refactor: Use better argument handling for git operations

Use array of args instead of string concatenations. Simplifies the logic
and also makes quoting args easier / more portable.
Robert Dailey 2 years ago
parent 81d6d1d70d
commit f16008d225

@ -19,20 +19,32 @@ public sealed class GitRepository : IGitRepository
_gitPath = gitPath;
private async Task RunGitCmd(string args)
private Task RunGitCmd(params string[] args)
return RunGitCmd((ICollection<string>) args);
private async Task RunGitCmd(ICollection<string> args)
_log.Debug("Executing command: git {Args}", args);
var output = new StringBuilder();
var error = new StringBuilder();
var result = await Cli.Wrap(_gitPath.Path)
var cli = Cli.Wrap(_gitPath.Path)
if (_paths.RepoDirectory.Exists)
var workDir = _paths.RepoDirectory.FullName;
_log.Debug("Using working directory: {Dir}", workDir);
cli = cli.WithWorkingDirectory(workDir);
var result = await cli.ExecuteAsync();
_log.Debug("Command Output: {Output}", output.ToString().Trim());
@ -51,34 +63,33 @@ public sealed class GitRepository : IGitRepository
public async Task ForceCheckout(string branch)
await RunGitCmd($"checkout -f {branch}");
await RunGitCmd("checkout", "-f", branch);
public async Task Fetch(string remote = "origin")
await RunGitCmd($"fetch {remote}");
await RunGitCmd("fetch", remote);
public async Task ResetHard(string toBranchOrSha1)
await RunGitCmd($"reset --hard {toBranchOrSha1}");
await RunGitCmd("reset", "--hard", toBranchOrSha1);
public async Task SetRemote(string name, string newUrl)
await RunGitCmd($"remote set-url {name} {newUrl}");
await RunGitCmd("remote", "set-url", name, newUrl);
public async Task Clone(string cloneUrl, string? branch = null)
var args = new StringBuilder("clone");
var args = new List<string> {"clone"};
if (branch is not null)
args.Append($" -b {branch}");
args.AddRange(new[] {"-b", branch});
args.Append($" {cloneUrl} .");
await RunGitCmd(args.ToString());
args.AddRange(new[] {cloneUrl, _paths.RepoDirectory.FullName});
await RunGitCmd(args);
