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using System.IO.Abstractions;
using Recyclarr.Common.Extensions;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Startup;
using Recyclarr.Yaml;
using YamlDotNet.Core;
namespace Recyclarr.TrashLib.Settings;
public class SettingsProvider : ISettingsProvider
public SettingsValues Settings => _settings.Value;
private readonly ILogger _log;
private readonly IAppPaths _paths;
private readonly Lazy<SettingsValues> _settings;
public SettingsProvider(ILogger log, IAppPaths paths, IYamlSerializerFactory serializerFactory)
_log = log;
_paths = paths;
_settings = new Lazy<SettingsValues>(() => LoadOrCreateSettingsFile(serializerFactory));
private SettingsValues LoadOrCreateSettingsFile(IYamlSerializerFactory serializerFactory)
var yamlPath = _paths.AppDataDirectory.YamlFile("settings");
if (yamlPath is null)
yamlPath = CreateDefaultSettingsFile();
using var stream = yamlPath.OpenText();
var deserializer = serializerFactory.CreateDeserializer();
return deserializer.Deserialize<SettingsValues?>(stream.ReadToEnd()) ?? new SettingsValues();
catch (YamlException e)
_log.Debug(e, "Exception while parsing settings file");
var line = e.Start.Line;
var msg = SettingsContextualMessages.GetContextualErrorFromException(e);
_log.Error("Exception while parsing settings.yml at line {Line}: {Msg}", line, msg);
private IFileInfo CreateDefaultSettingsFile()
const string fileData =
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
# Edit this file to customize the behavior of Recyclarr beyond its defaults
# For the settings file reference guide, visit the link to the wiki below:
var settingsFile = _paths.AppDataDirectory.File("settings.yml");
using var stream = settingsFile.CreateText();
return settingsFile;