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@using Recyclarr.Pages.Main
@* <Blazorise.ThemeProvider Theme="@Theme"> *@
<Router AppAssembly="@typeof(Program).Assembly" PreferExactMatches="@true">
<Found Context="routeData">
<RouteView RouteData="@routeData" DefaultLayout="@typeof(MainLayout)" />
<LayoutView Layout="@typeof(MainLayout)">
<p>Sorry, there's nothing at this address.</p>
@* </Blazorise.ThemeProvider> *@
private Theme Theme { get; } = new()
BarOptions = new ThemeBarOptions
HorizontalHeight = "64px"
BreakpointOptions = new ThemeBreakpointOptions(),
ColorOptions = new ThemeColorOptions
Primary = "#0288D1"
// Secondary = "#A65529",
// Success = "#23C02E",
// Info = "#9BD8FE",
// Warning = "#F8B86C",
// Danger = "#F95741",
// Light = "#F0F0F0",
// Dark = "#535353",
// BackgroundOptions = new ThemeBackgroundOptions
// {
// Primary = "#2b2b2b",
// Secondary = "#454545",
// Body = "#000000",
// Danger = "",
// Dark = "#2b2b2b",
// Info = "",
// Light = "",
// Muted = "",
// Success = "",
// Warning = "",
// },
TextColorOptions = new ThemeTextColorOptions(),
// ButtonOptions = new ThemeButtonOptions { },
//DropdownOptions = new ThemeDropdownOptions { },
InputOptions = new ThemeInputOptions
CheckColor = "#0288D1"
//CardOptions = new ThemeCardOptions { },
//ModalOptions = new ThemeModalOptions { },
//TabsOptions = new ThemeTabsOptions { },
//ProgressOptions = new ThemeProgressOptions { },
//AlertOptions = new ThemeAlertOptions { },
//BreadcrumbOptions = new ThemeBreadcrumbOptions { },
//BadgeOptions = new ThemeBadgeOptions { },
//PaginationOptions = new ThemePaginationOptions { },
//TooltipOptions = new ThemeTooltipOptions
// BackgroundColor = "#22c8ce",
// BackgroundOpacity = .7f,
// Color = "#ff0000",