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using Common.Extensions;
using Serilog;
using TrashLib.Radarr.Config;
using TrashLib.Radarr.CustomFormat.Models;
namespace TrashLib.Radarr.CustomFormat.Processors.GuideSteps;
public class ConfigStep : IConfigStep
private readonly ILogger _log;
private readonly List<ProcessedConfigData> _configData = new();
private readonly List<string> _customFormatsNotInGuide = new();
public IReadOnlyCollection<string> CustomFormatsNotInGuide => _customFormatsNotInGuide;
public IReadOnlyCollection<ProcessedConfigData> ConfigData => _configData;
public ConfigStep(ILogger log)
_log = log;
public void Process(
IReadOnlyCollection<ProcessedCustomFormatData> processedCfs,
IReadOnlyCollection<CustomFormatConfig> config)
if (config.SelectMany(x => x.Names).Any())
"`names` list for `custom_formats` is deprecated and will be removed in the future; use " +
"`trash_ids` instead");
foreach (var singleConfig in config)
var validCfs = new List<ProcessedCustomFormatData>();
foreach (var name in singleConfig.Names)
var match = FindCustomFormatByName(processedCfs, name);
if (match == null)
foreach (var trashId in singleConfig.TrashIds)
var match = processedCfs.FirstOrDefault(cf => cf.TrashId.EqualsIgnoreCase(trashId));
if (match == null)
_configData.Add(new ProcessedConfigData
QualityProfiles = singleConfig.QualityProfiles,
CustomFormats = validCfs
.DistinctBy(cf => cf.TrashId, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
private static ProcessedCustomFormatData? FindCustomFormatByName(
IReadOnlyCollection<ProcessedCustomFormatData> processedCfs, string name)
return processedCfs.FirstOrDefault(cf => cf.CacheEntry?.CustomFormatName.EqualsIgnoreCase(name) ?? false)
?? processedCfs.FirstOrDefault(cf => cf.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase(name));