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using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace Recyclarr.VersionControl;
[SuppressMessage("Design", "CA1068:CancellationToken parameters must come last", Justification =
"Doesn't mix well with `params` (which has to be at the end)")]
public interface IGitRepository : IDisposable
Task ForceCheckout(CancellationToken token, string branch);
Task Fetch(CancellationToken token, string remote = "origin");
Task ResetHard(CancellationToken token, string toBranchOrSha1);
Task SetRemote(CancellationToken token, string name, Uri newUrl);
Task Clone(CancellationToken token, Uri cloneUrl, string? branch = null, int depth = 0);
Task Status(CancellationToken token);