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using FluentValidation;
using Recyclarr.Common.Extensions;
using Recyclarr.Common.FluentValidation;
namespace Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Parsing;
public class ServiceConfigYamlValidator : AbstractValidator<ServiceConfigYaml>
public ServiceConfigYamlValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.BaseUrl).Cascade(CascadeMode.Stop)
.NotEmpty().Must(x => x!.StartsWith("http"))
.WithMessage("{PropertyName} must start with 'http' or 'https'")
// RuleFor(x => x.BaseUrl)
// .When(x => x.BaseUrl is {Length: > 0}, ApplyConditionTo.CurrentValidator)
// .WithMessage("{PropertyName} must start with 'http' or 'https'");
RuleFor(x => x.ApiKey).NotEmpty().WithName("api_key");
RuleFor(x => x.CustomFormats)
.NotEmpty().When(x => x.CustomFormats is not null)
.ForEach(x => x.SetValidator(new CustomFormatConfigYamlValidator()))
RuleFor(x => x.QualityDefinition)
.SetNonNullableValidator(new QualitySizeConfigYamlValidator());
RuleFor(x => x.QualityProfiles).NotEmpty()
.When(x => x.QualityProfiles != null)
.ForEach(x => x.SetValidator(new QualityProfileConfigYamlValidator()));
public class CustomFormatConfigYamlValidator : AbstractValidator<CustomFormatConfigYaml>
public CustomFormatConfigYamlValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.TrashIds).NotEmpty()
.When(x => x.TrashIds is not null)
.ForEach(x => x.Length(32).Matches(@"^[0-9a-fA-F]+$"));
RuleForEach(x => x.QualityProfiles).NotEmpty()
.When(x => x.QualityProfiles is not null)
.SetValidator(new QualityScoreConfigYamlValidator());
public class QualityScoreConfigYamlValidator : AbstractValidator<QualityScoreConfigYaml>
public QualityScoreConfigYamlValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.Name).NotEmpty()
.WithMessage("'name' is required for elements under 'quality_profiles'");
public class QualitySizeConfigYamlValidator : AbstractValidator<QualitySizeConfigYaml>
public QualitySizeConfigYamlValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.Type).NotEmpty()
.WithMessage("'type' is required for 'quality_definition'");
RuleFor(x => x.PreferredRatio).InclusiveBetween(0, 1)
.When(x => x.PreferredRatio is not null)
public class QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYamlValidator : AbstractValidator<QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYaml>
public QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYamlValidator(QualityProfileConfigYaml config)
RuleFor(x => x.Allowed)
$"For profile {config.Name}, 'allowed' under 'upgrade' is required. " +
$"If you don't want Recyclarr to manage upgrades, delete the whole 'upgrade' block.");
RuleFor(x => x.UntilQuality)
.When(x => x.Allowed is true && config.Qualities is not null)
$"For profile {config.Name}, 'until_quality' is required when 'allowed' is set to 'true' and " +
$"an explicit 'qualities' list is provided.");
public class QualityProfileConfigYamlValidator : AbstractValidator<QualityProfileConfigYaml>
public QualityProfileConfigYamlValidator()
ClassLevelCascadeMode = CascadeMode.Stop;
RuleLevelCascadeMode = CascadeMode.Stop;
RuleFor(x => x.Name)
.WithMessage(x => $"For profile {x.Name}, 'name' is required for root-level 'quality_profiles' elements");
RuleFor(x => x.Upgrade)
.SetNonNullableValidator(x => new QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYamlValidator(x));
RuleFor(x => x.Qualities)
.Must(x => x!.Any(y => y.Enabled is true or null))
.WithMessage(x =>
$"For profile {x.Name}, at least one explicitly listed quality under 'qualities' must be enabled.")
.When(x => x is {Qualities.Count: > 0});
RuleFor(x => x.Qualities)
.Must((o, x) => !x!
.Where(y => y.Qualities is not null)
.SelectMany(y => y.Qualities!)
.Contains(o.Upgrade!.UntilQuality, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
.WithMessage(o =>
$"For profile {o.Name}, 'until_quality' must not refer to qualities contained within groups")
.Must((o, x) => !x!
.Where(y => y is {Enabled: false, Name: not null})
.Select(y => y.Name!)
.Contains(o.Upgrade!.UntilQuality, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
.WithMessage(o =>
$"For profile {o.Name}, 'until_quality' must not refer to explicitly disabled qualities")
.Must((o, x) => x!
.Select(y => y.Name)
.Contains(o.Upgrade!.UntilQuality, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
.WithMessage(o =>
$"For profile {o.Name}, 'qualities' must contain the quality mentioned in 'until_quality', " +
$"which is '{o.Upgrade!.UntilQuality}'")
.When(x => x is {Upgrade.Allowed: not false, Qualities.Count: > 0});
private static void ValidateHaveNoDuplicates(
IReadOnlyCollection<QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml> qualities,
ValidationContext<QualityProfileConfigYaml> context)
var dupes = qualities
.Select(x => x.Name)
.Concat(qualities.Where(x => x.Qualities is not null).SelectMany(x => x.Qualities!))
.GroupBy(x => x)
.Select(x => x.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault())
foreach (var dupe in dupes)
var x = context.InstanceToValidate;
$"For profile {x.Name}, 'qualities' contains duplicates for quality '{dupe}'");
public class RadarrConfigYamlValidator : CustomValidator<RadarrConfigYaml>
public RadarrConfigYamlValidator()
Include(new ServiceConfigYamlValidator());
public class SonarrConfigYamlValidator : CustomValidator<SonarrConfigYaml>
public SonarrConfigYamlValidator()
Include(new ServiceConfigYamlValidator());
RuleFor(x => x)
.Must(x => OnlyOneHasElements(x.ReleaseProfiles, x.CustomFormats))
.WithMessage("`custom_formats` and `release_profiles` may not be used together");
RuleForEach(x => x.ReleaseProfiles).SetValidator(new ReleaseProfileConfigYamlValidator());
public class ReleaseProfileConfigYamlValidator : CustomValidator<ReleaseProfileConfigYaml>
public ReleaseProfileConfigYamlValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.TrashIds).NotEmpty()
.WithMessage("'trash_ids' is required for 'release_profiles' elements");
RuleFor(x => x.Filter)
.SetNonNullableValidator(new ReleaseProfileFilterConfigYamlValidator());
public class ReleaseProfileFilterConfigYamlValidator : CustomValidator<ReleaseProfileFilterConfigYaml>
public ReleaseProfileFilterConfigYamlValidator()
// Include & Exclude may not be used together
RuleFor(x => x)
.Must(x => OnlyOneHasElements(x.Include, x.Exclude))
.WithMessage("'include' and 'exclude' may not be used together")
.DependentRules(() =>
RuleFor(x => x.Include).NotEmpty()
.When(x => x.Include is not null)
.WithMessage("'include' under 'filter' must have at least 1 Trash ID");
RuleFor(x => x.Exclude).NotEmpty()
.When(x => x.Exclude is not null)
.WithMessage("'exclude' under 'filter' must have at least 1 Trash ID");
public class RootConfigYamlValidator : CustomValidator<RootConfigYaml>
public RootConfigYamlValidator()
RuleForEach(x => x.RadarrValues).SetValidator(new RadarrConfigYamlValidator());
RuleForEach(x => x.SonarrValues).SetValidator(new SonarrConfigYamlValidator());