Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting
You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.
New `--list-terms` command line option which can be used get a list of
terms for a release profile. These lists of terms can be used to include
or exclude specific optionals, for example.
Can be used to quickly and conveniently get a list of release profiles
(and their Trash IDs) so you know what to add in your YAML config under
Previously, Trash Updater would crawl & parse the Trash Guide's markdown
files to obtain information about release profiles. This is complex and
error prone. Thanks to work done by Nitsua, we now have JSON files
available that describe release profiles in a more concise way. These
files are located at `docs/json/sonarr` in the [Trash Guide repo][1].
All of the markdown parsing code has been removed from Trash Updater.
Now, it shares the same git clone of the Trash Guide repository
originally used for Radarr custom formats to access those release
profile JSON files.
BREAKING CHANGE: The old `type:` property for release profiles is
removed in favor of `trash_id:`, which identifies a specific JSON file
to pull data from. Users are required to update their `trash.yml` and
other configuration files to use the new schema. Until changes are made,
users will see errors when they run `trash sonarr` commands.
I observed that when the user specifies an invalid URL to their Radarr
or Sonarr instance (such as forgetting to use the Base URL), it attempts
to redirect by returning HTTP 300. This is now prevented and a warning
is printed to output.
When `IncludeOptionals` was set to false, release profiles with only
optional terms in them would fail to sync to Sonarr because they were
empty. The filter profile logic now considers this config setting and if
set to false, it will ensure that optionals-only release profiles get
filtered out and not pushed to Sonarr.
The Trash sonarr guide was restructured so that optionals were in a
dedicated release profile that had no non-optional terms in it. Logic
was only checking if a profile had non-optional terms in it, and if not,
it got tossed out. Logic now also checks to make sure there are no
optional terms as well.
Code for cloning the repository refactored to handle failures better.
Namely this means deleting the repository and cloning it again if there
is a failure.
Useful in cases where Sonarr or Radarr use HTTPS with a self-signed
certificate. Normally communication with such an instance would fail
since Trash Updater, by default, validates with certificate authorities.
This new setting allows you to disable certificate validation when
communicating with Sonarr or Radarr, avoiding the need to add a
self-signed certificate to your certification store. Use at your own
The Sonarr developers made a backward-breaking API change resulting in
Trash Updater being unable to obtain, create, or update release
profiles. This fix keeps backward compatibility with the previous and
current schema at the cost of additional code complexity.
The specific breakage was in the Ignored and Required properties of the
Release Profile JSON schema. They were converted from string type to
Offending change:
Applies to Windows only. No `PackageReference` explicitly changed since
it's already using wildcard version. So the next release will naturally
have the fix. But it's worth pointing out in the changelog.
A new setting under `quality_profiles` of the custom format listing
named `reset_unmatched_scores` that allows the user to specify if
unmapped scores (those CFs not specified in config) should be reset to 0
during quality profile updates.
Trash has started putting scores in the actual importable JSON data. If
a score is found in the JSON data, that takes precedence over any score
parsed from the guide markdown. The `trash_score` field is not required
for backward compatibility.
There was an ambiguity with one custom format named 'DoVi'. This one had
two custom formats in the guide. The intent was for the user to choose
only one of these, but the name was kept identical so that name appeared
in the filename for media when it was renamed.
This allows the user to choose which of those two they want using the
`trash_id` property.
- Synchronize custom formats to Radarr
- Quality profiles can be assigned scores from the guide
- Deletion support for custom formats removed from config or the guide.
- Caching system for keeping track of Custom Format IDs and Trash IDs to
better support renames, deletions, and other stateful behavior.
- Executable is now compiled using Ready to Run. This increases the size
of the executable but makes the code much faster.
- `src` directory is no longer the cwd
- The matrix build in build.yml now runs on its respective platform to
avoid cross compilation. Cross compiling does not work with the
ReadyToRun optimization on, see:
- publish and zip steps in the workflow have been put in a powershell
script for reusability and to keep the workflow YAML minimal.
Terms marked "optional" (preferred, ignored, and required) are now
separated out from the main list of terms. Right now, any optional terms
are NOT uploaded to Sonarr. In the future, I plan to add ways to
explicitly include optional terms.
The structure for optional terms in the guide is similar to that of
categories. A header OR line within the header section can mention the
word "optional" and that means any code blocks past that point until the
end of the section are treated as optional.
Other changes:
- Delete test trash.yml
- Add new ScopedState class
Used to manage resetting certain parser state between different
sections of the guide (for single code blocks or whole header
A potential score is one where a number between brackets is found (e.g.
[100]) but the word "score" is not before it. A warning is logged to
notify the user of a potential issue with the guide itself.
Other changes:
- `Serilog.Sinks.TestCorrelator` package added to test log output
- New StringUtils class in TestLibrary
- Refactored `Regex.Match()` calls to use new extension method that
allows the match to be directly used as an expression in an `if`
condition while also providing the match object as output.