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using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Services;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases;
public class QualityProfileApiPersistencePhase
private readonly ILogger _log;
private readonly IQualityProfileService _api;
public QualityProfileApiPersistencePhase(ILogger log, IQualityProfileService api)
_log = log;
_api = api;
public async Task Execute(IServiceConfiguration config, QualityProfileTransactionData transactions)
var profilesToUpdate = transactions.UpdatedProfiles.Select(x => x.UpdatedProfile with
FormatItems = x.UpdatedScores.Select(y => y.Dto with {Score = y.NewScore}).ToList()
foreach (var profile in profilesToUpdate)
await _api.UpdateQualityProfile(config, profile);
private void LogQualityProfileUpdates(QualityProfileTransactionData transactions)
var updatedScores = transactions.UpdatedProfiles
.Select(x => (
ProfileName: x.UpdatedProfile.Name,
Scores: x.UpdatedScores
.Where(y => y.Reason != FormatScoreUpdateReason.New && y.Dto.Score != y.NewScore)
.Where(x => x.Scores.Any())
if (updatedScores.Count > 0)
foreach (var (profileName, scores) in updatedScores)
_log.Debug("> Scores updated for quality profile: {ProfileName}", profileName);
foreach (var (dto, newScore, reason) in scores)
_log.Debug(" - {Format} ({Id}): {OldScore} -> {NewScore} ({Reason})",
dto.Name, dto.Format, dto.Score, newScore, reason);
_log.Information("Updated {ProfileCount} profiles and a total of {ScoreCount} scores",
updatedScores.Sum(s => s.Scores.Count));
_log.Information("All quality profile scores are already up to date!");
if (transactions.InvalidProfileNames.Count > 0)
_log.Warning("The following quality profile names are not valid and should either be " +
"removed or renamed in your YAML config");
_log.Warning("{QualityProfileNames}", transactions.InvalidProfileNames);