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using System;
using Common;
using LibGit2Sharp;
using VersionControl.Wrappers;
namespace VersionControl;
public class GitRepositoryFactory : IGitRepositoryFactory
private readonly IFileUtilities _fileUtils;
private readonly IRepositoryStaticWrapper _staticWrapper;
private readonly Func<string, IGitRepository> _repoFactory;
public GitRepositoryFactory(
IFileUtilities fileUtils,
IRepositoryStaticWrapper staticWrapper,
Func<string, IGitRepository> repoFactory)
_fileUtils = fileUtils;
_staticWrapper = staticWrapper;
_repoFactory = repoFactory;
public IGitRepository CreateAndCloneIfNeeded(string repoUrl, string repoPath, string branch)
if (!_staticWrapper.IsValid(repoPath))
DeleteAndCloneRepo(repoUrl, repoPath, branch);
return _repoFactory(repoPath);
private void DeleteAndCloneRepo(string repoUrl, string repoPath, string branch)
Console.Write("Requesting and parsing guide markdown ");
using var progress = new ProgressBar();
_staticWrapper.Clone(repoUrl, repoPath, new CloneOptions
RecurseSubmodules = false,
BranchName = branch,
OnTransferProgress = gitProgress =>
// ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure
progress.Report((float) gitProgress.ReceivedObjects / gitProgress.TotalObjects);
return true;