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using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Console;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Console.Settings;
using Recyclarr.Compatibility;
using Recyclarr.Compatibility.Sonarr;
using Recyclarr.Config;
using Recyclarr.Config.Models;
using Recyclarr.ServarrApi.CustomFormat;
using Recyclarr.TrashGuide.CustomFormat;
using Spectre.Console;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Processors.Delete;
public class DeleteCustomFormatsProcessor(
ILogger log,
IAnsiConsole console,
ICustomFormatApiService api,
IConfigurationRegistry configRegistry,
ISonarrCapabilityFetcher sonarCapabilities)
: IDeleteCustomFormatsProcessor
public async Task Process(IDeleteCustomFormatSettings settings)
var config = GetTargetConfig(settings);
await CheckCustomFormatSupport(config);
var cfs = await ObtainCustomFormats(config);
if (!settings.All)
if (settings.CustomFormatNames.Count == 0)
throw new CommandException("Custom format names must be specified if the `--all` option is not used.");
cfs = ProcessManuallySpecifiedFormats(settings, cfs);
if (!cfs.Any())
console.MarkupLine("[yellow]Done[/]: No custom formats found or specified to delete.");
if (settings.Preview)
console.MarkupLine("This is a preview! [u]No actual deletions will be performed.[/]");
if (!settings.Force &&
!console.Confirm("\nAre you sure you want to [bold red]permanently delete[/] the above custom formats?"))
await DeleteCustomFormats(cfs, config);
private async Task CheckCustomFormatSupport(IServiceConfiguration config)
if (config is SonarrConfiguration)
var capabilities = await sonarCapabilities.GetCapabilities(config);
if (!capabilities.SupportsCustomFormats)
throw new ServiceIncompatibilityException("Custom formats are not supported in Sonarr v3");
[SuppressMessage("Design", "CA1031:Do not catch general exception types")]
private async Task DeleteCustomFormats(ICollection<CustomFormatData> cfs, IServiceConfiguration config)
await console.Progress().StartAsync(async ctx =>
var task = ctx.AddTask("Deleting Custom Formats").MaxValue(cfs.Count);
var options = new ParallelOptions {MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 8};
await Parallel.ForEachAsync(cfs, options, async (cf, token) =>
await api.DeleteCustomFormat(config, cf.Id, token);
log.Debug("Deleted {Name}", cf.Name);
catch (Exception e)
log.Debug(e, "Failed to delete CF");
console.WriteLine($"Failed to delete CF: {cf.Name}");
private async Task<IList<CustomFormatData>> ObtainCustomFormats(IServiceConfiguration config)
IList<CustomFormatData> cfs = new List<CustomFormatData>();
await console.Status().StartAsync("Obtaining custom formats...", async _ =>
cfs = await api.GetCustomFormats(config);
return cfs;
private IList<CustomFormatData> ProcessManuallySpecifiedFormats(
IDeleteCustomFormatSettings settings,
IList<CustomFormatData> cfs)
ILookup<bool, (string Name, IEnumerable<CustomFormatData> Cfs)> result = settings.CustomFormatNames
x => x,
x => x.Name,
(x, y) => (Name: x, Cf: y),
.ToLookup(x => x.Cf.Any());
// 'false' means there were no CFs matched to this CF name
if (result[false].Any())
var cfNames = result[false].Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
log.Debug("Unmatched CFs: {Names}", cfNames);
foreach (var name in cfNames)
console.MarkupLineInterpolated($"[yellow]Warning[/]: Unmatched CF Name: [teal]{name}[/]");
// 'true' represents CFs that match names provided in user-input (if provided)
cfs = result[true].SelectMany(x => x.Cfs).ToList();
return cfs;
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "CoVariantArrayConversion")]
private void PrintPreview(ICollection<CustomFormatData> cfs)
console.MarkupLine("The following custom formats will be [bold red]DELETED[/]:");
var cfNames = cfs
.Select(x => x.Name)
.Chunk(Math.Max(15, cfs.Count / 3)) // Minimum row size is 15 for the table
var grid = new Grid().AddColumns(cfNames.Count);
foreach (var rowItems in cfNames.Transpose())
.Select(x => Markup.FromInterpolated($"[bold white]{x}[/]"))
private IServiceConfiguration GetTargetConfig(IDeleteCustomFormatSettings settings)
var configs = configRegistry.FindAndLoadConfigs(new ConfigFilterCriteria
Instances = new[] {settings.InstanceName}
switch (configs.Count)
case 0:
throw new ArgumentException($"No configuration found with name: {settings.InstanceName}");
case > 1:
throw new ArgumentException($"More than one instance found with this name: {settings.InstanceName}");
return configs.Single();