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using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Services;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Services.CustomFormat.Models;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Services.CustomFormat.Models.Cache;
namespace Recyclarr.TrashLib.Services.CustomFormat.Processors.GuideSteps;
public class CustomFormatStep : ICustomFormatStep
private readonly List<ProcessedCustomFormatData> _processedCustomFormats = new();
private readonly List<TrashIdMapping> _deletedCustomFormatsInCache = new();
public IReadOnlyCollection<ProcessedCustomFormatData> ProcessedCustomFormats => _processedCustomFormats;
public IReadOnlyCollection<TrashIdMapping> DeletedCustomFormatsInCache => _deletedCustomFormatsInCache;
public void Process(
IList<CustomFormatData> customFormatGuideData,
IReadOnlyCollection<CustomFormatConfig> config,
CustomFormatCache? cache)
var processedCfs = customFormatGuideData
.Select(cf => ProcessCustomFormatData(cf, cache))
// For each ID listed under the `trash_ids` YML property, match it to an existing CF
.SelectMany(c => c.TrashIds)
id => id,
cf => cf.TrashId,
(_, cf) => cf,
// Orphaned entries in cache represent custom formats we need to delete.
private static ProcessedCustomFormatData ProcessCustomFormatData(CustomFormatData cf,
CustomFormatCache? cache)
var map = cache?.TrashIdMappings.FirstOrDefault(c => c.TrashId == cf.TrashId);
return new ProcessedCustomFormatData(cf)
FormatId = map?.CustomFormatId ?? 0
private void ProcessDeletedCustomFormats(CustomFormatCache? cache)
if (cache == null)
// Delete if CF is in cache and not in the guide or config
cache.TrashIdMappings.Where(map => ProcessedCustomFormats.All(cf => cf.TrashId != map.TrashId)));