You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

304 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Flurl;
using Flurl.Http;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Serilog;
using Trash.Extensions;
namespace Trash.Sonarr.ReleaseProfile
public class ReleaseProfileGuideParser : IReleaseProfileGuideParser
private readonly Dictionary<ReleaseProfileType, string> _markdownDocNames = new()
{ReleaseProfileType.Anime, "Sonarr-Release-Profile-RegEx-Anime"},
{ReleaseProfileType.Series, "Sonarr-Release-Profile-RegEx"}
private readonly (TermCategory, Regex)[] _regexCategories =
(TermCategory.Required, BuildRegex(@"must contain")),
(TermCategory.Ignored, BuildRegex(@"must not contain")),
(TermCategory.Preferred, BuildRegex(@"preferred"))
private readonly Regex _regexHeader = new(@"^(#+)\s([\w\s\d]+)\s*$", RegexOptions.Compiled);
private readonly Regex _regexHeaderReleaseProfile = BuildRegex(@"release profile");
private readonly Regex _regexPotentialScore = BuildRegex(@"\[(-?[\d]+)\]");
private readonly Regex _regexScore = BuildRegex(@"score.*?\[(-?[\d]+)\]");
public ReleaseProfileGuideParser(ILogger logger)
Log = logger;
private ILogger Log { get; }
public async Task<string> GetMarkdownData(ReleaseProfileType profileName)
return await BuildUrl(profileName).GetStringAsync();
public IDictionary<string, ProfileData> ParseMarkdown(ReleaseProfileConfig config, string markdown)
var results = new Dictionary<string, ProfileData>();
var state = new ParserState();
var reader = new StringReader(markdown);
for (var line = reader.ReadLine(); line != null; line = reader.ReadLine())
if (IsSkippableLine(line))
// Always check if we're starting a fenced code block. Whether we are inside one or not greatly affects
// the logic we use.
if (line.StartsWith("```"))
state.BracketDepth = 1 - state.BracketDepth;
// Not inside brackets
if (state.BracketDepth == 0)
ParseMarkdownOutsideFence(line, state, results);
// Inside brackets
else if (state.BracketDepth == 1)
if (!state.IsValid)
Log.Debug(" - !! Inside bracket with invalid state; skipping! " +
"[Profile Name: {ProfileName}] " +
"[Category: {Category}] " + "[Score: {Score}] " + "[Line: {Line}] ",
state.CurrentCategory, state.Score, line);
ParseMarkdownInsideFence(config, line, state, results);
return results;
private bool IsSkippableLine(string line)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
return true;
// Skip lines with leading whitespace (i.e. indentation).
// These lines will almost always be `!!! attention` blocks of some kind and won't contain useful data.
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(line, 0))
Log.Debug(" - Skip Indented Line: {Line}", line);
return true;
// Lines that begin with `???` or `!!!` are admonition syntax (extended markdown supported by Python)
if (line.StartsWith("!!!") || line.StartsWith("???"))
Log.Debug(" - Skip Admonition: {Line}", line);
return true;
return false;
private static Regex BuildRegex(string regex)
return new(regex, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
private Url BuildUrl(ReleaseProfileType profileName)
return "".AppendPathSegment(
private void ParseMarkdownInsideFence(ReleaseProfileConfig config, string line, ParserState state,
IDictionary<string, ProfileData> results)
// ProfileName is verified for validity prior to this method being invoked.
// The actual check occurs in the call to ParserState.IsValid.
var profile = results.GetOrCreate(state.ProfileName!);
// Sometimes a comma is present at the end of these lines, because when it's
// pasted into Sonarr it acts as a delimiter. However, when using them with the
// API we do not need them.
line = line.TrimEnd(',');
switch (state.CurrentCategory)
case TermCategory.Preferred:
Log.Debug(" + Capture Term " + "[Category: {CurrentCategory}] " + "[Score: {Score}] " +
"[Strict: {StrictNegativeScores}] " + "[Term: {Line}]", state.CurrentCategory,
config.StrictNegativeScores, line);
if (config.StrictNegativeScores && state.Score < 0)
// Score is already checked for null prior to the method being invoked.
var prefList = profile.Preferred.GetOrCreate(state.Score!.Value);
case TermCategory.Ignored:
Log.Debug(" + Capture Term [Category: {Category}] [Term: {Line}]", state.CurrentCategory, line);
case TermCategory.Required:
Log.Debug(" + Capture Term [Category: {Category}] [Term: {Line}]", state.CurrentCategory, line);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Unknown term category: {state.CurrentCategory}");
private void ParseMarkdownOutsideFence(string line, ParserState state, IDictionary<string, ProfileData> results)
// ReSharper disable once InlineOutVariableDeclaration
Match match;
// Header Processing
if (_regexHeader.Match(line, out match))
var headerDepth = match.Groups[1].Length;
var headerText = match.Groups[2].Value;
Log.Debug("> Parsing Header [Text: {HeaderText}] [Depth: {HeaderDepth}]", headerText, headerDepth);
// Profile name (always reset previous state here)
if (_regexHeaderReleaseProfile.Match(headerText).Success)
state.ProfileName = headerText;
state.CurrentHeaderDepth = headerDepth;
Log.Debug(" - New Profile [Text: {HeaderText}]", headerText);
if (headerDepth <= state.CurrentHeaderDepth)
Log.Debug(" - !! Non-nested, non-profile header found; resetting all state");
// Until we find a header that defines a profile, we don't care about anything under it.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.ProfileName))
var profile = results.GetOrCreate(state.ProfileName);
if (line.ContainsIgnoreCase("include preferred"))
profile.IncludePreferredWhenRenaming = !line.ContainsIgnoreCase("not");
Log.Debug(" - 'Include Preferred' found [Value: {IncludePreferredWhenRenaming}] [Line: {Line}]",
profile.IncludePreferredWhenRenaming, line);
// Either we have a nested header or normal line at this point.
// We need to check if we're defining a new category.
var category = ParseCategory(line);
if (category != null)
state.CurrentCategory = category.Value;
Log.Debug(" - Category Set [Name: {Category}] [Line: {Line}]", category, line);
// The category and score are sometimes in the same sentence (line); continue processing the line!
// return;
if (_regexScore.Match(line, out match))
state.Score = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
Log.Debug(" - Score [Value: {Score}]", state.Score);
else if (_regexPotentialScore.Match(line, out match))
Log.Warning("Found a potential score on line #{Line} that will be ignored because the " +
"word 'score' is missing (This is probably a bug in the guide itself): {ScoreMatch}",
state.LineNumber, match.Groups[0].Value);
private TermCategory? ParseCategory(string line)
foreach (var (category, regex) in _regexCategories)
if (regex.Match(line).Success)
return category;
return null;
private enum TermCategory
private class ParserState
public ParserState()
public string? ProfileName { get; set; }
public int? Score { get; set; }
public TermCategory CurrentCategory { get; set; }
public int BracketDepth { get; set; }
public int CurrentHeaderDepth { get; set; }
public int LineNumber { get; set; }
public bool IsValid => ProfileName != null && (CurrentCategory != TermCategory.Preferred || Score != null);
public void Reset()
ProfileName = null;
Score = null;
CurrentCategory = TermCategory.Preferred;
BracketDepth = 0;
CurrentHeaderDepth = -1;