You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

75 lines
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using System.IO.Abstractions;
using Common.Extensions;
using Common.FluentValidation;
using MoreLinq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Serilog;
namespace TrashLib.Sonarr.ReleaseProfile.Guide;
public class LocalRepoReleaseProfileJsonParser : ISonarrGuideService
private readonly IFileSystem _fs;
private readonly IAppPaths _paths;
private readonly ILogger _log;
private readonly Lazy<IEnumerable<ReleaseProfileData>> _data;
public LocalRepoReleaseProfileJsonParser(IFileSystem fs, IAppPaths paths, ILogger log)
_fs = fs;
_paths = paths;
_log = log;
_data = new Lazy<IEnumerable<ReleaseProfileData>>(GetReleaseProfileDataImpl);
private IEnumerable<ReleaseProfileData> GetReleaseProfileDataImpl()
var converter = new TermDataConverter();
var jsonDir = _fs.Path.Combine(_paths.RepoDirectory, "docs/json/sonarr");
var tasks = _fs.Directory.GetFiles(jsonDir, "*.json")
.Select(f => LoadAndParseFile(f, converter));
return Task.WhenAll(tasks).Result
// Make non-nullable type and filter out null values
.Choose(x => x is not null ? (true, x) : default);
private async Task<ReleaseProfileData?> LoadAndParseFile(string file, params JsonConverter[] converters)
var json = await _fs.File.ReadAllTextAsync(file);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ReleaseProfileData>(json, converters);
catch (JsonException e)
HandleJsonException(e, file);
catch (AggregateException ae) when (ae.InnerException is JsonException e)
HandleJsonException(e, file);
return null;
private void HandleJsonException(JsonException exception, string file)
"Failed to parse Sonarr JSON file (This likely indicates a bug that should be " +
"reported in the TRaSH repo): {File}", _fs.Path.GetFileName(file));
public ReleaseProfileData? GetUnfilteredProfileById(string trashId)
return _data.Value.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TrashId.EqualsIgnoreCase(trashId));
public IReadOnlyCollection<ReleaseProfileData> GetReleaseProfileData()
return _data.Value
.IsValid(new ReleaseProfileDataValidator())