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using System.IO.Abstractions;
using TrashLib.Radarr.Config;
namespace TrashLib.Config.Settings;
public class SettingsPersister : ISettingsPersister
private readonly IResourcePaths _paths;
private readonly ISettingsProvider _settingsProvider;
private readonly IYamlSerializerFactory _serializerFactory;
private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem;
public SettingsPersister(
IResourcePaths paths,
ISettingsProvider settingsProvider,
IYamlSerializerFactory serializerFactory,
IFileSystem fileSystem)
_paths = paths;
_settingsProvider = settingsProvider;
_serializerFactory = serializerFactory;
_fileSystem = fileSystem;
public void Load()
var deserializer = _serializerFactory.CreateDeserializer();
var settings = deserializer.Deserialize<SettingsValues?>(LoadOrCreateSettingsFile()) ?? new SettingsValues();
private string LoadOrCreateSettingsFile()
if (!_fileSystem.File.Exists(_paths.SettingsPath))
return _fileSystem.File.ReadAllText(_paths.SettingsPath);
private void CreateDefaultSettingsFile()
const string fileData =
"# yaml-language-server: $schema=\n" +
"\n" +
"# Edit this file to customize the behavior of Recyclarr beyond its defaults\n" +
"# For the settings file reference guide, visit the link to the wiki below:\n" +
_fileSystem.File.WriteAllText(_paths.SettingsPath, fileData);