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using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.ReleaseProfile;
using Recyclarr.TrashGuide.ReleaseProfile;
using Spectre.Console.Testing;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Tests.Pipelines.ReleaseProfile;
public class ReleaseProfileDataListerTest
[Test, AutoMockData]
public void Release_profiles_appear_in_console_output(
[Frozen(Matching.ImplementedInterfaces)] TestConsole console,
[Frozen] IReleaseProfileGuideService guide,
ReleaseProfileDataLister sut)
var testData = new[]
new ReleaseProfileData {Name = "First", TrashId = "123"},
new ReleaseProfileData {Name = "Second", TrashId = "456"}
testData.SelectMany(x => new[] {x.Name, x.TrashId}));
[Test, AutoMockData]
public void Terms_appear_in_console_output(
[Frozen] IReleaseProfileGuideService guide,
[Frozen(Matching.ImplementedInterfaces)] TestConsole console,
ReleaseProfileDataLister sut)
var requiredData = new[]
new TermData {Name = "First", TrashId = "111", Term = "term1"},
new TermData {Name = "Second", TrashId = "222", Term = "term2"}
var ignoredData = new[]
new TermData {Name = "Third", TrashId = "333", Term = "term3"},
new TermData {Name = "Fourth", TrashId = "444", Term = "term4"}
var preferredData = new[]
new TermData {Name = "Fifth", TrashId = "555", Term = "term5"},
new TermData {Name = "Sixth", TrashId = "666", Term = "term6"}
new ReleaseProfileData
Name = "Release Profile",
TrashId = "098",
Required = requiredData,
Ignored = ignoredData,
Preferred = new PreferredTermData[]
new() {Score = 100, Terms = preferredData}
var expectedOutput = new[]
requiredData.SelectMany(x => new[] {x.Name, x.TrashId}),
ignoredData.SelectMany(x => new[] {x.Name, x.TrashId}),
preferredData.SelectMany(x => new[] {x.Name, x.TrashId})
console.Output.Should().ContainAll(expectedOutput.SelectMany(x => x));