented yet')
elif args.subcommand == 'quality':
if args.type.startswith('sonarr:'):
process_sonarr_quality(args, logger)
sonarr.process_quality(args, logger)
elif args.type.startswith('radarr:'):
raise NotImplementedError('Radarr quality support is not implemented yet')
raise TrashError('Radarr quality support is not implemented yet')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
if error_msg := Sonarr.get_error_message(e.response):
print(f'Response Message: {error_msg}')
except Exception as e:
except TrashError as e:
print(f'ERROR: {e}')
