You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
280 lines
12 KiB
280 lines
12 KiB
import requests
import re
import json
from collections import defaultdict
import argparse
# from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from packaging import version # pip install packaging
# Argparse setup
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Automatically mirror TRaSH guides to your *darr instance.')
argparser.add_argument('--preview', help='Only display the processed markdown results and nothing else.',
argparser.add_argument('--debug', help='Display additional logs useful for development/debug purposes',
argparser.add_argument('base_uri', help='The base URL for your Sonarr instance, for example `http://localhost:8989`.')
argparser.add_argument('api_key', help='Your API key.')
args = argparser.parse_args()
Filter = Enum('FilterType', 'Preferred Required Ignored')
header_regex = re.compile(r'^(#+)\s([\w\s\d]+)\s*$')
score_regex = re.compile(r'score.*?\[([-\d]+)\]')
# included_preferred_regex = re.compile(r'include preferred', re.IGNORECASE)
# not_regex = re.compile(r'not', re.IGNORECASE)
filter_regexes = (
(Filter.Ignored, re.compile(r'must not contain', re.IGNORECASE)),
(Filter.Preferred, re.compile(r'preferred', re.IGNORECASE)),
base_uri = f'{args.base_uri}/api/v3'
key = f'?apikey={args.api_key}'
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_trash_anime_markdown():
trash_anime_markdown_url = ''
response = requests.get(trash_anime_markdown_url)
return response.content.decode('utf8')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_filter(line):
for rx in filter_regexes:
if rx[1].search(line):
return rx[0]
return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def debug_print(text):
if args.debug:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ProfileData:
def __init__(self):
self.preferred = defaultdict(list)
self.required = []
self.ignored = []
# We use 'none' here to represent no explicit mention of the "include preferred" string
# found in the markdown. We use this to control whether or not the corresponding profile
# section gets printed in the first place.
self.include_preferred_when_renaming = None
def parse_markdown(markdown_content):
class state:
results = defaultdict(ProfileData)
profile_name = None
score = None
filter = None
bracket_depth = 0
for line in markdown_content.splitlines():
# Header processing
if match :=
header_depth = len(
header_text =
# Profile name (always reset previous state here)
if header_depth == 3:
state.score = None
state.filter = Filter.Preferred
state.profile_name = header_text
debug_print(f'New Profile: {header_text}')
# Filter type for provided regexes
elif header_depth == 4:
state.filter = parse_filter(header_text)
if state.filter:
debug_print(f' Filter Set: {state.filter}')
# Lines we always look for
elif line.startswith('```'):
state.bracket_depth = 1 - state.bracket_depth
# Filter-based line processing
elif state.profile_name:
profile = state.results[state.profile_name]
lower_line = line.lower()
if 'include preferred' in lower_line:
profile.include_preferred_when_renaming = 'not' not in lower_line
debug_print(f' Include preferred found: {profile.include_preferred_when_renaming}, {lower_line}')
elif state.filter == Filter.Preferred:
if match :=
# bracket_depth = 0
state.score = int(
elif state.bracket_depth:
if state.score is not None:
debug_print(f' [Preferred] Score: {state.score}, Term: {line}')
elif state.filter == Filter.Ignored:
if state.bracket_depth:
# Sometimes a comma is present at the end of these regexes, because when it's
# pasted into Sonarr it acts as a delimiter. However, when using them with the
# API we do not need them.
return state.results
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def filter_profiles(profiles):
for name in list(profiles.keys()):
profile = profiles[name]
if not len(profile.required) and not len(profile.ignored) and not len(profile.preferred):
del profiles[name]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def print_terms_and_scores(profiles):
for name, profile in profiles.items():
if profile.include_preferred_when_renaming is not None:
print(' Include Preferred when Renaming?')
print(' ' + ('CHECKED' if profile.include_preferred_when_renaming else 'NOT CHECKED'))
if len(profile.required):
print(' Must Contain:')
for term in profile.required:
print(f' {term}')
if len(profile.ignored):
print(' Must Not Contain:')
for term in profile.ignored:
print(f' {term}')
if len(profile.preferred):
print(' Preferred:')
for score, terms in profile.preferred.items():
for term in terms:
print(f' {score:<10} {term}')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def success_status_code(response):
return response.status_code >= 200 and response.status_code < 300
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_error_message(response: requests.Response):
response_body = json.dumps(response.content.decode('utf8'))
if type(response_body) is list and len(response_body) > 0:
return response[0]['errorMessage']
return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def sonarr_request(method, endpoint, data=None):
dispatch = {
'put': requests.put,
'get': requests.get,
complete_uri = base_uri + endpoint + key
r = dispatch.get(method)(complete_uri, json.dumps(data))
return json.loads(r.content)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def sonarr_get_version():
body = sonarr_request('get', '/system/status')
return version.parse(body['version'])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def sonarr_create_release_profile(profile_name: str, profile: ProfileData):
json_preferred = []
for score, terms in profile.preferred.items():
for term in terms:
json_preferred.append({"key": term, "value": score})
data = {
'name': profile_name,
'enabled': True,
'required': ','.join(profile.required),
'ignored': ','.join(profile.ignored),
'preferred': json_preferred,
'includePreferredWhenRenaming': profile.include_preferred_when_renaming,
'tags': [],
'indexerId': 0
sonarr_request('post', '/releaseprofile', data)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def sonarr_get_release_profiles():
return sonarr_request('get', '/releaseprofile')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def find_existing_profile(profile_name, existing_profiles):
for p in existing_profiles:
if p.get('name') == new_profile_name:
return p
return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def sonarr_update_existing_profile(existing_profile, profile):
profile_id = existing_profile['id']
debug_print(f'update existing profile with id {profile_id}')
# Create the release profile
json_preferred = []
for score, terms in profile.preferred.items():
for term in terms:
json_preferred.append({"key": term, "value": score})
existing_profile['required'] = ','.join(profile.required)
existing_profile['ignored'] = ','.join(profile.ignored)
existing_profile['preferred'] = json_preferred
existing_profile['includePreferredWhenRenaming'] = profile.include_preferred_when_renaming
sonarr_request('put', f'/releaseprofile/{profile_id}', existing_profile)
profiles = parse_markdown(get_trash_anime_markdown())
# A few false-positive profiles are added sometimes. We filter these out by checking if they
# actually have meaningful data attached to them, such as preferred terms. If they are mostly empty,
# we remove them here.
if args.preview:
# Since this script requires a specific version of v3 Sonarr that implements name support for
# release profiles, we perform that version check here and bail out if it does not meet a minimum
# required version.
minimum_version = version.parse('')
version = sonarr_get_version()
if version < minimum_version:
print(f'ERROR: Your Sonarr version ({version}) does not meet the minimum required version of {minimum_version} to use this script.')
# Obtain all of the existing release profiles first. If any were previously created by our script
# here, we favor replacing those instead of creating new ones, which would just be mostly duplicates
# (but with some differences, since there have likely been updates since the last run).
existing_profiles = sonarr_get_release_profiles()
for name, profile in profiles.items():
new_profile_name = f'[Trash] Anime - {name}'
profile_to_update = find_existing_profile(new_profile_name, existing_profiles)
if profile_to_update:
print(f'Updating existing profile: {new_profile_name}')
sonarr_update_existing_profile(profile_to_update, profile)
print(f'Creating new profile: {new_profile_name}')
sonarr_create_release_profile(new_profile_name, profile)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
if error_msg := get_error_message(e.response):
print(f'Response Message: {error_msg}')